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Everything posted by LD0506

  1. Dammit Popeman I sincerely respect how hard you are working to make your points here, and yes, I agree with many of them. While we obviously disagree on what constitutes hyperbole at this point I would agree that this is too important for bull****, we don't need more lies or innuendo or drama, we -and I mean we as in We the People we- desire and deserve answers. Straight answers, honest answers, complete answers to what did or didn't happen and what resulted from it. I cannot recall the last time I felt so unsettled at the state of our nation while simultaneously feeling proud of the way it is being addressed. We all need to step up and show that we ARE better than this- all of this- and not just say it.
  2. There are genuine questions in the arena as well, but we are nowhere near even asking them. I am just letting that sit for now but I would respectfully disagree quite wholeheartedly with your blanket dismissals here. We are only in the the earliest stages of unearthing what went on last year, I don't think any of us can state with absolute certainty what did or didn't happen. What I would propose is that blaming and attacking and tearing at each other here or anywhere does not do anyone any good. We as Americans- Americans of every stripe or party or inclination- deserve and desperately need to know the truth of this. If it was small and is just being blown out of proportion, TELL ME, me and others, everyone because we need to know that. If it is something more, find that out and tell us that too, because we need to know. The mildew of doubt and uncertainty has spread across the fabric of society. Accusations fly with no proof, proof lies there gasping without accusation, people are looking at their neighbors and doubting them, families are riven over this, there is a fever running through the body politic that needs treatment. But again, we are strong enough to survive this. "Government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the Earth." unless we allow it.
  3. I would agree but left to his own devices he would have gone on being the same selfish jackass that he has been for decades, a poltroon and the butt of many a joke, but little more. The disturbing aspect of this is the way he was used (willingly) by others just as amoral to serve their own immediate and greedy ends no matter what it involved. Somehow I doubt that we as the general populace ever hear the true extent of what occurred- for the good of the nation yanno- because so many of our political figures were involved in it. Even a cursory look back at the timeline of events that we DO already know has to make you wonder just how limited or compartmentalized this really was. The initial hack/dump from Guccifer, cloudy and opaque and withering quickly with little effect followed by a much more effective, much better weaponized offering before the conventions, almost as if it had been done or assisted by insider American marketing/political skills makes me go hmmmmmm? The way the Republicans consistently played "the dog that didn't bark" throughout, the ever widening cast of characters that we KNOW were in contact with Russian military intel figures, even the way we are still seeing talking points on the right that are openly continuing Russian agitprop disinformation releases funneled through Fox news commentators, you have to be straining hard NOT to see the links in the chain. But ultimately this is a test of us, not the politicians or foreign actors, this is a call to arms of American character. We have all we need and more to survive and thrive and rise above this to become better than we are now. Whether or not that happens is in our own hands.
  4. On a related note, I see that the British media is making a very intentional point of not mentioning the attacker's name, while making quite sure that people know that Keith Palmer was the officer killed. Bravo! Don't give them the attention they crave, let them die in oblivion. Another atrocious incident but we ought to note the manner in which the people dove in to give aid and comfort to the victims. There will always be evil and cruelty, but our humanity is the best weapon against it.
  5. 60 days in..... let that sink in, 60 days. This is a valid indication that system, however flawed, is working. That even when it involves seizing the apparatus of government and turning it to their ends, they are still liable to the system working through it for us all. For Americans of any and every stripe or inclination. This is tantamount to a coup fostered by a hostile foreign power and IMO rises to the level of treason. Pay attention, pay CLOSE attention, history is unfolding before our eyes. You will regret it later if you don't. And in all fairness, in the interests of transparency and to satisfy my own morality, I still maintain we need a healthy, vibrant, upstanding Republican Party as a crucial element in the functioning of our democracy, as much as we need a Democratic Party working on the same level. If this results in a cleansing, a high colonic for the whole thing as it were and we as a nation can grow from this, learn and strengthen ourselves and our systems, then it will have been a positive treatment no matter how bitter the taste in our mouths right now.
  6. The bodies are coming out of the ground like Poltergeist............................
  7. How is this not obstruction, providing inside info to the subject of an ongoing investigation? Oh yeah, it is Smack that tarbaby harder Nunes, then he'll let go
  8. Well the So Called did promise to take care of vets, sure sounds like they're taking care of that one.....................
  9. The piglets squeal, but still run with the herd Go ahead, pass this stinking pile of ****, I dare you
  10. Guess the Repubs have completely forgotten this guy...... Hahahahaha!! Eat it!
  11. The single most important tool you can ever have is realizing your own limitations, patience OR skill. Even if you know how to do something, if you can't commit to doing it fully you won't get the results you want. Kudos! My shed is packed to the roof w/ materials for the great spring burst of 2017, just waiting for the weather to cooperate. I finally felt like I was making genuine progress this winter when we stayed warm n comfy, can't wait to get on with the next phase. I'm finally getting dug out of the hole left for me by the previous ^$%@*^#rat****$%# owners and all the dumb things they did, now I can do what I want done.
  12. And all these things have a chilling effect right here at home. This is not only about people afraid to celebrate, but the economic losses from it......... http://www.cnn.com/2017/03/20/us/philadelphia-cinco-de-mayo-carnaval-de-puebla-canceled/ But hey, Philly is majority Dem so its ok, right?
  13. Of course the So Called thinks that anyone that gets voted out will of course automatically be replaced with a Trumptrog................just like a lot of other crazy ass **** he believes Good luck with that plan!
  14. Comey is trapped by circumstances here, and IMO in a good way. He has no friends on the left after his lil stunt right before the election. He has no friends on the right if he is not willing to throw himself on his sword for Trump. His only hope, only path to redemption is the truth, the facts, the reality of what did or didn't happen. He has to build an unassailable case for the facts. There is no presumption of integrity here, he will have to prove it beyond a shadow of a doubt.
  15. "And next folks we have lil Jim Comey with an act he has been working on for some time. We're not exactly sure if he is going to sing for us or show off his tap dancing skills, but let's give him a big round of applause...................."
  16. While not a tiny group in any sense I'd argue that they are not the majority. Wide swaths of America have come to terms with integration, a huge % of the under-30 demographic has grown up with rap/hip hop/etc and sees it as not only accepted but admirable. Increasing numbers of biracial/mixed race couples and families are not only themselves not part of that, but many friends and neighbors that interact with them daily have been reexamining their attitudes. Latinos are far more openly part of everyday life, not some anomaly, Muslims are as well. These represent growth demographics, and are not equaled or offset remotely by however many kids are being raised in racist households. A lot more children spent eight years of their childhood seeing a respectable, responsible black president followed by a raving asshole that happens to be an old white guy, don't think they can't do the math there when it comes to who is or isn't acceptable. Yes, we have all been taught by external social stimuli to bite our tongues, not say things we think, to swallow certain words rather than giving voice to them. As an old white guy I have not only seen this, I have lived it. Been there, done that, still doing it, and I'd have to say I'm a better person for having learned a broader definition of who my neighbors are. And I am not the only one, not by a long stretch. This sad and shameful episode we are just in the opening act of will hopefully give us all pause, make a lot more people reevaluate what they believe and value. I am hard pressed to accept that it heralds the beginning of some return to stone age thoughts and behaviors, we are just airing out the ones that have been here all along.
  17. "Acceptable" to a fraction of the populace that grows smaller every day.
  18. Not one bit surprised and I expect we'll see more of this in the coming days and weeks. But this is a GOOD thing, again. The trogs can't help themselves, they feel like the So-Called has empowered them, called them to serve, that they are part of MAGA, and a whole bunch of other idiotic bull****. I argued this earlier, there are no silent Trumpies, they are all out, loud n proud n full of **** and ready to tell you all about it and they will weed themselves right out. They'll throw their jobs away and will have that albatross hung aound their necks, and basically their only option will be to find another one working for some other open Trumpie jackass. It just makes it all easier to vote your wallet. People are already making choices in the marketplace not to deal with them and to support sane business that rejects their ideology. A very good thing! There is no point in even trying to discuss or debate or argue politics or policies with the trogs, they are 100% immune to reason, and you're just going to get exhausted trying, so don't. Argue money, argue supporting positive businesses and boycotting negative, vacation in positive areas and boycott the negative, make your vocal moral internet stand an element in decisions every day. It's not that hard, it really just takes an adjustment of perspective, and over time it will be much easier and obvious as the almighty dollar starts talking to business. Disneyland vs Disneyworld kinda thinking, right? What the hell does anyone go to Indiana for besides the Indy500? Think they'd notice if that fell flat? And their agendas of "you're on your own" means fed dollars won't be there to prop them up and it will amplify the effect. Make a real difference, a tangible difference, make a statement in a way that is ridiculously hard to fight ( Will Donny sign an EO demanding that people buy coal or attend the Iowa Sate Fair?) Talk is cheap, but action along these lines is there for the taking.
  19. Sounds like one of the dumbass comments from someone standing in line at a rally............"I want to believe so I will, no matter how different reality is"
  20. Its funny cuz its troooooo...... https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/comic-riffs/wp/2017/03/16/how-cartoonists-are-skewering-the-fight-over-the-gops-health-care-plan/?utm_term=.33d9941e7114
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