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Everything posted by GoCommiesGo

  1. Charging infrastructure is going to be the biggest issue for legacy manufacturers. Tesla has such a head start that it’s going to major investments beyond the Electrify America for other makers. There is an interesting thread on the Reddit Cars subreddit. A guy goes into detail about using his Ioniq 5 on road-trips. He goes into a good bit of detail about the charging infrastructure and how good a job Tesla has done with location selection and keeping it simple with their app / car.
  2. It should also be noted that the man who owns a car company may have a more vested in interest in people using cars on a regular basis. I work for the Federal Government and even our SES is pushing for more remote work capability for existing employees. Good leadership understands the changing nature of work, as well as how to retain employees. When you have all the metrics in the world showing across the board improvement from at home work and you choose to ignore them, that's bad leadership. Hot take, maybe Elon is a great innovator, but not a good leader.
  3. It sounds like your advocating for an open office environment...if you are, I'm not sure you've ever worked in one before. My agency is all open office except for our senior leadership. It's the worst thing I have ever experienced, and honestly, I would kill someone for a cubicle. There is nothing worse than sitting next to a person and listening to their side of a phone call, and then trying to have your call. Or worse, having to listen to people congregate two desks away and talk about absolutely ****ing nothing. Open office concepts are the scourge of my office existence, that and the fact my at home office is substantially nicer than anything my agency provides. End of my open office rant.
  4. You have to limit access at the beginning. Create reasonable barriers to entry and move from there.
  5. I get what you're saying. But, I think you can get some positive change if the gun reform side cleans up their messaging. Everyone wants to ban things, pro gun side just turns that around. Change how you talk about the reform and you may make some progress.
  6. Huge part of the issue is that the current Supreme Court is not going to ban things. They are going to overturn the concealed carry in NYC soon. People need to be realistic about what they can get. You're not getting a ban on anything, not gun type, not fire rate or magazine capacity. It's not going to happen, you need to move on to things you can actually put in place to make a positive change. Honestly, I'm shocked people are grabbing semi auto shotguns and throwing on a drum magazine going into buildings. The whole thing is so stupid, I'm just at my wits end on this. The only conclusion I've come to is that we aren't going to get any meaningful reform because both sides are to obstinate on what they want, and they can't move either way.
  7. Messaging by gun reform groups is terrible. It shouldn't start with ban or restrict, you've lost a large group right there. It's got to be sold as I'm not coming to take your things. I want to make sure that the only the right people have access. Sure, you may have to wait longer, but that's only so we can make sure to stop the bad people. Sure, you may need to take a class, but don't you want to make sure that only the qualified people have access? Sure, may need a background check. You're not a criminal right, you shouldn't be worried. Messaging is so important.
  8. I'm not a gun or 2nd amendment advocate. But, I am someone who has hunted, done target shooting and spent substantial time in rural parts of WV with people who are. You will never get that group onboard with any meaningful legislation and change if you don't take the time to understand their interest. People who use the word ban and restrict are automatically going to be tuned out. They will especially tune out anyone who can't show some general understanding of firearms. Gun culture is real, and it's not always a bad thing. I know a lot of people who are exceptionally safe, and knowledgeable. I learned to hunt and shoot in WV on my uncles farm, he had been using guns for 40 years, his father before him and so on. It's ingrained in their day to day lives. Meaningful change has to happen but the people who want the change have to have a basic understanding of what they are trying to change. Institute a waiting period on all firearms. Require a comprehensive background check on all purchases. Require safety classes and continuing certifications.
  9. We obviously will need more good guys with guns. Arm, the students.
  10. On top of the culpability of action, what about inaction? Would the teacher be responsible if they didn't act? What's the threshold of risk that they have to identify before they must act? I could keep going on about this, I hate it so much. My wife is a middle school science teacher, she has never handled a gun before. But, somewhere some jackass thinks she should get a gun to protect her students. Just **** right off.
  11. Minority drowns out the majority. Doesn't have to be by yelling, money works better in most cases. P.S. I hate that land votes.
  12. I think most people know it's a terrible idea, but you get a loud enough minority and it drowns the majority out. All of this, and more. Though the odds a school shooting are low, the moment a teacher tries to defend the students and shoots a kid by accident, is high. Now that teacher is going to have to live with that, and likely be prosecuted because, unlike cops they don't have qualified immunity. I hate this idea so very much.
  13. I've said it in this thread before, arming teachers is absolutely terrible idea on so many levels. The least of which is it's just a stupid idea and doesn't actually go to the root issue of the problem. But also; You would have to extend qualified immunity to the teachers just like police in any incident where they felt they needed to pull the gun. How is a cash strapped education system going to pay for the training of the teachers? Is the teacher responsible to provide their own weapon, or is the county now adding an additional expense? What type of pay increase will you provide to the teachers since you've effectively made them SROs? How do you store the firearm so a student doesn't just take it, but still have it easily accessible? Arming teaches is the such a dumb idea, only in America would this be considered a solution by some. ****ing idiots.
  14. What people think is a psychopath and what is a real psychopath are very different. The question probably should have been, who played the best sadistic movie villain. That's matching up much better with the answers everyone is giving.
  15. This is the winner, not over the top just a real life depiction of a psycho. The coin flip, the complete emotional detachment from the murders. He was also voted the most real psychopath by actual doctors. Psychiatrists studied 400 movies to find the most realistic psychopath — here are their 6 key takeaways
  16. I saw this and just shook my head. My agency set new performance records during the pandemic, and we dealt with a huge portion of the pandemic requirements. When people need to see you in the seat to believe you are working, it's a management issue. You manage the work not the people. Managers who try to manage only the people, are typically pretty poor managers.
  17. Koons Ford - Annapolis Criswell Audi- Annapolis Hyundai of Annapolis Mercedes of Annapolis Tesla
  18. In Annapolis the Ford dealer has 4 Mach-Es on the lot, the Audi dealer has 4 various e-trons, the Hyundai dealer has 2 Ioniq 5s and the Mercedes dealer has an EQS. In fifteen minutes from my home there are 11 cars from four manufacturers.. I'm honestly surprised how many electric are on the lot in my area. Tesla has one new vehicle within 200 miles of my zip, a Model S. Tesla does have a fair amount of used cars showing as Rockville though.
  19. I had the dual motor reservation for the Tesla. I’m looking at the XLT extended range with the tow package. I honestly don’t think they are going to deliver a Cyber Truck in the next two years. I may be wrong, but based on what I see and read I don’t think I am.
  20. I canceled my Cyber truck reservation this morning. I’m looking at the Lightning now, since Ford actually delivered one.
  21. Completely agree with all of this. Make the requirements for all firearms more stringent. With the current way the Supreme Court is, you will never get a ban on any specific type of weapon or ammunition. It’s just not going to happen. You will also never get people to turn in their guns. But you can make a barrier to entry to reduce gun violence going forward. IMO key is to not use the word ban in anything. It just energizes the GOP base to vote against any, and all other type of change. People need to be realistic about the change that can happen and work towards that. Otherwise you play into the NRA and GOPs hands.
  22. Don’t hate it. But that affects people that have bought already. Without increasing the vetting you don’t stop people who are one off buyers to do terrible things.
  23. I think people have to look at the real fact that an outright ban is not going to happen. With the way the Supreme Court is currently setup it’s an impossibility of a ban. They are getting ready to overturn state rights for concealed carry (Link). It’s great to talk about, but it is not a realistic solution in today’s political environment. As a society we need to look at the ways of limiting possession to those who are qualified and undergo a specific vetting process. Like a drivers license, a boating license and a hunting license. Make safety classes a requirement if ownership, have those classes be operated by the local sheriffs or police departments. Put a 28 day waiting period on all types of firearms. Move to a comprehensive background check, not a simple background check. -Edit- I get the impression that a lot of the board had not interacted with real rural gun owners. You’re not going to get that group on board with a ban, it’s not going to happen. You probably can get them on board with a more comprehensive ownership process, as long as you don’t start talking about taking away things that have been ingrained into them since birth.
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