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Everything posted by Metalhead

  1. I'm trying find a song I heard today and it's driving me crazy. It sounded a lot like the Goo Goo Dolls but the music was slightly modern with electronic/shoegaze undertones mixed in. The lyrics/chorus kept singing "play it on the radio". Any ideas? I asked the person at the register and she was going to pull up their playlist but the song ended before she could log on.
  2. https://www.theregister.com/2022/07/28/necrobotic_spider_robot_arm/ Scientists now using dead spiders. I guess killing them is not enough...got to nuke them from orbit now.
  3. What...I have never heard of a spin launcher, didn't know there was such tech or engineering even possible. I just searched it and see that there are already people asking if humans could survive it lol.
  4. Yes! A science-y mashup.
  5. Alf comes half way down the stairs and asks the guy hes staying with Alf: "Whats the difference between toilet paper and a shower curtain?" Guy: "I dont know, what?" Alf: "SO YOU'RE THE ONE!!!"
  6. The movie with Rourke, DeNiro, and Bonet is called Angel Heart. I just watched it a few months ago. One of the darkest, screwed up movies out there. I haven't read the book so I don't know how faithful the film is.
  7. So everyone goes down to spring traing except the two guys in the booth? Why is this becoming a trend in MLB? I believe it was the Angels that did some cheap crap like this during the season, not sending their booths out on road games.
  8. Soul Coughing, so 90's. The track "Soft Serve" is one of my fave songs to drive to on a warm summer day.
  9. This Swift stuff is beyond viral now, kind of creepy fr. This morning I got an "inspirational" email from UMGC about Taylor Swift and her "resilience through adversity". Like huh?
  10. Batman Tumbler of the streetz of AZ
  11. I love listening to covers and the original songs. Hearing a man sing this is very unique. Portishead - Glory Box Author & Punisher - Glory Box
  12. Jeebus. I'm tired of seeing teams leave points on the field.
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