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Everything posted by dfitzo53

  1. I say this as someone who loves pumpkin pie, pumpkin bread, etc. I've never had a pumpkin beer that I liked all that much. I haven't tried many, but the ones I've tried were from solid breweries. Heavy Seas and maybe Sam Adams or something along those lines. Maybe I'm just not trying the right ones, but I've never been excited by them. I'll give them another chance this year. Edit: Also, I know it's stylish to post pics of what you're talking about (and often helpful) but it would be awesome if you guys could also type the names of the beers/breweries for those of us who have images blocked by various filters.
  2. That's nuts. I think it's fine but not special. I'm not surprised that people like, but I am surprised that there's that kind of demand.
  3. Yeah my two sentences were semi-separate. I would love to try it either way. Also, I happen to like spicy ginger ale.
  4. I would love to try that ginger beer. I love the real Caribbean-style ginger ales that have a sharp, hot ginger note.
  5. Have some Harpoon Summer Beer and whatever else I left at my parents/other people bring. Based on past experience I'm guessing there will be some mix of Loose Cannon, Sam Adams and whatever else. People tend to bring summer seasonals.
  6. "Overrated" is usually just code for "your opinion doesn't match my opinion" anyway.
  7. Thanks for the bump LD0506. Our exterior side door is going to need replacing fairly soon. I need to figure out whether it's something I can do, and/or how much I should be expecting to pay to have it done.
  8. I love IPAs. Not in that "I don't know anything about beer but IPAs are trendy so I'll order whatever IPA is on tap" kind of way. I just genuinely love that strong, bitter taste once I get used to it. Black coffee, grapefruit, strong pale ales...if you can't taste your food five hours later, what was the point? But not brussels sprouts. **** brussels sprouts.
  9. Got a chance to have some Dead Rise on tap this afternoon. It was OK.
  10. Polishing off the last of those Midas Touches with some turkey and black bean nachos. Yum.
  11. Originally it's a seafood thing. I love it on crabs, but other than that it's not my thing, frankly. I certainly wouldn't put it on steak. I'm interested in trying Dead Rise for the heck of it, but my guess is it'll be a one-time deal.
  12. Drinking one of those Midas Touches I picked up earlier with some homemade french toast made from stale cinnamon swirl bread. It's actually a really nice pairing.
  13. We have a German exchange teacher staying with us this week. I went to the liquor store after work and picked up a six pack of Yuengling and a four-banger of Midas Touch. As hot as this afternoon felt after the winter we had, I was sorely tempted to crack open a Yuengling in the parking lot. Naturally I didn't, but man I wanted to.
  14. My uncle used to give his dog a little beer in the water bowl from time to time.
  15. Not trying to speak for Rick or Chris, but I think the idea was take a glass that's mostly Black Cannon and add just a little Loose Cannon to it. So 3/4 of the glass is Black Cannon and 1/4 is Loose Cannon. And yeah, Double Cannon or Double Barrel or Broadside or something like that would be a cool name for it if they ever do it. I think the upper midwest is underrated for beers. You hear a lot about the West Coast and the East Coast, but there was some pretty good stuff available back when I was at Purdue. Three Floyds, Goose Island, Upland, lots of different places. And I seem to remember a lot more varieties of Leinie's available out there than here. I hear some people knock Leinenkugel's, but they're inexpensive and very drinkable if you ask me.
  16. Loose Cannon is so easy to reach for out of habit when you live in Baltimore that I'm trying to be intentional about branching out. (No offense rincewind.) Edit: MisterPinstripe, where do you live? I really like Three Floyds, but I've never seen them outside of the midwest.
  17. Roughly how much does it cost? (Yeah I know, if you have to ask...)
  18. Saw that in the store the last time I was there, and I'll have to give it a try the next time I buy some.
  19. I've had it once. I enjoyed the historical aspect of it but not so much the taste. That said, it was years ago and my opinion probably doesn't count for much. I would happily try it again.
  20. Anyone here tried kvas? My brother was just asking me about it. Apparently it's an Eastern European drink made from fermented rye bread.
  21. Tried a four-pack of these over the course of this week: Pub Dog's Fubark Imperial Stout (Westminster, MD) http://www.beeradvocate.com/beer/profile/23058/107724/ I liked it a little better than the reviews on the site, but I agree that it's not amazing. Solid, and I would drink it again. I'd probably give it 4 out of 5 or so. I enjoyed the low carbonation level and the velvety feel. Nice warming sensation for me without an aggressive alcohol taste. I agree with the reviews that it's a little heavy-handed on the anise flavor.
  22. Yeah Newcastle was one of my first decent beers. I always enjoy it.
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