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Everything posted by d0ublestr0ker0ll

  1. Got to be honest with you, you sound like a very convinced agnostic (like I am), on shrooms and 5 giant bong hits (which I don't partake in). Yet you're a stout believer in God. Gotta admit, I like the way you think.
  2. I would like to know examples of these beliefs. Are you talking the theory of relativity, because that works for us...even if quantum physics, black holes and dark matter play a part, and the theory needs tweaking? There are levels to "understanding". A huge amount of things we have quite a grasp on in our natural world. Navigation, buoyancy, flight. But once you go the "is it all a simulation?" route, where everything seems like it could be a play...you lose me. In this simulation, we have a good grasp on many areas of current science.
  3. It seems as though your argument for what you believe is based on deconstructing anything and everything with the question, "but is it REAL???" Now I'm convinced, God is real.
  4. I know right, where is Death Assault with their 1983 album "Massacre Bones" which is all in 4/4 but has an awesome metal guitar setting?
  5. About to catch an ice storm. Warm air above us, but in the teens at/near the surface. Sleet/freezing rain at 16 degrees. Got all the food/candles/batteries I need.
  6. *types something for the sake of it* Nah, that guy is a great dude. Renegade. We have a difference of opinion here.
  7. Dead wrong? About the burden of proof being on the proclaimer? I'll move on.
  8. Wow. I didn't know you'd get this way. We cool bro. What burden of proof is on me? I don't believe in a God, you do. Prove to be Zeus is real. Poseidon bout to flood your ish. I'm praying to him for you.
  9. That's the point, the burden of proof is on the proclaimer. You are making the claim. God is real, prove it. Of course I do man. I question everything.
  10. Ok, so the plates are divided by fault lines, and they SMASH and grind. Ok. There is a ridiculous amount of evidence. Again, if its proven to be something else, I'll do my research on it. Question everything. Do you question your religion...ever play Devil's Advocate with it?
  11. No it doesn't. You are making the claim God is real. Prove it. Prove the Flying Spaghetti Monster isn't real. You can't.
  12. So all of the fault lines that grind against each other, are hard to believe like Adam and Eve, Noah's Ark, and the laughable Genesis. Ok.
  13. This is the Flying Spaghetti Monster argument. There is no proof that it doesn't exist. The Burden of Proof is on the people making the argument.
  14. Anecdotal would be a person on the ground realizing the ground moved a little bit after every earthquake. It was early research that needed to be proven, and they did that. Thus proving it. Unlike pure, unfiltered anecdotes that keep religion alive. I'm gonna be the Greek Mythology guy in this thread. Prove to me its not real. Zeus for life.
  15. My dad always said religion is bull****, and we should seek the answers ourselves. Well, I have. The answers to one religion, book, mythology...all come to one point, from what I've researched. There is no proof, except for anecdotal evidence. Why is Mythology, called Mythology? How are the Greek Gods CLEARLY fake, and ole Christ Sr. is CLEARLY real?
  16. Played thru COD: World at War campaign and Medal of Honor (2010?) for the first time recently. World at War was incredible. Loved using the bolt action rifles. Made my assault rifles semi-auto throughout Medal of Honor. That game is pretty damn hard. Both great games.
  17. Beliefs are dumb. Dumb. Prove it. What the **** is the secrecy for? Put yourself out there, "God", and say something. Or do I need to trip off of brain acid, to tell people I saw Him? Remember to capitalize "Him". He has a penis.
  18. Jesus Christ, my co-workers need to step it up. 2021 RedCommandoms defense.
  19. My favorite Yotube ad: Cruella. Where she's like "you designed this dress but I made improvements to it". My least favorite: The baby choking on something, from a security camera. A close second place, guy holding a bullet thinking about off-ing himself. Hopefully that s*** is a good way to make the masses aware of dangers, studied by people, with PHDs and ****. Why do I have to see someone completely miserable before watching a throwback WWF clip? "OMG, Ima kill meself....*glass breaks* (Stone Cold music)
  20. Thats the crux of it. It's a Universe of percentages. Period. Somebody will die from a piano falling on them. Somebody will survive a horrific situation where everyone else died. Must be God... Give me a ****ing break.
  21. I "get" the praying thing. I get caught in it too. "Please...please, anyone, anything out there...make this better." It's a desperation attempt to soothe your own emotions in a situation that is decided by reality. Praying is useless, otherwise. It's a selfish, albeit harmless, act.
  22. Talked on the phone for approximately 8 hours with my parents yesterday. Longest phone session of my life. Highlight was mom walking me thru shopping for a fancy dinner, then cooking it. She basically made the dinner, lol. Salmon, salad. Incredible.
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