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Everything posted by dfitzo53

  1. Good thing it wasn't a few feet to the right where the bookshelf is. Good luck, man. We had water come into our (mostly finished) basement a few years ago. Managed to catch it as it was happening and wet vac it up before it hit anything important. Thankfully it entered on the side of the laundry room, not the Skins cave. We considered options and paid pros to come out and take care of it, and it's been solid for several years running now, knock on wood.
  2. It will have actual bits of crab floating in it.
  3. I agree with you a lot of the time, but I think you're way off base here. Let's start with the fact that if the officer hadn't said anything to the girls there wouldn't be any record of the lemonade stand in the first place. There would be nothing for anyone to refer to as "precedent". The only reason the entire episode was written anywhere is because it was absurd. s0crates has already covered why the hypothetical court argument is irrelevant so I don't need to add much there. "He did it too and you didn't say anything to him!" has never even been an acceptable defense in elementary school, let alone the court system.
  4. What a kooky mix of laws. I love how many say "unknown."
  5. Hmmm, that's good to know. I've never seen it in any of the counties up here around Bmore, so I made the incorrect assumption that it was a state thing.
  6. I wish MD allowed the sale of beer/wine in grocery stores. No such thing at the Wegman's up here.
  7. We also got a gift card recently. It was fine, not as bad as some people make it out to be, but not worth what it would have cost without the gift card.
  8. OK, I didn't let it dry for 24 hours before. Seems pretty excessive considering how quickly alcohol evaporates, but I'll try anything at this point. And yeah, just gluing the tab, then the mirror hangs on it of course.
  9. Oh, related note. The rearview mirror on the 140K mile RAV4 keeps falling off. It fell off once, I reglued it, it fell off in a day. I tried to do my damnedest to get everything clean and keep everything clean through the whole process, I reglued it again following all the kit directions, and it stayed on for two days or so. I finally took it to a place and they did it for me, and it stayed on for about 5 months. It fell off again last week. What can I do to (hopefully) get it on there permanently, or at least not have to have it redone 2-3 times a year?
  10. Good question, I've been wondering about that too. I have a RAV4 with 140K and an Odyssey with 60K that we're hoping to keep for a long time.
  11. Is there a significant difference in quality between those three brands? (Speaking in general here.)
  12. Choklat Oranj, it's Southern Tier's version of Choklat that includes orange peels.
  13. Bleh, I've never been a big fan of the chocolate and orange combination in general. I'm sure it'll be a high quality beer, but it's probably not for me. I'll try anything once though.
  14. Yeah definitely post pics. Duckus I think the nook looks great!
  15. Nice! So did we. I should post pics too. So far we've got tomatoes and cucumbers that my mom started from seed inside, and a couple beans that my daughter started as a project at daycare. Going to plant some herbs too, namely cilantro right now. Edit: Maybe we should start another garden thread for this year.
  16. Yeah, we've had a couple HE units and always had mold. We've currently been able to keep it at bay by keeping the door open all the time and running cleaner through it every now and then, but the gasket is impossible to actually keep clean. Whenever this one needs to be replaced I probably won't go HE again if I can possibly help it. Such poor design.
  17. Oh yeah, I'm not going to do it myself. I just figured the people who would have the relevant experience are likely to read and post in this thread.
  18. This isn't so much DIY, but I figured it'd be a good pool of people to ask. My wife and I own a 2BR Condo that we rent out to a great tenant. The condo was built, as far as I know, about 20 years ago and still has the original water heater. The condo association recently sent out a letter to owners stating that some of the original heaters have started to leak, causing damage to units below. They recommended replacement ASAP. I need to double-check, but as I said I believe ours has one of the original ones. If we do need to replace it, what kind of unit should we be looking to buy? 2BR Condo, single tenant, washer/dryer, dishwasher, tenant pays the gas/electric bill. Unit has gas and electric hookups.
  19. It's not so much that I'm expecting to be blown away by the Old Bay. My perception is that people seem to think it's an incredible beer, the kind of thing where people say, "Man, if I don't have a Dead Rise when it comes out my summer isn't complete." Reading peoples' more detailed comments in the last few posts puts it more in perspective for me, and I agree. It's fine, there are plenty of things I'd order first, but if it were on sale or if I were at someone else's place and that's what they bought, I'd have no complaints. Re: lower ABV. Absolutely. I started paying more attention to that over the past year or two. Edit: And I actually do believe my taste buds are less sensitive than the average person's. I would have a hard time telling you the difference between two different blends of coffee that are both dark and bitter, for example, or two different hoppy IPAs.
  20. I don't mean to be "that guy" but I wasn't blown away by Dead Rise. Sometimes I wonder (seriously) if my taste buds aren't sensitive enough.
  21. He knows that. Honestly I'm not sure why people respond to most of twa's posts. He's enjoying the fact that you think he's an idiot. Grinning from ear to ear.
  22. Does changing brands of oil when you do an oil change matter at all? (Toyota RAV4, 4 cyl., ~160k miles.)
  23. I'm pretty sure Norm's in Vienna has some Great Lakes stuff. My dad bought some for me the last time my family got together and I think that's where he got it.
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