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Everything posted by nonniey

  1. Maybe but the Capital Gains tax is the one thing just about all economists say needs to be cut. We're about the highest in the world right now and it is hurting the US. Another tax cut that will be claimed is a massive give away is the one time reduction to 5% of corporate foreign earned income coming back to the United States. Thing is we're getting nothing from it now because Corporations leave it overseas due to the high tax on it now (35%?). The 5% rate (Which is significantly lower than the foreign tax rates) almost ensures almost all that money will be brought into the US.
  2. Yeah he created a win win situation for him. It was a trap that the fell NFL right into.
  3. You know what is going to be a major test? The next time an owner wants the community to fund his stadium. I think we've seen the last of that (which may be a good thing).
  4. Yes seemed to take a few days but it is beginning to dawn on a lot people that Trump played this like a Matador, he waved the red flag and the bulls obligingly impaled themselves on the sword. There was only one winner and that was him the rest of us lost (including his supporters).
  5. Yeah Trump isn't interested in the conversation he does want the protests in that form to continue because it benefits him.
  6. The Pats reportedly will all be standing this week. Do you all think the NFL maybe catching on that their reaction this past weekend was exactly what Trump wanted?
  7. Well in my book Communists and Nazi's are on the same level. Since he actually claims to be a communist and communists want to overthrow the government I'm pretty sure that is reason enough for dismissal from the Army. Yeah that is what Trump intended he was waiving a Red Blanket at a Bull and of course the Bull charged right onto the sword. He wanted the result he got. He completely manipulated the situation to his own advantage. Trump was the only winner in this, the rest of us (including the football fans that support him - lost).
  8. It's not about the troops and never was - They see them as disrespecting the country. Trump is not the country. There has been only one winner in this and that is that Jack Ass in the White House the rest of us lose.
  9. I thought that was clear from several pages back. Didn't the secret get out about our Spider overlords controlling us?
  10. I don't spray my yard or sheds. Spiders never bothered me much anyway
  11. Black Widows??? It would take me less than 2 minutes for me to hunt one down in my yard or shed.
  12. I actually welcome his entry. He'd split the anti-Flake votes with Ward and couple of others likely increasing Flakes odds of winning the primary.
  13. Huh no they didn't. The dems basic platform has always been to treat people according to their situation (The Repubs the opposite) that has never changed.
  14. That is the point you were manipulating information in that exact way.
  15. I'd wager a years pay you agree with White Supremacists as well, but I get to pick the subject you agree with them on.
  16. I've seen it. South Carolina and the other early secession states seceded because they wanted to protect slavery -that is a fact everything that follows was reaction to that or reactions to reactions. Yes I know Virginia seceded because of the state rights issues but that was in reaction to the Unions reaction to the other states secession (which was again done to protect slavery).
  17. But will that stop a movement developing to go after anything or anyone it decides has committed egregious wrong? I think not. . I've been anti-confederate long before it became fashionable but i think it is dangerous territory going down this route. There already have been proposals to rename buildings, streets and depictions of Presidents and other notable people from the past so I doubt it will end with Confederates. Someone else posted earlier in this thread (Ladyskins fan I think - maybe someone else) about the outrage of the day (she commented on the Redskins a couple years ago and now this). It worries me.
  18. The positions didn't flip what flipped was what Races/Identities the Democrats would favor though policy. The white racists then left that party because it provided them no advantage
  19. Nope from the beginning the Civil was over slavery no matter what they taught in Virginia. In a sense you actually got this backward - It's true that states rights was the reason why some of the later states seceded (Virginia), and was the reason many (probably most fought for the south) . Additionally it was the primary reason the north fought the south (the North didn't believe they had the right of secession). But the base reason South Carolina and the other fire breathing states seceded in the first place and got the Civil War ball rolling was to protect slavery. I'll be honest I've always been a bit of an anti confederate but I'm uncomfortable with how this tearing down of statues is playing out and what it might entail. President Wilson was an unapologetic Racist, FDR set up camps for American Citizens, Jackson (and the Army for that matter) crapped all over the Indians etc etc. Will memorials to them, other Presidents, the famous, ect. be the next targets?
  20. Yes I understand that I was just pointing out nKorea having boosted weapons is bad, really bad.
  21. Here is another bit of concerning news. North Korea has claimed it has fusion bombs (ie Hydrogen Bombs), that has been dismissed with the dismissals postulating that they have only boosted fission weapons. Now it is good that they don't have Hydrogen bombs but even boosted fission weapons is very bad news. The British detonated three boosted weapons in the 1950's the largest explosion was 800kt and it thought they can reach the mgt range. The Hiroshima bomb was 20kt. Most of our fusion weapons from what I've read are dialed down to less than a megaton (most in the 500kt range) so Kim may have weapons that match or exceed the explosive yields of our current inventory (Boosted weapons may be harder to maintain though).
  22. Yeah I think you may be correct - I thought a full repeal would include non budgetary matters (which I thought would allow a potential filibuster).
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