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Everything posted by LD0506

  1. I hear ya Buzz, but just pulling the plug, going from Obamacare to TrumpDontCare and "cutting costs" by just denying people access to medical services, that's an answer? Kinda sticks in my craw a tad
  2. As soon as I saw Gene Steratore on the field I told the wife "There's no way we win this game".
  3. Ouch! It'd be funnier if I hadn't been that poor sap nailed by a light runnin' dip****
  4. I dunno, they argued back n forth, the old guy was runnin the hell outta his mouth, talking a lot of **** and nothing got thrown except words until he crossed the line, and cross the line he did. Intentionally, blatantly, tried his damnedest to provoke the other guy and got nowhere until he pulled the trigger on that one sure way, and guess what, it worked! I kinda feel like the younger kept his cool for longer than I might have, kudos to him.
  5. What's funny is that I saw an article about this in the news, "video unavailable" try the Vine link "Video unavailable due to copyright holder request"...... but noooooo, nothing wrong with this one, noooo I swear to God I am so close to giving up on football, it gets worse every season
  6. Ha, too funny Pantera would kick their asses til they bled, as it ever was
  7. There's nothing wrong with the Electoral College, the problems is the political eunuchs that are too timid to use it.
  8. Wait, what? Did I really just see the Branch Dildonians brought up?.................oh man........................ Fiore is a good example of how the system was rigged. The Reps stuffed TPs in everywhere to boost red numbers, and told themselves "we'll be able to guide them to do our bidding". How's that working for ya RNC? Kinda the same way I hear people saying they'll vote Trump and count on the people around him keeping him in check. I tried to laugh but nothing came out, it would be hilarious if it wasn't so sad. Fiore et al. are exactly the type of people that will be around him, whose advice do you think Daterape Donny is going to take? The TPs have been stewing because the mainstream semi-sane Rs have been trying to explain the realities to them, little details like there are more than one amendments, SovCits aren't a real thing, you know, procedural issues. The TPs have kept their fingers in their ears and muttered until now, when they finally get a candidate that understands them. Oy This is about so much more than just Trump.
  9. I hear ya and for the most part I have to agree, but please, some people listened, some paid attention and took it to heart, some were changed by it enough to act. Enough? Not even close But it does no justice to his legacy to say no remembrance or ignored. Has he in some ways become iconic, or even marketable? Yeah, sad to say, he has. Don't have a clue what to do about that. But his message isn't gone, it hasn't faded away or lost its relevance just because the man died. Words live on and those that find truth in them are obliged to pass them forward.
  10. When you're right, you're right. People (not just white people) that can stand at a distance do, talk or criticize or make fun but stand apart from whatever is happening. Makes it damned difficult if you're passionately trying to make a point, especially if it is something necessary and important. People ignoring it or just making memes out of it tends to piss a body off. I get that. But sometime, somewhere the question needs to be asked of priorities, what's more important? The message I want to convey and garnering support for it, or being pissed off and screaming epithets back at those that rattled your cage? A protest is not the same thing as a tantrum. BIG conversations need to happen, honest, open, argumentative conversations need to happen, they have before and we're better off for them but extremes screaming at each other across a no mans land of the barren middle don't accomplish ****. MLK is remembered and revered because he could keep his cool and stay on message, his demeanor and dignity shamed opponents into listening. I think all factions could use some of that nowadays.
  11. Trying to do this is impress his MTV gf is even worse..............
  12. Well Kap ought to be happy, he wanted to make a gesture to keep the topic in play, it worked. If that's all he's got, so be it. Add whatever momentum you can, even if it's one lil push. I don't agree with it personally but there simply is no question about his right to express himself however he sees fit. I like to see "America" as an ideal we aspire to, ain't nowhere near it yet but we keep stretching and straining to reach closer to it. Freedom is the right to be wrong, to disagree, to hold opinions outside the accepted. Totalitarian states are about being "right", and they tell you what that is. So, we're all wrong together at some time, we learn from wrong, a lot of times two wrongs make a fight but a lot more times it can make a helluva good conversation. Embrace the wrong. I am disappointed that we haven't accomplished more but still look around and see a lot of people trying, aspiring to be more and help others do the same. The acknowledgement that we have more to do drives us, and in that respect Kap or BLM or whoever that cares enough to speak obliges me to listen. Not to agree, never signed that one, but listen and seek some understanding. Often find that I'm wrong. I'm grateful to learn it.
  13. Their version of the crazy **** we have going on? It's almost as if there is some kind of viral outbreak happening that manifests itself differently in different countries.
  14. "The Great Indoors" trailer was amusing, but when I google it and read the comments elsewhere composed overwhelmingly of the whinennials crying about the way they are portrayed, I LOL'd
  15. Y'all need to just take this in the same way we have to hear about Dallas every season, with a grain of salt the size of a Fiat and with the knowledge that when it comes back to bite 'em on the ass later, it will be all the sweeter.
  16. Kinda hard to argue with Ayrault on that one............
  17. It pains me, genuinely pains me that we are even having discussions such as these on the 4th weekend here and the anniversary of the Somme. So much blood, so many tears, so much horror spilt out on the soil in hopes of a better tomorrow, the staggering price paid- and always in advance- so that we might heal as a species and grow into something better. And then reality sets in again, the heavy boot on the neck as a Boris or a Donald uses those lofty ideals to wipe their ass with.
  18. And there's the rub, in your situation and our own, the "opposition" that was supposed to balance things, Labour or Democrat, has failed so miserably it might be a tender mercy to just euthanize the lot of them. I utterly abhor Trump, and as much as I feel that he truly represents many factions of the Republican Party, and is calling them all out in their open support for awful anti/un American positions, it is the Democrats I hold mostly responsible. It was their job, their duty, to stand against the greedocracy and instead they sold out to get their piece of it. What the hell is Labour doing in the UK? If this isn't a golden opportunity to draw stark distinctions between themselves and those they oppose what is? And yet, where are they? Lost in a bitter internecine battle over who is ideologically pure enough. And we wonder why so many are willing to burn it all to the ground.
  19. Well in a schadenfreude kinda way I am happy that the UK has trumped Trump out of the "national embarrassment" news cycle even temporarily. I'm wondering what are the realistic chances that someone can force a revote on this? I see this being discussed, and seemingly a lot of people waking up hungover wondering "what the hell did I do?" but what are the odds it might happen? Kinda sounds like the EU- especially Germany- is happy with the result and can now essentially dominate the organization, is that fair to say?
  20. Trust me, you put vegans in that foodchain somewhere and they instantly STFU about pigs and chickens...............
  21. Reaper, the way you work this thread you oughta get at least a cameo on the "X Files"
  22. Sure, no problem, that switch is low voltage.
  23. See, this to me is the precisely accurate level of cynicism that this item deserves, if you can honestly say outloud that "No, Brady? Kraft? the Pats? Something shady? Neverrrr!" then.... well, sorry, this is an IQ test and you failed
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