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Everything posted by LD0506

  1. People act like this **** fell out of the sky like rain This is the result of as concerted, intentional campaign of pushing guns for money, period. Everything else is just overhead costs.
  2. What gets overlooked a lot of the time is that THE JOBS ALL WENT AWAY! Corporate America wasn't going to let anyone force them to have women or minorities telling white guys on the assembly line what to do. They said **** it we'll take our ball and go home, and they did. They shipped all the production and manufacturing overseas where workers weren't all uppity and ****, really knew there place and if they didn't, some convenient payments to the local government would make sure they did. Then they bribed Repubs here to let them repatriate those profits and while we're at it, just get rid of all those old fashioned FDR taxes too.The tax base dried up everywhere, and when it went completely dry in one place a bunch of those people would move elsewhere and get to sipping again. But too many thirsty nomads and not enough aquifer leaves you where you are now. You can't cut enough anywhere to balance out the long term losses over decades. And the natives are gettin' restless
  3. Fair point but we've seen an awful lot of people putting a thumb on the scales
  4. Well what are you pushing on it with? A fork will do that......
  5. The big money donors might have been content to let Kevin and the Crazies pretend to play hardball with the economy, but when it comes down to actually doing it they know they are gonna get bled. Right off the bat you tank the stock market and overwhelmingly their wealth is tied up in stock valuations. You spook the herd and everyone starts hoarding a few extra bucks because they are afraid of what might happen and you sent it into freefall. Now this is exactly what they did to Carter. Thye are selling short as fast as they can to insulate themselves from it but it is still openly going on, anyone that cares to look can see the plan, crash the country, gut aid to Ukraine in the process to help your Russian backers, and then just blame it all on Biden. They aren't even trying to pretend otherwise. So once again, as so many times before, the question gets asked, just how ****ing stupid are you Americans? I am not hopeful
  6. Listen, everybody that wants to know does. Everyone that's willing to pull their head out their ass can see exactly what is going on and the why of it all. Stop coddling these dumbasses, starting calling them out the way they deserve, as the evil scum they are. Civilization itself is under attack.
  7. Yes but we'll get a chance at putting someone better in that seat. It's a topic of conversation here
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