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Everything posted by PleaseBlitz

  1. My read is that this puts the relationship back to where it was under the "2020 Comprehensive Plan" and before any of the battle about the Don't Say Gay law started in 2022. It's not entirely clear because the AP report refers to "a comprehensive plan from 2020", but I think they really mean the "Comprehensive Plan 2020" which was actually agreed to in 2010. In either event, Disney was perfectly happy with its arrangement with the State of Florida prior to 2022, so reverting back to a 2020 or 2010 agreement seems like a pretty complete victory for Mickey. This deal just voids all of the legal maneuverings Disney did in reaction to DeSantis' shenanigans which, although hilarious in exposing Florida's lawyers as completely inept, wasn't the deal Disney wanted. They wanted the deal they struck prior to 2022. If anyone recalls, Disney cancelled several billion dollars in planned investments in FLA, so will be interesting to see if those are back on the table (which would be a victory for Florida, in the sense that it'll get something back that it already had before it tried to flex on Disney.
  2. This is generally correct, but leaves out the part about there being lots of different interest rates. Below is a graph of the Federal Funds Rate, the key rate the Federal Reserve controls, for the last 20 years. It is the interest rate at which banks lend excess reserves to other depository institutions overnight. You will note that rates crashed in 2000 coinciding with the Early 2000's Recession, then crept back up until they crashed again with the housing bubble leading to the Great Recession in late 2007, stayed at rock bottom during that recession, then started creeping back up as we got out of that, then crashed as hard as possible during Covid when the economy largely shut down for a few months. Now that the economy is running hot, leading to inflation, the Fed raised rates in order to essentially pump the brakes to avoid another recession (which seems to have been successful). The Fed recently announced it expects to lower the Fed Funds rate 3 times this year. #ElitistData.
  3. I feel like the Trump Bible is gonna have to be pretty different from the New Testament. For starters, Jesus is white and from Nazareth, Kentucky, and drives a pickup and listens to Jasen Aldeen. And wears American Flag clothing 100% of the time. All of the passages about strangers/refugees/immigrants have to be totally rewritten. Probably feeds the multitudes with McDonalds.
  4. Before my oldest started public school last year, the cost of daycare for my 2 kids was significantly more than my mortgage. And I would consider it a "slightly-above-average" daycare that was 20% less than the daycare located in my neighborhood. Here is a real day care tuition schedule for a real day care in Alexandria that I would consider nothing special.
  5. I am also fatalistic about this election, but the thing that gets me isn't the basic misunderstanding of economics, it's that people thing Trump can fix things. That Trump can fix anything. And that people that are upset that Biden and Biden supporters point to actual objective metrics about the economy doing well, when Trump, before he was elected the economy was a "disaster", 2 months after taking office it was "the best economy in history" and then immediately after leaving office it was back to being a "disaster" and too may people seem to believe that nonsense.
  6. Exactly. The article aligns with a lot of what you all are saying. So complaining that you are being told you are "wrong" (you) or that "this was about the disconnect in how well the economy is doing and that folks are still kinda bummed out about cost of living going up" (Renegade) is sort of silly when the whole point of the article is explaining why the disconnect exists, not that the disconnect is wrong or stupid (if you read the whole article).
  7. Yea, I lived in Arlington VA for several years. The list has 2 neighborhoods in Arlington, including their #1. I would rank them both in the bottom half of all Arlington neighborhoods, and maybe in the bottom half of all VA neighborhoods inside the beltway. I've also unfortunately had to spend some time in Coppell TX, and let's just say it was very surprising to see it on this list. It's basically a very spread out distribution hub for DFW airport with some commercial buildings and strip malls mixed in.
  8. Yea, this is not a new thing that has developed since Biden became POTUS. Edit. This doesn’t even get into Biden greatly increasing the child tax credit in 2021 (effectively giving parents $3600/yr for each child under 6 and $3k for kids 6 and up) until Trump’s GOP took it away in 2022 because tax credits should be reserved for ExxonMobil, not parents.
  9. https://www.brookings.edu/articles/inflation-and-the-gap-between-economic-performance-and-economic-perceptions/ Inflation and the gap between economic performance and economic perceptions More at link.
  10. Wouldn't this work against the Fox News argument that Joe Biden is responsible for inflation? Are they suggesting that the Biden Administration caused a Singaporean cargo ship to have a fire and crash into a bridge?
  11. Yea, there is a whole division of the Dept of Treasury that collects and analyzes information about financial transactions in order to combat domestic and international money laundering, terrorist financing, and other financial crimes. These large transactions (by a foreign national) would definitely raise red flags. https://www.fincen.gov/ By law, specifically the Bank Secrecy Act requires financial institutions to file reports of suspicious activity. https://www.occ.treas.gov/topics/supervision-and-examination/bank-operations/financial-crime/suspicious-activity-reports/index-suspicious-activity-reports.html
  12. I feel like the language barrier is really helping him here. Reminds me of the Congressional hearings for juicers when Raffy P conveniently forgot how to speak English.
  13. Dude should just fake his own death like he did for Biggie and Tupac.
  14. Yea, I don't remember what caused my memorable bout. What I remember is drinking half water/half apple juice to try to stay hydrated, but it all coming up. After the 10th time, all the stomach acid was gone so puking didn't even burn. It was just like drinking in reverse.
  15. Yea, that assumes the RNC is going to play by the rules. With a Trump now in charge, I highly doubt it will.
  16. You bet on WVU, didn't you?
  17. I'm extremely open to options including drafting Maye or Daniels at two, or trading down to get one of the LTs and a **** ton of other pics and waiting a year at QB. I do not want JJ McCarthy, especially at #2. I think he's getting a lot of credit for being the QB of the best overall team, but he's not in the same class as the top 3 guys.
  18. @dfitzo53 "A six year old beat this game" does not make me feel any better. LOL. I would also have responded with "Hey son, did you ever think about the fact that you're just a kid and therefore completely reliant on me for the food that you eat and the bed that you sleep in?"
  19. Picked Breath of the Wild up again. First time I tried it, I played about 8 hours and put it down due to lack of progress/frustration at getting from point A to point B/falling off of cliffs or drowning or running into way overpowered enemies/frustration at figuring out the hundreds of gameplay mechanics that the game makes no effort to explain. Going to try it again with more patience and more input from YouTubers.
  20. Most airlines will give you pluggy in earbuds if you ask. Not sure about BA specifically.
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