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Everything posted by dfitzo53

  1. You can light it with magnesium ribbon available online. (Not that we did this behind my friend's house to see if it would burn through a beer bottle or anything.)
  2. For what it's worth, a backup that is kept in more or less the same place as the original isn't much of a backup. If it's something that you feel absolutely must be kept safe you should be looking at something like cloud storage, otherwise the fire/theft/flood/horde of angry Cowboys fans that wipes out your computer will likely take your backup with it. A plain external hard drive will help in the event of a computer that randomly and catastrophically fails or gets a horrid virus that makes cleanup not worth the effort, but that's about it.
  3. That's what I have (modem-wise) and it works well. Buying your own modem pays for itself in a year or less with the $5-10 ISPs charge to rent. Plus you can take it with you if you move or change providers.
  4. Speaking of AC, after trying the neighborhood place that said it just needed a recharge, we took it to my friend's place. (The only reason we didn't do that before is that it's a much longer drive, so it's not as convenient.) Replaced the AC relay and things seem to be good.
  5. I was pretty sure that video was fake even before I read the comments afterward and it still made me want to barf. I don't even really mind spiders for the most part, but come on. Barf.
  6. By the way, there's a small chip in my wife's windshield. Is it worth trying to DIY with one of the kits from an auto parts store? Two people I know who are mechanics told me to just go ahead and fix it myself as long as I take my time and do it properly. I see a bunch of blogs out there that tell you just to let a pro do it though.
  7. K, I'll keep that in mind, thanks.
  8. Was just at the shop a few minutes ago. Never been before, but it's close to our house and seems to be doing well. Two young guys came out and checked the fuses and the obvious stuff. The AC clutch isn't engaging at first, and then it'll randomly kick on sometimes. They said they think it needs to be recharged, but to come back tomorrow and the head mechanic will go over it with the gauges and be sure. (He wasn't in today.) They seemed honest, let me watch them work, showed me what they were looking for, etc.
  9. Thanks man. I've got an appointment with a place down the street. My wife said it didn't work at all this morning, so hopefully it's not too hard for them to duplicate the problem.
  10. 2010 Honda Odyssey with 65K miles on it is having some new trouble with the AC. It'll blow cold at first, then after some amount of time it'll continue to blow, but the air will be ambient temperature. Then after a few minutes it will usually switch back to blowing cold. Rinse and repeat if the trip is long enough. It doesn't seem to coincide with any kind of speed changes, fan settings, other electronic use, etc. Any ideas?
  11. I guess I'm in the minority. I appreciated her video - watching his I was fairly skeptical from the beginning about his historical claims. I have a history degree with a focus on the ancient Middle East for what that's worth. I agree with basically everything she said. His video is entertaining, if a bit goofy, but his history is so far off the mark that it's safe to say he basically invented it and is passing it off on anyone gullible enough to believe it. When done as humor or satire I have no problem with that, but he seems to want people to genuinely believe that he is a pioneer. I don't see anything wrong with her calling out his BS. It's not like she was making personal attacks or anything.
  12. Yeah that was a wet one for a while there. Redone basement still holding up. (Knock on every wooden surface in the house.)
  13. I don't think anyone in here is saying that light beer has no place. I think most are saying that running ads making fun of people who actually care about the flavor of their drink is silly, and doing so while using terms like "beechwood aged" to promote your own beer is talking out of both sides of your mouth.
  14. Yeah, that bit about them buying up breweries struck me too.
  15. Ah, yeah that's laughable. What does "brewed the hard way" even mean? Is that code for made with rice?
  16. We used a company that specifically does basement waterproofing. Our issue looked worse than yours though, and wasn't related to the downspout location. During Sandy we had water visibly dribbling in through several cracks in the wall.
  17. Good thing it wasn't a few feet to the right where the bookshelf is. Good luck, man. We had water come into our (mostly finished) basement a few years ago. Managed to catch it as it was happening and wet vac it up before it hit anything important. Thankfully it entered on the side of the laundry room, not the Skins cave. We considered options and paid pros to come out and take care of it, and it's been solid for several years running now, knock on wood.
  18. It will have actual bits of crab floating in it.
  19. I agree with you a lot of the time, but I think you're way off base here. Let's start with the fact that if the officer hadn't said anything to the girls there wouldn't be any record of the lemonade stand in the first place. There would be nothing for anyone to refer to as "precedent". The only reason the entire episode was written anywhere is because it was absurd. s0crates has already covered why the hypothetical court argument is irrelevant so I don't need to add much there. "He did it too and you didn't say anything to him!" has never even been an acceptable defense in elementary school, let alone the court system.
  20. What a kooky mix of laws. I love how many say "unknown."
  21. Hmmm, that's good to know. I've never seen it in any of the counties up here around Bmore, so I made the incorrect assumption that it was a state thing.
  22. I wish MD allowed the sale of beer/wine in grocery stores. No such thing at the Wegman's up here.
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