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Califan007 The Constipated

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Everything posted by Califan007 The Constipated

  1. And he's a physician, too lol...jeebus. This is about the equivalent of a financial advisor in 1980 saying investors should stop looking into buying stock in Apple when Hewlett Packard stock is doing so well.
  2. This thing ate up a ****load of my quarters as a kid lol...worth it, though. Line 'em up on the top of the dresser in my bedroom and feel like a 9-yr-old badass.... And that was just last Tuesday.
  3. Shut up and just play the ga.... Oh, wait. That doesn't apply here...sorry, sorry.
  4. For filming the ever-popular "Sex during surgery" fantasies? lol... So I'd have $340.00 then?...Sweet!
  5. Photos I took of my daughter about 24 years apart As a child.... As an adult...
  6. First week of quarantine... Third week of quarantine... Fifth week of quarantine...
  7. From what I could tell: - The first bullet point gives at least an idea of what Dems propose: language that incentivizes businesses to not firing employees when/if they get gubmint relief - Stronger restraints (or any restraints) on how bailout funds are allocated - Significant increase in monetary relief to hospitals (which may mean less relief to big bidniz) - Stronger buyback restrictions that can't be overturned later - Longer period for not increasing executive compensation - EDIT: Giving the airline industry grants instead of loans; airline unions believe loans will result in layoffs due to having to repay them, I'm guessing Their proposals? Not sure, guess that's what was being negotiated up until McConnell had it put to a vote (some say prematurely as a PR move to either force Dems to acquiesce and pass the bill or to at least make them look EEE-vil in the public's eyes for voting against it). I did notice that of the complaints by the Repubs that I have read, almost none of them criticized the "asks" put forth by the Dems, just criticisms of the Dems for not voting "yes" on the bill. So either Dems have not offered any counter-proposals (which I personally find hard to believe, but hell, you never know) or Repubs felt that Dems would never hold up a bill that got money directly into the voters' pockets and played that card instead of playing the "Dems' proposals are outrageous" card...possibly because that would mean bringing the Dems' proposals to light, which the public might look at as reasonable requests. EDIT: some details on those asks: Democrats initially asked for $750 billion in state aid, and Republicans have countered with far less. Schumer and Pelosi are also seeking an additional $200 billion for hospitals and other health-care providers as part of a supplemental government spending bill included in the overall rescue package. The White House had initially sought $48 billion for federal agencies, and Republicans upped that total to $242 billion, including $75 billion for hospitals. Democrats want to further increase it to $450 billion. https://www.politico.com/news/2020/03/22/coronavirus-stimulus-congress-141360
  8. Took a walk late last night...when I went outside almost no cars were parked on the street and it was dark and insanely quiet--except for this alarm sound that was going off somewhere. Couldn't tell where it was coming from, so I walked down the middle of the empty street (not the sidewalk) trying to figure out which direction it was coming from. At some point, I realized this might be a scene from The Walking Dead lol...There's even a emetary nearby. Never figured out what the alarm was or where it was coming from.
  9. I thought JoJo Rabbit was hysterical lol...I saw The Rise Of Skywalker recently as well, it was entertaining but definitely had flaws that made me think they were trying to placate fans who didn't like The Last Jedi more than trying to make a great Star Wars movie. More than a few decisions had me rolling my eyes and saying "Oh, come on".
  10. Making my way thru the Best Motion Picture nominees...so far I’ve seen: Parasite Joker JoJo Rabbit Once Upon A Time In Hollywood i think Ford Vs Ferrari is next.
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