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Everything posted by LD0506

  1. No, not even close. The whole point of this is to ensure and increase insurance company profits, everything else is bull**** and window dressing to sell it to the rubes.
  2. Kelly is trying to walk a fine line between supporting the administration and not using the term "****ing lunatic" on the record. I sympathize, gets a little harder every day. Now I have no sympathy for that rat **** Comey, NOW he doesn't want to speak publicly because it might damage the FBIs reputation, oh yeah, NOW that's an issue. He's squealing like a pig in private though, even if the So Called can't connect the dots (or apparently color inside the lines) Comey can, he gets that any questionable wiretapping would have been done by......... wait for it......... THE FBI! ON HIS WATCH! So while it make take a while for the dims to get from A to B, if they wanna rail against Uncle Donny's wiretapps, the sacrificial victim du jour is going to be Comey. Ain't it sweet? Although personally I would have gone for something involving honey and fire ants for Comey, this will suffice.
  3. That's kinda like the best ballerina in Ecuador, isn't it?
  4. But they were LEGAL immigrants, 'cuz we had a bill of sale............................
  5. So he's organized this to make Joe McCarthy look better in hindsight? They couldn't find the commie infiltrators so they became them? I tried but apparently there is no way to say "Eat a big bag of dicks" in Russian, gets lost in the translation.
  6. On a side note, I'd like to see whoever came up with "spox" dragged out in a public place and horsewhipped.
  7. Overwhelmingly the "media"(sic) is a windsock, they go with prevailing trends/opinions (perceived or otherwise) and a lot of them are looking more at their ratings and job prospects than they are at reporting in any sense of the word. Not bashing them, I get where they're coming from. They are under attack and going into survival mode but I am still thankful that we have so many more sources of information now that just three network newcasts. IMO we are on the cusp of a golden age, a new generation of journalists and reporters that may break out of the restraints imposed by bottom line MBAers in the infotainment industry. And on a personal note, the attacks on Sikhs pisses me off mightily, they are just great people by and large.
  8. So I'm guessing the whole wire tapping thing will have to cook awhile before people see the ramifications in this? It's either/or, Obama tapped Trump OR Trump lied out his ass and dragged the FBI and DOJ in with him. Going to have a hard time wiggling out of this one, I seriously doubt it will just be ignored like the 3-5 million illegal voters! thing. Comey is squealing like a pig, he knows. The So-Called just stepped knee deep in a steaming pile. God bless America
  9. I understand people wanting to draw parallels to Nixon/Watergate, but this ain't that. There was a lot of outrage at the time, but again there was a ton of muttered support and "the Prezdent can do what he wants" opinions. Hindsight, yanno? But it was never cut n dried. This is very different, much more insidious and venal, this extends far beyond dirty tricks and shady **** from a small group of political insiders. This is a foreign power, THE hostile foreign power on the planet, colluding with these Quisling ****s to subvert an election. How much more does it take to rise to the level of a de facto coup to overthrow the government? Just because our ****s are doing it for greed and just happen to have their interests align with their ****s that want to hamstring America doesn't make it any better. Kilmer asked if "the left" was willing to say that the So Called & Co. worked w/ Kremlin Inc. to rig the election, I'd ask him if he's willing to state categorically that they didn't. I know, just speaking for myself, that I am not willing to make ANY grand declarative proclamations about what did or didn't occur, but I damn well want to know. I do keep thinking about the mantra from the right for years that "if you're not doing anything wrong you have nothing to worry about". Where'd that go and isn't that hypocritical now and why am I even asking. The proof/evidence/smoking gun(s) aren't in plain view.....yet. But there is no way to cover it all up and erase all the traces, that's just as impossible as coal coming back. So, IF (and yes, we're still at a big IF stage) there is undeniable proof that Trump or his cronies actively, knowingly participated in a plan to rig the election, will he and others like him still dismiss or explain or deny it all and keep rockin' the red hats? And if it's shown that the dims were just played, were just so selfishly obsessed with their own agenda that they let the Russians play them, is that somehow better? Aside from that, the right is already feelin' some heat and knows that time might not be on their side, so I expect them to try to ram through as much as possible as fast as possible. How far can they go now, how far out on that shaky limb will Ryan and McConnell et. al. go before the perceived risks of getting tarred with the same brush makes 'em flinch? And more importantly IMO what irreversible damage gets done to our country, to the economy and environment, to the social fabric, before we reach that point?
  10. And I am hoping that a lot of people in Iowa or Utah or West Virginia or wherever make the connection between their reps refusing to talk to them and then disgracing and debasing themselves in this. THIS is your voice being heard? THIS is making America great? THIS is ok in any way shape or form?
  11. Just heard Charlie Crist opining that an independent investigative body, outside of Congress and not a political body, would be the best way to look into all this. He suggested naming someone respected, someone with gravitas, like say, Colin Powell to head it. THAT'S an idea I could get on board with, like to see that get some traction. And of course it was carefully placed on Saturday night so it stands a good chance of being gnawed on on the Sunday morning Big 3 ( Face the Nation, Meet the Press, This Week w/ Georgie). Are we having fun yet?
  12. But that's a GOOD thing! This needs to hit 'em right in the teeth, they need to see the reality behind the endorphin rush from the rallies. You, YOU! yes you Iowa, you Georgia, you are four square behind busting up families, you are the reason for the anguished parents and childrens tears, this is what you voted for. So whatcha gonna do now? How are you going to drag your ass into church every week with this on your conscience? How do you reconcile your chants with the stark reality of what is happening?
  13. I hope that Grassley's constituents take note of the fact that he ignored their comments and questions vis-a-vis the growing Russian morass when he denied the Dem senators request to have Sessions appear before them and "re-explain" about his lying to them, instead opting for a written reply. This is not fake news Iowans, this is not spin or nuance, you braced him repeatedly in the townhalls about this and here ya go, he heard you, but he's standing tough on his "party before country" position. The left isn't the side that needs to get angry.
  14. Here's a thought, instead of ranting and raving and pretty much ****ting the bed at every opportunity, how about the Dems (as opposed to the dims) try and focus on one single, clear tactic, one that might be difficult to refute publicly, that even the dims would have to pay lip service to, like.....voter registration! Make a serious, sustained effort to counteract the right's avowed efforts at disenfranchisement, let the Russia investigations and rumors and whatnot swirl around and do something real, boots on the ground, assisting with paperwork and offering rides and whatever is needed to get people registered to vote in the midterms. Let the baby have his bottle, let the system sort out what it will or will not admit actually happened, and do something tangible to make a difference. And then I woke up............................
  15. I hear ya, and I agree, but fight back with wit, fight back with rational argument and intellect, fight back with style! The moral high ground is ALWAYS a better defensive position
  16. Here's another thing to consider, until '99 a special prosecutor was chosen by a three judge panel under a very clear regulation, that lapsed and now it is up to the AG (or acting AG) to pick who they want. What are the chances Sessions (or the acting Sessions standin) is going to hand this over to an objective, independent prosecutor? What are the chances that Omarosa gets the nod? Handicap the odds for yourself
  17. See, I agree AND disagree with zoony on this one. On the one hand yes, things have gotten overcooked, those opposed to the So Called and his cabal are grasping at each and every straw, every shadow of a straw, every rumor of someone's brother-in-law that heard about a straw, and it is coming off as a bit crazed. I get that, a lot of people are seriously wound up and you cannot think straight when you're wound up. You just can't. But, on the other hand.................... The real action is not happening in the media, as with most things the real action happens under the table, in back rooms and quiet places, and IMO those are the efforts that will bear fruit if there is to be a crop this year. Judges, attorneys, the ACLU, the intelligence community, etc., there are a lot of people gnawing away at the wall of secrecy thrown around all this. All the Rachel Maddow chittering and street protest hair pulling and gnashing of teeth serves to distract, to give the infotainment talking heads something to occupy themselves, much the same way you give small kids crayons in a restaurant so you can eat in peace. There are a lot of elements in play here, on both sides, a lot of smart people, a lot of unscrupulous people, reinforcing the walls and gnawing their way through from the other side. Breathe. If you want to bash someone for being venal and arrogant in serving their own immediate ends, doing the same thing yourself is just hypocrisy. If everyone abandons the moral high ground then there are no winners and no one can make any claim to "right". IF the Trumplodytes genuinely are trying to destroy America, rend the fabric of our nation and sell the pieces for their own profit (as so many claim and seem to believe) then the only way to oppose that with any dignity or character is to use the very things you worry about losing, the rule of law, the vote, making your voice heard in an adult fashion, making a convincing and rational case for your views. Out screaming the screamers? That's just embarrassing. If you want to claim you're "better than that", then goddammit you have to BE better than that.
  18. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/comic-riffs/wp/2017/03/02/trump-as-the-cat-in-the-hat-dr-seusss-stories-find-new-political-meaning/?utm_term=.c58f419d4fd3
  19. Asking liars about the truth.................HA! I just can't make this **** up!
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