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Everything posted by LD0506

  1. They don't, don't need to and TBH it never occurred to any of them. Belief or truth or reality or facts have no place in their warped, wacky, wonderful alt-verse of making America great again.
  2. You underestimate how hard many will fight to believe what they want in complete defiance of reality
  3. The ideologies are different, extremely so, but the underlying aims and dynamics have a lot in common. They use their rally speeches and verbosity to justify and rationalize, but in the end it is and always was driven by greed. Selfish, naked, unabashed and unapologetic greed. Trump is a small man, he hungers for mere money, Hitler's greed was for "lebensraum" and historical justification for his psychosis, but it is greed all the same. They surround themselves with other small men, men too small for perspective or compassion, men whose brutal view of life is a symptom of their smallness, small of mind, small of character. This is a test of our moral fibre, of our depth as a people and a nation, of our compassion and understanding. We need to be bigger than them, bigger than this, bigger than the rhetoric and sloganeering, bigger than the shortsighted gains of a few stock market profits, big enough to embrace the true wealth we possess as citizens of this nation. But in the end it is a test of us, not them.
  4. Wait, absolutely no evidence whatsoever of wiretappping= proof that it happened Massive evidence of Russian interference from multiple sources = proof there's nothing there Ok, I think I got it now
  5. Because that actually happened and might go somewhere? Was this a trick question?
  6. Personally I find this pretty amusing so far. The dims are freekin out now that the CBO released the numbers that will be tossed, 14 million right off the bat, but they don't care about that or massive cost increases for the elderly and really really do want those insane tax breaks for the rich, but damn, people are going to hold US accountable for this? They are actually going to blame US for taking away health coverage and giving it to some rich **** for his sock fund? So unfair.........
  7. Lebensborn 2.0 I can feel the greatness washing over me
  8. You're a better ham than I am, I am taking every shot I get these days
  9. C'mon, it's just another commodity to be bought-n-sold to the highest bidder, everyone with the cover charge will have access. And that's a good thing, right? I mean I keep hearing 'em say this, "access access access", like we're all ****ing idiots (when only HALF of us are idiots) and cannot see that access don't mean ****. Eventually this will come back to bite these acc-holes where it hurts, but not soon, and not easily. But you have to have those cover charges to keep out the riffraff, y'know, "those" people that would spoil it for the deserving................
  10. Just because someone is not stupid doesn't mean they are not crass, venal, amoral or shortsighted enough to DO overtly stupid things, all the while rationalizing it to themselves.
  11. But you do realize that this is a good thing, right? 'Cuz if there ever really is a legitimate investigation there are going to be breadcrumbs all over the place that came off a Russian loaf.
  12. Ah hell no, go for it, we need more talk this early to fill the gaps until the latest round of afternoon atrocities sparks conversation.
  13. Simply watching Rachel Maddow's recent shows would give the committees PLENTY of questions to ask, but it is sure looking like the fix is in- there's nothing there, pay no attention to that comrade behind the curtain, that smoke isn't even really smoke, etc. They are setting this up for burial, the Senate Reps would worked for Trump are already fielding their excuses. But relax, take a breath. No matter how deep you bury 'em or how many weights you attach, the bodies always turn back up.
  14. I think there is a natural tendency for people to simplify things, even if it means they reach an incorrect conclusion. The Reps are open to anyone...... that can afford to reside in their circles.They're not anti-black/brown, just pro green. All about access, yanno? I liken them to the Dallas fans that talk Superbowl after a couple September wins, this thing has a LOT more game to be played, and the more they get their hopes up the bigger the crash later. I am all about them declaring themselves openly, coming out of the background so we can see them for who and what they are. It won't be forgotten.
  15. "Our government" doesn't exist any more, their government is fine with it.
  16. They are doubling down on their efforts to deny, lie, bury evidence, etc. They're confident that there will not be enough proof to convict, which is the same thing as innocent, right?
  17. Now, now, they don't want everyone dead, just enough to reduce the rest to their place in the natural order of things, you know, peasants
  18. https://swalwell.house.gov/russia Very clear explanation of what is publicly known about the current coup underway
  19. Hey Genrul, maybe you could take one of the kids and tie 'em to a stake, threaten to burn them alive, that ought to deter the **** outta people. I'm sure they'll understand since we're makin' Murica great agin and all
  20. True, but at least I get their motivations, they are amoral assholes pandering to morons for a buck, ie. "smart" businessmen. It is the base that keeps me awake in a cold sweat, there are vast numbers of people that see the right colluding openly with the Russians to subvert and probably destroy America as we know- yeah, yeah, I know that sounds extreme but refute it, don't just dispute it- and they see this daily and THEY'RE OK WITH THIS!!!!! I never thought that millions of people across the midwest watched Westboro Baptists on TV and thought "Yep, they're right, God hates fags and we're all going to hell" Apparently they would rather see our country gutted, broken up and sold for scrap than see gays marry or blacks actually recognized as equal citizens. The feds are so EVIL for trying to help us all have clean air or water or safe food that they must be overthrown by this insane coup, and even if it means they lose their insurance or grandma's Medicare, even if means eliminating public schooling or constitutional protections, even if it meant we go so far as to build concentration camps in the Utah desert for all them danjerus libruls and Mexkin invadrrs, they would still be ok with this, cuz......................... < Brain blue screen>
  21. The FBI and DoJ should just send them copies of Trump's tweets, tell 'em "That's all we got"
  22. Ahhh, good times........ The dims are fighting about the ACA and it is already must see cartoon TV. A secret proposal written, hurriedly even after years of "planning", large groups opposing it and they're all Rs, the Dems have been shoved aside and told to STFU, some Rs understand that taking insurance away from millions and jacking rates on older Americans is gonna get them tossed in the midterms, Rand Paul and his loopies piss n moan because it doesn't take insurance away from enough people, people are already calling them both out on the difference between "access" and actual coverage, yadda yadda yadda....................... God bless America
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