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Everything posted by PleaseBlitz

  1. He didnt say "limit retail portion sizes." He said "tax fatty foods." I agree. Tax the fatties!
  2. ---------- Post added January-26th-2013 at 12:37 AM ---------- ---------- Post added January-26th-2013 at 12:38 AM ---------- ---------- Post added January-26th-2013 at 12:41 AM ----------
  3. Im so embarassed, but it's this: DAMN YOU NETFLIX AND BOREDOM!
  4. Seriously, THE WORLD MAY BE ENDING TOMORROW, drink up fellas. :thumbsup:
  5. Just to throw my 2 cents in here: I love Bones. (full disclosure: i also love Koscheck). I originally thought that Bones was sort of given a free pass early and didnt earn his title shot, but at this point, i have a hard time holding that against him since, you know, he's beaten the **** out of everyone he's faced. I think it's going to be a good fight tonight but ultimately Bones will win convincingly. I know, not really going out on a limb with that. I dont really have much else to say. KO in the 2nd
  6. Re: David Robinson getting his view blocked by an old lady: http://deadspin.com/5884329/david-robinson-was-victimized-by-one-of-the-great-videobombs-of-all-time\ Sorry, the video wont imbed. Worth a click, if your clicks are worthless.
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ntDYjS0Y3w&feature=g-logo&context=G23564c2FOAAAAAAADAA
  8. [Friday gif] YOU BETTER PUT SOME WATER IN THAT ****!
  9. AAAAHHHH HAHAHAHAHAHA! Holy ****, i laughed so hard at the 2nd dog one.
  10. Personally, i have always thought the scoring system does not work well. If all rounds are going to be 10-9 or 10-8 at worst, why not just make it a 2 point scale?
  11. I had something by Lagunitas out of my buddies fridge on Tuesday, it was really good, but it wasnt that exact beer.
  12. This isnt a meme yet to my knowledge. It will be.
  13. I usually watch at Icons in Fairfax or Baileys in Arlington.
  14. Seanbaby is probably my favorite internet writer. Here is a past one on insulting Josh Koscheck http://www.cracked.com/blog/a-book-insults-just-ufc/
  15. Can anyone give me a reason to even consider the PPV tomorrow?
  16. Meh, you can't win em all. Though if you dive head first into that quarry, make sure you record it and then post it here.
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