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Everything posted by Metalhead

  1. Just got back from seeing Thor Ragnarok...JUST WOW. A full-on blast of fun and entertainment! And I mean true entertainment, as in what a movie theatre experience should strive to be. It was hilarious, brilliant non-stop action, great character interaction, great camera shots, great editing. The crowd was clapping at the end and the audience was buzzing throughout the credits. I go to the theatre at least 18 times a year (including opening nights) and I've never seen a response like this.
  2. I wonder if the new trailer will be in front of Thor tonight? Actually any of the three trailers will be just fine. That's a LOT of brokeback! Likely too much for any young padawan to handle.
  3. Just saw this hilarious comment on TheHill article about Papadopoulos: "...he (Papa) is singing Mueller to sleep every night."
  4. This is glorious. All of the timelines falling in place, the dates of twitter-storm diversions, Pappa P's arrest back in July...I might have to leave work just so I can keep up!
  5. Eagle 5: A Lone Starr War Story Wait, get Mel Brooks on line quick!
  6. I was kinda hoping for a title like "Smuggler's Luck", something a little more creative.
  7. All very good points. I was stuck on the subservience aspect, as you said. I was leaning toward Biden at the top. No matter, that ticket really would make for some dynamic discussion, realignments, and gridlocks...but we would have leadership and integrity in the White House.
  8. Putting the ticket together So, will it be Biden/Kasich 2020 or Kasich/Biden 2020?
  9. That would be neat. I've always hoped for a Neill Blomkamp flick, have it centered around HK-47 or IG-88. Hell, have both! Just bad-a$$ robot bounty hunters terrorizing the hyperlanes.
  10. I'm with you on this. Abrams is a hack that relies on camera tricks and relentless loose threads ("mystery boxes") to keep viewers. If Abrams writes nothing and Rian Johnson is still writing the core treatment for IX as originally planned, then I can tolerate bringing him back.
  11. Saw the 40th Anni. of Close Encounters on saturday. I never realised how loud and unnecessarily noisy it was. And then the insane acts of dialogue. A scene with talking and/or critical plot points? Count on two to three people talking at once, all over top of each other. A scene with banging items, loud tv's, or howling weather? Count on people trying to talk over it.
  12. The biggest opportunity would be a prequel Kenobi flick to fill in the holes and expand lore from Episode One and prequels. Place it before TPM, establish Plagueis, have more Darth Maul, and fix the midichlorians. However, that would rule out Ewan entirely. Or it could be a pre-IV Obi Wan based around the eternal rumor of a Seven Samurai epic set in the Star Wars universe.
  13. The Hunger, 1983. Starring Catherine Deneuve, David Bowie, and Susan Sarandon. Somehow I had never heard of this arthouse film. It's basically about an ancient egyptian vampire alive in modern day as she looks for a new companion/lover. Bowie (and the make-up artists) were outstanding...he truly became someone else in this film. The movie has it's faults but it flirts with some fascinating ideas and twists on common vampire lore. A sequel would have done a lot to help flesh it out. But what upsets me the most is that I have been writing my own fiction about ancient Egyptian vampires and thought it was a fresh, original idea. Nope! My work was for naught as I was beat by 30 years!
  14. Rofl, that Honest Trailer was awesome. "I WANT BUTTS!" Somehow that line got by me when I was watching it. And Iceman's sexual bite toward Maverick is probably one of the most awkward, questioning moments in cinematic history lol.
  15. Top Gun. Tom Cruise. Val Kilmer. Michael Ironside. On the only format that truly captures movie magic - VHS.
  16. Ridley Scott Brushes Off Blomkamp Film - Screengeek "I think [Blomkamp’s film] will never see the light… There was never a scenario, just an idea that evolved into a pitch of ten pages. I had to participate as a producer but it did not go any further because [20th Century] Fox decided that [they] did not want to do it. I had already done Prometheus and worked on Covenant.” I'm done with this washed-up clown. Blomkamp was already pushing his concept art, loose plot, and contacting actors the exact same time as Scott. Only then did Scott shove him out.
  17. Fullmetal Alchemist point taken, well done I agree, Johannson's name alone allowed for more funding. More studio control came along with it, thus the opening-scene dialogue that explained everything for a general audience. That was a bit jarring and disappointing.
  18. Teasers for trailers are the thing these days. But hey, more Star Wars!
  19. The word going around is that tomorrow is a tie-in for Force For Change...with the trailer dropping on friday I'd be prepared for tomorrow though, just in case
  20. I saw GITS last weekend and I'm kind of mixed on it too. The iconic scenes were done well and their way of creating a backstory and expanding on an origin was fairly interesting. Batou grew on me too. Speaking of the iconic shots, it was refreshing to see those scenes used in different places and not in their original order. I will say this after watching it - casting Johansson was indeed pointless and needless whitewashing. Yes, I said it. There aren't many opportunities in American cinema to have an Asian female lead (if there are any at all) but this was one. I mean seriously, when else if not this film?
  21. I'm the same way - I love the psychological, slowburn, tension-building horror. The gory stuff just doesn't do anything for me.
  22. It looks like I need to check out Blackcoat's Daughter...sounds awesome.
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