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Spaceman Spiff

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Everything posted by Spaceman Spiff

  1. Yup, obviously different policies and beliefs but the way they deliver them is similar. I know @TryTheBeal! won't like it, but here: https://theweek.com/articles/810563/alexandria-ocasiocortez-progressive-trump
  2. I think what they hate about AOC is that she's basically stolen Trump's playbook and using it for evil (in their eyes). Like Trump, she does not give a ****, is not afraid to be brash and outspoken, their critics both loaaaaathe and love to hate them. They both have huge followings and fanbases...while a lot of people straight up hate them, they have passionate followers. Both of them love to stir up their base. Both are huge on twitter. Both claim that they're here to challenge/change the status quo. It's different messages between the two with the same delivery. So I think the right hates her/is fearful of her because she's using his same tactics. No one on the left really does, so for them to have someone who can be as brash as Trump makes them afraid.
  3. I think so. It's gotten to the point where I really don't care about the Blacklisters they're catching, really just watching for the stories between the characters and how it's gonna play out with Liz and Red.
  4. This Sam Cooke documentary on Netflix is really interesting. Knew his music, didn't know much about him.
  5. As I understand it, they're up for free agency after this year, right? So they're gonna do their best to ball out, put up some good tape and try to cash in this summer. I can't blame anyone for that. But yeah, that means that the Wiz could snag an 8 seed and say they made the playoffs, Ernie looks good for shaving off the Porter contract and steering the team into the playoffs without Wall.
  6. Despite my previous post, I agree with this on all points. Worried about Parker's knees though.
  7. You guys falling in love with Portis and Parker after two games....wait till the honeymoon period is over.
  8. I've seen this Wizards game one too many times. Hhhhhanging around...
  9. Oh **** off Lopez, acting like you didn't do anything bad by blatantly pushing Bryant. Looking like a dumbass 2000s Dave Corzine.
  10. Tuning in for the first time in awhile. Wanna see the new blood vs. Otto.
  11. I tried the Butcher Box burger meat this week. Really good quality meat. It doesn't say the fat content percentage on the package but it's definitely not lean burger meat. It cooks like it's got high fat content and certainly tastes like it, too. Tastes like something I'd get from The Organic Butcher in McLean.
  12. This seems logical, but there's not a chance that they could pull off a Beal trade today by 3pm right? From what I can see the Wiz only have a chance if they Forrest Gump their way into a generational talent like the Bucks did with Giannis.
  13. If that's the case you gotta try to trade Beal for a couple 1sts right?
  14. Does anyone think for a second that he slipped and fell at home? Is anyone buying that?
  15. Should have traded him earlier this year when it was obvious they were headed to a 40 win season.
  16. Friend of mine came over earlier this evening and we somehow ended up watching this movie on Netflix called Polar. It's got Mads Mikkelson in it and a couple of other cool cameos, I won't spoil it if anyone decides to watch it. Basically, he's a hitman two weeks from retirement and his company that he works for is trying to screw him on the 8 million owed to him at the end of his contract by killing him. There's more to it than that, but that's the basic plot. A group of hitmen trying to kill a hitman. It could have been so much better than it was. In a way, really disjointed. You've got Mikkelson, who's really good, in these really well shot noir scenes...and then a minute later, you've got this rag tag group of hitmen that are on his trail, and they're depicted in this 2000s really annoying, way over the top "Smokin' Aces" type style that was popular 10-15 years ago. And the bad guy that's heading it all up is just more annoying than bad. Didn't really have a reason to hate him, just thought he was bad in a B movie kinda way. There's a lot of violence, a couple scenes that reminded me of John Wick from a choreographed perspective. There's some t & a. There's some funny scenes. But it's a 2 hour movie that's about 20-30 minutes too long. If they'd had tightened it up, found a better bad guy and maybe gotten rid of some of that Smokin Aces vibe, it could have been really good. But I'm just giving it a C.
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