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Everything posted by LD0506

  1. I would actually support this move, anything to drain the dark money coffers
  2. You know those warnings that say "Viewer discretion advised"? We have no discretion 😆
  3. I am amused (and quite often not in a good way) at so many of the narratives about the next election. IMO Biden's age is irrelevant and is tossed around as a convenient blurb to keep it interesting without adding anything whatsoever of value to the conversation. As far as I'm concerned the candidates themselves don't matter, it is the administration they stand for that is important. We saw the hive of scum and villainy that washed through the White House under *****, every week someone else was getting caught doing some shady **** and resigning to "spend more time with their family". The administration that Biden has assembled is arguably the most competent one in my lifetime, they intentionally avoided filling it with Ivy League degrees and instead chose people with genuine abilities and skills to do the job. Joe could sit on the beach eating ice cream and snoozing for another four years and the machinery that is in place would keep rolling along and never miss a beat. Do we not notice that there is not a constant flow of reports concerning kickbacks and misuse of govt services, etc, the way we saw under *****? Does anyone seriously doubt that given the chance it would all start right back up again? We have this weird fixation with celebs and personalities and individuals these days when it is the larger collection of people doing the work as part of the machine that actually do the work. That's part of the appeal w/ *****, the dummy demographic that believe reality shows are real and a cult of personality is something to brag about, even when the personality sucks.
  4. This **** blew right up, I'm loving it. The chair guy deserved to get taken down, that was a bit much but I'd show the whole video in court and throw myself on the mercy of it. Take your share like a man cuz, you'll live forever on the interwebz. People have had enough, and I am for one am kinda glad to see that not everyone stood there with a phone making videos. I was amused to see that the pontoon boat bohabs have already been called out, their minimart in Selma won't be having a good summer. One of my favs this morning was a long video put to "Try that in a small town"
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