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Everything posted by LD0506

  1. I jus luvvit when you get all poetic and **** J............ And if this was what it took to drag your silver tongue back into conversations, then so be it.
  2. And IMO the worst possible thing that could happen would be if the show got cancelled in midseason, I desperately want this to play itself out. This is the best/weirdest cartoon I have ever seen.
  3. The hubris, the unmitigated arrogance that they can do whatever they want to, that the ends justify the means even if it entails soliciting Putin to subvert the election, that's the crux of the biscuit, the petard they shall be hoist upon.
  4. Yanno, I would expect hardcore, professional liars like these to do a much better job of it
  5. Here's the thing, no matter how much bloviation and blather spews out of the So-Called's mouth, there is simply no way to reconcile lowering insurance premiums while guaranteeing behind closed doors that they won't cut into insurance corporation profits. None, kein, zero, they are mutually exclusive positions. So the whole lie-decry-deny cycle will spin around and around, and in the end the people will get it... in the end. Even the lube for that will be an upcharge specifically excluded in the microscopic fine print on the back of the TrumpBuck vouchers they'll hand out. They will rename and blame it all on Obama, that incredible supervillian, and when millions lose coverage that will get blamed on the Dems as well. And if the Dems stand in the middle of the road and just let it run them over then **** 'em, they deserve it.
  6. Nunes worked very hard to keep a nice even tone but he didn't do himself any favors with his dismissals and demurrals about the So-Called's ties to Russia
  7. And greed, can't forget greed. I am always astounded whenever I see/hear these hucksters crowing about "God wants you to be rich, and to give me some of it"
  8. And yet, the trog army is 100% ok with this, just like everything else......................
  9. Who needs icbreakers when you have plans that'll just get rid of the ice?
  10. I still find this all amusing in my own cynical, skeptical way. Let's see a show of hands, who genuinely believes that the truth will come out and anything will happen as a result? Plan A was fake news, laugh it off, dismiss and demean it. Plan B is more comes out the leaks are attacked while the substance is ignored. IF (a really big if) it gets any traction to where any politician feels the heat, Plan C will occur, we will see the usual suspects trotted out, as much evidence as is needed suddenly "discovered" or just fabricated outright and the whole thing will be laid to rest with cooing assurances that justice was served. It ain't gonna be that easy, we ain't that lucky, this ****show will continue to burn until all the oxygen is consumed.
  11. Eh, it's just that time of year, lots of polonium goin' around................
  12. And again, I can't help but see this as a positive thing, the daily public dick stomp that just adds to the baggage he carries. Jacob Marley got off easy.......
  13. I would hope this spurs some positives results instead of just returning to the status quo, ie. more awareness of immigrants and what they add to our country, a genuine discussion about addressing the fed immigration policy re; illegal workers, etc.
  14. This is typical, almost demanded, from those that have no understanding of the IC and what it does.
  15. I know it's difficult and kinda disgusting but some of y'all are seriously missing the point, and I'd like to draw a parallel that we as Skins fans all ought to be able to relate to. Year after year Dallas fans crow and caw and run their yaps about the 'Boys, all summer long, all through camp and preseason and then on into the regular season. We hear their vapid bull****, their puffery and claims of dominance and greatness, and when they take some games early they crank it up even louder. Last year was such a perfect example, Dak being fitted for a HoF jacket, Elliot running for 2-3-9! thousand yards!, all manner of Superbowl masturbatory fantasies and wet dreams, it's a wonder they weren't keeling over from dehydration. They rolled the div, headed into the paloffs and were garnteed to offer up blowout after shutout after humiliation until they were crowned AMERICAS TEAM THE GREATEST EVER GODS SHINING BLUE STAR OF MAGNIFICENCE!!!!!!!! But we know how that turned out, right? Just like previous seasons, the came down with Ebola during the holidays and **** the bed in spectacular fashion. The tears, teeth gnashing and hairpulling was epic, and tbh music to my ears and the ears of many others. You can't get your hopes dashed until you get your hopes up, you can't have your expectations crushed until you expect something, and the higher you get the bigger the fall. So, take a breath, walk around the block, run some laundry and do a crossword puzzle every now and then. I am absolutely confident that if we give the Rubepublicans enough rope they will hang themselves, and not just hang themselves but do it in historical fashion. Enjoy the show, savor the anticipation but don't rush it, part of the fun is in the buildup to the climatic explosion.
  16. I'm a tad confused at the title, aren't we in a cartoon where the moose and squirrel are in active collusion with Boris and Natasha instead of a -vs- situation?
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