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Everything posted by d0ublestr0ker0ll

  1. Is this the "I am holier than thou thread"? While you sit in your cubical or center room, making WAY too much money?
  2. Any y'all been playing COD? I just realized that it's been almost 10 years since I played one. Cod 4 to Cod Black Ops 2. 2007-2012. Average K/D was 2.5, probably 3.0 or 4.0n TDM/FFA. Top 2,000 in the world in score per minute in Domination and other obj games. Cod is in shambles. Hopefully Microsoft resurrects it. So sad. @Chew
  3. Playing a lot of COD MW 1 2 and 3 to prepare for this. The originals, not the new ****ery games. Let's go, pootin.
  4. I'd love to see Joe Rogan body kick and triangle Beal. Beal > Rogan. Until Beal realizes he can't breathe. God damn.
  5. Judging by his dance moves, Andre 3000 definitely knew how to slide.
  6. That song is a programming mechanism. Dammi... Must, attack, Ukraine...
  7. Beal coming up in here posting some James Brown. Get outta here.
  8. Pianists are mathematicians, FYI. Unless you're talking about Stevie Wonder...he played by feel. Oh wait.... We all did. Russia never had anything close to that. They are zombies in the world of arts.
  9. They didn't have a Renaissance tho. Tchaikovsky and the other bamma are all they got. Oh what, a painter or two? Their bands < our bands. Just playing. I hear you, seeing that headline about the troop carrier getting shot down is incredibly heartbreaking. The ****ed up part is, those troops would've killed Ukrainians. It's all so ridiculous.
  10. Can you provide me a link to somewhere which shows strong Putin support? Preferably not a Russian patrol drinking Vodka on TikTok...
  11. The storm in the Midwest didn't cause us many power outages, but the side roads were, and still are, slick as hell. Some cars abandoned on the side of the roads with considerable damage. About a quarter inch of sleet, mixed with freezing rain on and off, and a dusting of snow on top.
  12. Yeah, guerilla warfare. Russian troops getting cut down in ambushes and via sniping. Wouldn't be surprised at all if land mines get placed everywhere. Really, Putin, really? Dumbass. Tryin to make his little doinker feel bigger.
  13. That's great. This is what that plane looks like: Basically a C-130 worth. I mean what is Ukraine supposed to do? Putin needs the sniper treatment.
  14. Hey, I need assets paid to me if you're going to use my picture.
  15. I am not athiest, I question everything. I am agnostic to a very high degree. I see a bunch of horsehockey having to be argued with huge amounts of writing. If God is proven, well I don't want to ****ing burn forever. Sorry God. I should've believed in you. Hope (his...not hers) ego is chillin.
  16. Lol. Rock was a great heel and babyface, Stone Cold is perhaps the GOAT babyface, but he got too much fan support as a heel. He was playing his character as dumb and fans knew it. The Stone Cold-to-heel move should've been made with Hogan, like the WCW did.
  17. I pretty recently discovered RAW between 96 and 2003. Like 10 years ago or so. I go with clips from this person's channel mostly. It's called "AttitudePop", because the crowd popping with elation when certain people enter was bonkers. Takes a while to get used to the characters if you don't know them, but Stone Cold, Rock and Vince are the 3 main players of the time.
  18. I don't want to burn in anguish for eternity...lol.
  19. Are you familiar with Raw and Nitro during the Monday Night Wars? In the moment, during those times, I couldn't get my eyes off of Nitro....NWO vs Sting and WCW. It was amazing. But now that I've researched it heavily, the most timeless stuff ever created was from Raw at that point. It will never get old. Stone Cold, Rock, and McMahon around that time, are the peak of the art.
  20. My parents used to order all the PPVs and all my friends would come over. Elementary school. We'd wrestle off of couches on to pillows beforehand. Crazy. A few botches 😆. Bruises here and there. The match I remember the most was Razor Ramon vs Sean Michaels....the ladder match. We were acting like we had money on it.
  21. I have a question, are Russian people happy about this? Are the troops wanting to do this as a work of passion? I think of us after 9/11, how we wanted revenge. Americans wanted to go to war so badly. Are Russian people WANTING to fight Ukraine? Why?
  22. I don't believe in God NOT to disprove him. I have no intention to, because if I have proof I will accept HIM as real. I take things at face value, however. You have a long winded story with long winded explainations after 2000 years of being able to provide proof. How about a "duh, he's real, this is why" sentence. Keep it short and sweet. Why won't God be cool if I question his existence? Is he that egotistical? Almost as egotistical as he is stealthy.
  23. Man, you're a bonafide keyboard warrior, talking all this ****. Just tell me what I'm looking for is illegal, and I'll realize it. Alright, emulators are piracy, got it. Your 5 steps to success for whatever the **** ain't worth it. I'll buy a new Nintendo. You need a good roundhouse to the jaw.
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