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Everything posted by LD0506

  1. Things have to get bad enough that people are willing to act, and we aren't there yet. Most are still counting on someone else doing the work or the dying, kinda like ole You EssA in '37. Everyone saw war coming and set to finding ways to make a buck off of it. They sure didn't expect their kids to be floating in the surf off Iwo. The worst crime John Brown committed was bad timing.
  2. Naww The country isn't doomed This iteration might be scrood A generation of kids that have zero ****s to give will build something different And all that red state grey meat will fertilize the Arizona desert once we run em through woodchippers Just gotta ride this out
  3. We have poured the national treasure into our military and people piss n moan about it all the time, myself included in some places, but right now, with the war in Ukraine, you are seeing where it went and what you got for all that money. VAST quatities are spent on non-flashy items but infrastructure wins wars. Our ability to project not only materiel but the ability to handle it in all the support equipment and personnel is an expensive item but would anyone be happy to see our guys loading ammo boxes one at a time into trucks the way Russia is doing? Put a price on deterrence, was that money wasted? If the othe guy looks at what we've got and just says "hell no" was that wasted? If they start **** but dial it back when the fleet moves into range without a shot being fired, was that wasted? There is a lot of money wasted and many times it is a result of political decisions made to buy senators with jobs in their state, etc. But when the **** starts, I want the best, all of the best, too much of the best in our guys hands at the tip of the spear.
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