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The 12th Commandment

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Everything posted by The 12th Commandment

  1. Their economy isn't in good shape. They're bleeding badly over real estate. Unemployment is high. Manufacturing for trade has to be something that would be very painful for them to give up. If it makes them think twice, along with all the other reasons to think twice, about acting belligerently that's good.
  2. Doesn't making China dependent on that sweet, sweet moola that we provide (and our dependence on stuff) go at least some of the way towards preventing altercations?
  3. Elli in her hoodie, sunning herself and trying to ignore the paparazzi.
  4. https://www.pfaenderbahn.at/de/ The one where Jaws and Bond were duking it out and Jaws bit the cable. Really neat zoo at the top. I enjoyed that day. Lake Constance and surrounding area is beautiful.
  5. Yessir. We went to rewatch the first season when we realized the spiral and the Alaska connection with Cohle (McConaughey's character).
  6. I think she's banking on Trump being declared ineligible to run. Only take that makes sense.
  7. Boss, when used by some tradesman who's about to bend me over.
  8. Agreed, enjoy it a lot. SOA was also enjoyable until the final season. Anything with this on it
  9. Remembering the fools wearing SOA gear that weren't bikers. The two shows are remarkably similar in their over-the-topedness.
  10. I see the tent cities and parking lots full of homeless that have sprung up in the last ten years or so, just in my little city in the middle of nowhere, and I have to think many, many people do understand. Thank heavens I don't.
  11. I absolutely love AI and I'm also absolutely terrified by it. That is uncanny valley exemplified.
  12. Different pastas for different sauces. They are designed that way by Italian pasta engineers.
  13. If you were blind and just listening the Cruise Reacher would be really good. But the fact is, the character in the book IS a hulking beast of a man. It's front and center of who the character is. And Cruise, visually, fails badly exuding the sense of menace the character requires. I'll grant you the writing seems to have slipped some this season too.
  14. Don't care for the tumbleweed farm behind my house but every now and again it provides me a benefit. About five of them floating around this morning. This is right over my back wall. Beautiful sight!
  15. They arrived on time. Considering what it cost to fly those bad boys across the country they damn well should have. But they did come with a free scoop <doh>. Looking forward to cooking them up.
  16. I think they have Reacher talking more than he did in the first season and it's to the shows detriment. This cat looks a whole lot more like Reacher than midget Cruise but he's not the best actor in the world. If he keeps his mouth shut, like the character in the book, it works better. Still, like the show.
  17. Agreed. Time better spent. Just to note, if you don't put down at least 20%, which then triggers PMI, they require you to go escrow.
  18. There's an incredible selection out there this year. Not sure I would like to see a retread, in particular the older ones, but it has to be making for some interesting ownership meetings.
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