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Califan007 The Constipated

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Everything posted by Califan007 The Constipated

  1. You guys know what stock photos are, right?.... I can't for the life of me imagine a situation in which these stock photos would EVER be needed lol...
  2. Ho. Lee. ****. If this is an actual healthcare worker, we're doomed lol...
  3. They were definitely out there. Unfortunately, at the same time it was happening, our president was downplaying the seriousness of COVID-19 to such an intense degree that it made putting the harsher realities out there imperative. people are more likely to stay home if they know not doing so could lead to millions of deaths than they would if they're being told the flu is far worse and it'll blow over soon, no worries.
  4. If you're meaning 2017-2018... "total flu-related deaths during 2017-2018 was previously estimated to be 79,000, but the current estimate is 61,000" (got this from the CDC website)
  5. The difference in these two areas between the flu and COVID-19 is massive... Unfortunately, some are only able to judge things based on overall numbers with zero context. It's the foundation of the whole "Flu is worse" argument.
  6. Holy ****... 😐 This is too surreal to be reality lol...I don't even know what to say to that.
  7. NSFW - language....but hilarious and spot-on. Never heard of OAN before this, either lol...:
  8. YOu don't need to downplay the seriouisness of the coronavirus to advocate getting a flu shot, though.
  9. Alicia Keys just added me to her phone contacts and I returned the favor and added her to mine... I love the quarantine lol...
  10. Someone posted this on that thread...it's apparently not a video of what's happening now (although I have no idea if it IS still happening):
  11. If there's a written-word version of that, then yes lol...I'm pretty sure all of his tweets in response to me included at least of these ------> 😂 Worst part was Guice was agreeing with this fool at the time I chimed in (that's the reason it showed up on my feed). Thankfully he didn't join in, though.
  12. I spent the night getting into a twitter debate about COVID with Marquis Flowers lol...holy hell.
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