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Califan007 The Constipated

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Everything posted by Califan007 The Constipated

  1. Pro football reference didn't have today's stats in their database yet, so looks like it's gonna be 5 now.
  2. Never. In fact, only three other WRs since 1950 have ever had at least 125 yds/1 TD in the first game of their rookie season.
  3. Not true at all. We helped start the Read-Option trend and the "****-Up-Handling-Your-Franchise-QB-So-That-He-Ends-Up-Hitting-Free-Agency-And-Becomes-The-Highest-Paid-Player-And-Gets-The-First-Fully-Guaranteed-Contract" trend that's gonna start taking over the league any day now.
  4. Hoped for a performance like this from McLaurin...no part of me thought it would actually happen lol...at least not right out of the gate.
  5. "The Redskins make it their 4th consecutive road game opener. " Nowhere in there does it say they'll win lol...so that's what I voted for. 👍
  6. I'm having a hard time believing they wanted to trade Doctson because he wasn't productive enough. If it's true that they've been trying to trade him for 2 years then they were trying to do so after one season on a team ravaged by injuries. There had to be other issues behind the scenes that made them sour on Doctson so early in his time here.
  7. You're a photographer for Vogue?...Or do you sell to them independently?
  8. ^^ Man, if the Saints end up releasing Simmie Cobbs before the start of the season, I'll be doing this....
  9. Wij (We) Ok, this movie is just flat-out....(shaking my head)...It's....jeebus. Bizarre, unsettling, weird, dark, tries too hard, I dunno lol...it's about a group of high school teens in Finland or Holland or Amsterdam--somewhere like that--who decide to just drop all inhibitions for the summer out of boredom, I guess, and spend time wandering around and hanging out at this old shack in the middle of nowhere and running around naked and having the most casual sex possible and not caring about ****. But then they start thinking about ways to make money, and then things start getting darker and darker, and then everything spirals out of control, and some horrific crap happens. The story of what happens is told from the perspective of four different teens involved, so you see additional info each time the movie revisits certain events. TONS of nudity--I couldn't post the original movie poster lol...and the trailer is even NSFW. I'm still not sure what I think about it.
  10. More great stuff...and really like those Art Wolfe photos, especially the hippo surrounded by flamingos. Your story about the one photo being 2 summers in the making is the type of thing that really draws me to photography, but I've never done anything like that (take numerous photos of a place I know I want to photograph in order to get the best result). With the two photos I posted earlier that I took, it was just the opposite lol...I was in Ohio and couldn't get an Uber or a taxi back to my hotel--no uber drivers in the area and a taxi was a 3-hour wait. So like the schmuck I am I decided to walk the 7 miles back to the hotel thinking it was no big thing. But walking the route my GPS gave me had me walking on grass 90% of the time because there were no sidewalks, and almost all of it was on a one-lane back road surrounded by trees, the occasional house off in the distance, and a lot of emptiness (and the occasional cow lol). About 30 minutes into the walk I said **** it, and figured if I have to walk I might as well take some photos while I do to pass the time. Those were probably the two best I took, but they were on my iPhone and not my Canon.
  11. Freudian slip? lol...I mean, our WRs aren't that great, but geez.
  12. Geez...great photo! Was it Santorini?...I've posted some of my photos from there in the past. Might be one of the most photogenic places on earth. 😂...I should have read one more post before responding lol...
  13. Two of my favorite photographers are Roy DeCarava and Fan Ho. They have a talent for composition I only wish I could achieve. Fan Ho: × DeCarava: A few of my own that I took...not sure if I posted these before. Oh well lol... I recently discovered that "somberscapes" is an instagram genre of photography and that I had been taking a lot of photos of somberscapes without realizing it:
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