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Everything posted by d0ublestr0ker0ll

  1. How is that right in line in how they do things? You described the Chernobyl disaster in your own words, but this hasn't been a thing - destroying waste facilities. This is a first.
  2. I know. So the waste is still incredibly radioactive, and there is no facility storing it anymore...know what I mean? Why the hell Chernobyl? Really? Having a hard time believing this.
  3. Wait, whoa. It's not destroyed, it's opened. You don't just "destroy" nuclear waste.
  4. Apparently your jargon is supposed to be easily digestible by novices at your expertise. Otherwise the person can't ****in' read. **** you. Tell me to download emulator games on my PC, and what site to do it from, fancy pants.
  5. Oh so you were trying to insult me. My intuition was right, but I gave you the benefit of the doubt. You're a condescending computer addicted nerd. Great. Good to have an aggressive dork on here. I just want to play old school games, and I get this.
  6. Yeah man that is too much. Thanks though. Emulator games on PC exist anymore? Download/play. Simple as that.
  7. I call my dog Boris Yeltsin. He looks like him. Team Blip Putin.
  8. Alright so those are my words, I said that. Forget me quoting him. Why the **** all the mass suffering? Are you praying for it to stop? Why won't it?
  9. Clarify? 😆 I mean I ain't gonna speak for the guy... He clearly means mass suffering continues to be an enormous black mark on our species, yet we can't pray it away. WHY NOT?!?! Come on, God! Can I say that? Is he cool? We cool God?
  10. Nothing has made me fall down laughing for a minute straight for a long time, but I hadn't put a Burr clip on in a minute and bam, literally on the floor.
  11. How we are not past this type of war, in 2022, is beyond me. This is some early 1900s s***. Get with the program, Russia. Chill the f*** out. 1 death....1...is sad as f***. Bullying too. Gonna drink enough vodka to set off the nukes? Changing my name to John Connor.
  12. Troubling. The threat of personal punishment is not a way to go about treating people right. Empathy > Fear. Empathy is all around us, you feel other's pain and happiness. You identify with it. If a person is suffering near me I help. Why? Not because I want to go to heaven, but because I can identify with the suffering. I want to relieve them of what I know is miserable. Send me to hell, heaven, ham and chees sandwhich...I don't care. I'm a good person because I have empathy. HEY! Excuse me.... Please make the o's 0's in my name, or I'll find it disrespectful and send you to eternal suffering.
  13. Yall are speaking a foreign language to me. Is this PC? Because I have emulator roms...some have given my PC a hard time (viruses). Felt like the Napster days. Shout out to Lars Ulrich.
  14. You'll need the Stone Cold knee braces on your ankles for that state.
  15. Yeah, Putin is basically commiting suicide by cop...but wants to see the world burn before his eyes as he finally gets blipped. Please someone secretly blip him.
  16. Apparantly Russia doesn't have enough land. Wtf.
  17. Podcast bro lord is the best. I hope it remains a thing, while top 5 hater countdowns from beta males subtley crying "bully mentality" goes away.
  18. My bass drum was a Pearl Export when I first played. I'm deaf, so what?
  19. Retro Pie...can you elaborate? I'd like to bypass the research. I swear this console is one giant subtle-complete-****-up of a system. Diagonal is broken.
  20. I have a review on the knockoff Nintendo with 620 games programmed in to it. There is one incredibly bad "red flag", that you may be able to adapt to.. - $50 at the local Vintage shop. - Majority of the games are Japanese. Mario brothers games where Mario can shoot guns like the triple-sprayer in Contra. ****ing awesome. - Ice Hockey is the exact same as you know it, Double Dragon 2 is the exact same - except its music is sped up x2 throughout the entire game. HERE'S THE KILLER RED FLAG OF THIS SYSTEM: Diagonal on the directional pad doesn't work. If you hit a side and up/down button at the same time, your character freezes. It ruins even Atari games on here. However, I feel as if it gives me an extra challenge. Hard not to feel incredibly handicapped while playing. Sucks. The directional pad kills this system.
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