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Everything posted by PleaseBlitz

  1. Oh i see. So you are concerned that a person could sell like, a gun in January, then another in like July and still feel like he's not "engaged in the business" and then sell 10 guns in August and cross the line to being considered "engaged in the business" and now the 2 guns he sold previously without conducting a check would screw him? I can see how that could be an issue, but i'd have to read the whole existing law to see if it defines "engaged in the business" on a calendar-year basis. As to your second point about this being an awful way of accomplishing the goal: it appears that it was the only way, b/c Congress isn't going to do ****. All in all, this is a pretty modest proposal that is likely going to expand background checks a little bit and is a small incremental step in what I think is the right direction. Is it perfect? Not even close. Is it better than what we had yesterday? I would say yes.
  2. The rest of the article from Cork's chart. http://fivethirtyeight.com/features/the-armed-oregon-ranchers-who-want-free-land-are-already-getting-a-93-percent-discount/ The Armed Oregon Ranchers Who Want Free Land Are Already Getting A 93 Percent Discount
  3. LOL. Anyone else this was just an elaborate scheme for these nincompoops to convince their wives to get them an extra big gift card to Cabella's this christmas?
  4. I agree with your second paragraph, with the law, clearer is usually better. I disagree with your first paragraph. The executive order has an effective date. Before that date, certain things are legal, after that date, they aren't.
  5. I LOVE reading about this story, it is like a late christmas gift. I just can't help but picture these guys all decked out in their best hunting regalia, ARMED TO THE TEETH, hunkered down behind a cardboard woodchuck as tumbleweed slowly roll by. TYRANNY! they shout. Hello? Anyone there?
  6. I think the market they operate in is largely high balance loans. Like i said above, i refinanced nearly $250,000 (so i scoff at your meager $700/month payment ). That being said, if you are already at 3-5%, it may not be worth it. It never hurts to check their rates though, it didnt cost me anything upfront to refinance (no points or app fee). This is correct. Your interest rate is your interest rate. Student loan lenders LOVE that you have a lower payment, it means that you will continue to pay interest FOREVER and never pay down your principal.
  7. If anyone is interested in refinancing with SoFi, please PM me. They have a referral program and we will both get a few hundred bucks. PM and i will send you my referral code.
  8. Yes, i've been happy, SO FAR, with SoFi. It's only been 1 month of payments so far though. It took me 2 weeks to apply and get approved, then they handled the conversion. I also got a refund of about $1000 from the Dept of Education. I did the research (I used to be in the lending industry). There are only 4 companies that will refinance student debt (not consolidate, refinance). They all require stellar credit and that you earn enough $ to service the debt, which is the big difference between refinancing and consolidation. With consolidation, you still end up with a government servicer (Navient and FLS are the big ones) and they still charge you a high rate, the advantage is you can get lower payment options. The lower payment options **** you in the long run though, b/c the interest continues to run. These are the four banks that will refinance graduate loans at non-usurious rates. All of them require stellar credit and lots of income. My advice is to shop rates and see who will give you the best one. https://www.citizensbank.com/student-loans/education-refinance-loan.aspx https://www.sofi.com/refinance-student-loan/ https://student.drbank.com/?provider=slh https://commonbond.co/ Here is a WashingtonPost story that is worth reading: http://www.washingtonpost.com/news/storyline/wp/2014/10/15/student-loan-refinancing-will-save-you-money-if-you-dont-actually-need-it/ I have about a quarter of a million bucks in student debt. Refinancing down to 3% is going to save me tens of thousands of dollars. It was a critical move for me. Refinancing (the process) is easy. Qualifying is somewhat difficult since refinanced student debt is basically unsecured. I did go variable, plus they give you another 1/4 if you get the payments autodeducted. Its a 10 year variable rate loan. I knew that rates would start going up when i refinanced, but I am gambling on having it paid off before my rate goes up to 5% (which is where the fixed rate would have been). The Fed raised rates this week, but I'm pretty sure it was a symbolic move and i seriously doubt they are going to go crazy with rate increases. The economy is improving, but these still arent boom times by any measure.
  9. I just freed myself from FedLoan Servicing. **** them. If I could make one company a real person for a day, and then spend that day elbowing them in the ****ing face, it would be FLS. Despite their best attempts to prevent it (by not sending me the documentation that I needed (and they are required by law to provide)), i finally refinanced with SoFi. My rate went from between 6.5% and 7.6% depending on the loan (i had 9) to 3.105%. The difference that makes is crazy. Before, like 85% of each payment went to interest, now 2/3 goes to principal. AND SOFI SENT ME A PIE. Seriously, it was a bourbon pecan pie. From here: http://threebabesbakeshop.com/product/bourbon-pecan-pie/. I don't even like pie, but it's a nice gesture that makes me not want to elbow them in the face. Also, if your servicer is giving you problems, the best place to lodge a complaint is with the CFPB. http://www.consumerfinance.gov/blog/category/student-loans/ And they are definitely focusing on this issue. http://www.consumerfinance.gov/newsroom/cfpb-concerned-about-widespread-servicing-failures-reported-by-student-loan-borrowers/
  10. Did not see this posted yet. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2015/12/08/ex-cop-on-trial-for-rape-used-power-to-prey-on-women-prosecutor-says/ Ex-Oklahoma City cop Daniel Holtzclaw found guilty of multiple on-duty rapes Former Oklahoma City Police Officer Daniel Holtzclaw was convicted Thursday night of committing numerous rapes and sexual assaults while on duty and faces a possible life sentence in prison. In a racially charged case that attracted national attention, Holtzclaw was accused of committing sex crimes against 13 different African American women while patrolling a low-income neighborhood. The disgraced ex-officer sobbed in court Thursday — his 29th birthday — as Oklahoma County Judge Timothy Henderson read the verdicts.
  11. I don't really know how long I plan on keeping it. That will probably depend on how expensive it is to maintain. LOL. I turned down the extended service package, seems similar to extended warranties on appliances, which are a terrible deal. Plus, the lady pitching it to me smelled like she died in a fire 6 months earlier, so I really wanted to get out of that room. Also, the warranty sounds like a decent idea, but the car isn't new, it' a 2012.
  12. I can't find it, but I saw a meme that was essentially a picture of an obviously muslim person at a DMV counter. Top was "Won't issue driver's licenses to women." Bottom was "Violates deeply-held religious beliefs." Google fail, sorry.
  13. Is it true that german cars are significantly more expensive to maintain than american or japanese cars? Or is this either a) something that used to be true, but isn't really anymore; or b ) just a filthy lie concocted by the UAW and/or the Illuminati?
  14. On a personal note, the FFX county police SHUT DOWN 395 and South Washington Blvd to the Memorial Bridge for about 30 minutes today DURING RUSH HOUR so they could provide a police escort for about 100 motorcyclists. WHAT. THE. ****.
  15. At least he's honest? LOL, honest would have been "because you're black."
  16. I like that you watched a video with a cop shaking down a guy under threat of impounding his car, but you took offense to that. Good times. Also, I don't see what you are talking about anyways, so WTFKs?
  17. Because it's a viral video, and people use those to spam their unrelated agenda?
  18. http://www.cbsnews.com/news/officer-threatens-men-traffic-stop-buy-fundraiser-tickets-video-shows/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g49Upp-meMg
  19. How much does a run of the mill squad car cop make in DC/NoVa?
  20. Doseau, who reportedly earned $101,000 last year with the NYPD, met the girl online when she was 14 years old. He allegedly lied about his own age online, and she sent him nude photographs. Jesus Christ, they make six figures? That has to include the bribes and shakedowns.
  21. In keeping with the spirit of this thread, that one is just a scumbag that happens to be a cop, not a cop that is a scumbag for doing scummy cop things.
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