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The 12th Commandment

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Everything posted by The 12th Commandment

  1. My clam sauce is just about done. I love when recipes call for a half cup of wine. Yay, rest of the bottle for me!
  2. Stuff is a like a weed in my backyard. Stays green all year. Volunteers everywhere from letting it go to seed (the butterflies love it ).
  3. Chocolate chip is definitely a 1 seed and the favorite to win out.
  4. I've been jonesing for some linguine and clams. I believe you've pushed me over the edge. My parsley is starting to come in already too. Store tomorrow for the rest of the goods.
  5. Getting high on a variety of dope so good it's famous throughout the universe is pretty cool.
  6. Seconded. It was amazing. Can't wait for three. They could really go long with this too. There is all kind of wonderful material in the books.
  7. I was shocked that the Dune popcorn bucket doesn't come with a punch out hole in the bottom.
  8. Yup, I can drive an hour and a half and get all the winter I want. Then go back home and have a drink on my patio. The reasons to live in the DC area are many, the weather isn't typically one of them.
  9. People who have seasons where they live always say that.
  10. MAGA, from the get go, and the tea party before that, has been a protracted, petulant tantrum by the old guard power structure trying to claw back a little of their righteous hatefulness after society started normalizing same sex marriage and recognizing that blacks and other minorities really were being treated unfairly. The death rattle will not be pretty.
  11. Seema like it'd be a pretty good Joker contraption. Or a Bond villain. 10,000 miles an hour inside a circular vacuum chamber the size of the statue of Liberty. Hell of a ride.
  12. Went driving around out by the spaceport the other day and saw the Spin-Launch centrifugal launcher. Pretty cool, thing is enormous. Slings satellites into orbit using electricity. Couldn't get close enough for a proper picture. Exciting tech.
  13. Straight out of Breaking Bad. Huge scandal going on up there in Albucrackie. https://www.abqjournal.com/news/man-details-encounters-with-officer-and-law-firm-implicated-in-dwi-corruption-probe/article_2e279c08-d1c6-11ee-9c14-3b1fc8bfc956.html#tncms-source=home-featured-7-block -more at link
  14. They usually have more than one zygote for an IVF procedure. What to do with those teensy weensie little rug rats that are left over.
  15. Imagine looking at yourself in the mirror every day sporting that ridiculous stache. Holy Mother of God that looks stupid.
  16. I'd give one love a B-. There's a documentary on one of the streaming services that is much better. It was such a short period of time they represented in the movie and missed out on some of the most interesting developments in his career/life. Plus that guy really doesn't look or sound like Marley. It was off putting to me.
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