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Everything posted by dfitzo53

  1. Cabinet locks are great as mentioned. With the first we had those adhesive foam bumpers covering the corners and edges of coffee tables and the fireplace. They eventually fell off and the second hasn't hurt himself yet. Shrug. Just be aware that kids are smarter than you think. The second is only a year old, not even fully walking yet, and he's already figured out how to open the baby gate. Nothing is a substitute for actually paying reasonable attention. (Not that you have to helicopter, just know what the kid is up to.)
  2. Tried the Guinness Nitro IPA tonight. It was fine, nice creamy texture, but not something I care enough about to pay extra for. Not sure I'll bother with the Sam Adams, which seemed to be in 4-bangers from what I could see, unless the reports on the coffee stout are really good. (The liquor store by me was sold out of the coffee version today.)
  3. I'm a big fan of the humble bundle. I did snag one of their Android deals, but it was a puzzle bundle. That's my favorite kind of phone game anyway. Edit: Herp derp, look at that. I just went and looked at what all's in the bundle I bought and half of them are RPGs. It has taken me so long to work through the puzzles that I forgot. Well that solves that problem. Thanks for reminding me Poker!
  4. I think what Predicto is saying is that recording a lien has nothing to do with obtaining a judgment of any kind. It wouldn't matter whether the clerk knew what a judgment looked like or not, because you don't need one.
  5. Thanks, I took a look at some priced games and lo and behold the wonky permission requests are gone. May or may not go that route, but it does make it glaringly obvious what the invasive permissions are there for.
  6. I'm not a huge phone gamer, but I was looking for a free RPG now that I have a smart phone for those times when I have a few minutes before bed but can't commit to dumping some time into a real game. Every one I tried wants access to crazy stuff like my call records. No thanks. What's the deal with that? I should probably just read a book anyway.
  7. Yeah I'm also not sure what your point is Destino. I completely agree with you that opposing sides of a political issue tend to demonize each other unfairly, when both are generally trying to do what they believe is looking out for the common good. That wouldn't have any bearing on my belief that anti-abortion activists who occupied a Planned Parenthood clinic and refused to leave should be prosecuted. I can intellectually understand that these people have motivations for their actions (bogus as they may be) but I don't think anyone (or at least the most active posters) in this thread doubts that. People aren't saying these are publicity stunts...most of the people who are still posting in this thread are considering the "militia" dangerous loonies.
  8. Judge Joaquin and the Common Law Jury sounds like a cheesy musical act. Like if Judge Judy had a live musical intro like a late night show, that would be it. And they'd play a little riff whenever she handed down her decision.
  9. I have nothing against Microsoft, but that is pretty funny.
  10. Yeah just got a Weber kettle for Christmas.
  11. Yeah wings are good roasted/grilled. I actually really like them grilled.
  12. Depends on whether we watch with the neighbors or not. If we have a crowd, might grill up some ribs and brats, plus something for my wife who isn't as keen on those two options. If it's just us, I might pull some skirt steak out of the freezer for fajitas.
  13. I tried the Jacques Au Lantern last night at a work party. I'm not usually a pumpkin beer guy (even though I love pumpkin pie) but I thought it was pretty good.
  14. Interesting, I actually like Not Your Father's Root Beer. I'll have to try some of the others one of these days and see if I agree they're better.
  15. I like how the response he makes to people who don't believe him, if you read his passport straight off, is "Bich, Phuc Dat."
  16. I...what? How petty. Yes, Mr. Pasco, this will impress everyone at the recess yard. Also, the third grade lunch today is pizza in case you were wondering.
  17. I love extreme weather as much as the next guy, but I'd be happy just to see this one go out to sea.
  18. There's a 24/7 icehouse down the street from us where you can get dry ice fairly cheap. $15 or so is worth not losing all your cold food. Maybe there's one near you?
  19. This was posted by Roger Smith over at the americanwx forums. I thought it was interesting. http://www.americanwx.com/bb/index.php/topic/46979-tracking-hurricane-joaquin/?p=3702210
  20. We rent out a 2BR condo. We recently received a letter from the condo complex that some of the water heaters from the original construction of the building (which ours is) have begun to fail and leak, causing damage to floors below. They are recommending that everyone replace them sooner rather than later. What's the best way to go about this? Should I expect to buy the heater from the company that installs it, or should I purchase the heater myself and just pay someone to put it in? Gas heater basically in a walk-in closet it shares with washer/dryer if that matters. It's a "laundry room", but it's not very large. Tenant pays all utilities.
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