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Everything posted by KDawg

  1. If anyone thinks Wentz is worth $26M, $13M or $5M next year, I suggest psychiatric help.
  2. Is Howell active? If not, just put Heinicke in. Coming in from relief he probably has a good game. We saw Wentz like we needed to. He stinks.
  3. What an awful pass. All set with Wentz. He cannot come back next year for any amount of money.
  4. So Turner doesn’t trust Heinicke or Wentz. That’s fun. I haven’t been anti-Turner this year, despite some questionable decisions. But I think if this team fails to make the playoffs he needs to be removed.
  5. A toss play on 4th and 1 with a beast of a power back once again on the sideline. Whoever is subbing the backs should be removed from that duty. If it’s Turner, just go ahead and remove him.
  6. DL is eating today. Payne is a must sign. It’s ridiculous how good he’s been.
  7. Good news everyone… I just heard a stat. Everyone who has played the Niners this year have lost the next week. I’d think I heard that wrong but it feels fitting for this franchise.
  8. Stroud showed a lot that he hasn’t shown. My guess is someone got in his ear and they worked on things like escaping, timing, etc. guy looked for real.
  9. You know this thread is for the draft in general and not just the Commanders, right?
  10. Not gonna lie… Duggan doesn’t speak Pro QB. Nothing about him says “pro QB”. But that last TD pass where he was fading back and literally flicked his wrist and got it to his crosser for a 78 yard TD was tremendous. Might be one of those stash and develop guys that could become something in terms of capable QB play off the bench.
  11. The ****ty little Bowls are a little different. The guys who aren’t going pro don’t even want to play in those. Out of curiosity (and no it doesn’t particularly matter) did you play college ball? HS? Just trying to see where the line in the sand is drawn on opinions. For full disclosure I didn’t play. Got hurt. But I did coach at the D3 level.
  12. His teammate situation was a big part of that. I’m not arguing right or wrong, or the ethics of it, or the morality. That is an individual decision that I wholeheartedly respect and understand. I just don’t think someone who is ultra competitive is sitting out of a game. That’s the whole premise of the conversation here. Fortunately, being ultra competitive isn’t a pre requisite to being a good player in the NFL. Professionalism and work ethic are.
  13. Can apply that same logic to any game after he’s committed. So if he commits at end of junior year, does he sit the entire senior season so that doesn’t happen? Slippery slope. Also to answer your question: who knows. Probably depends on how good the kid is, doesn’t it?
  14. As I said above, I get it. And if I were in their position I’m not sure what I’d do. The money is tempting. And I get the nothing Bowls. But sitting out of big Bowl games is not a good look. Think of it like this: High school player and his team makes the state championship game. Star player going to Alabama. Does he sit out the championship game while perfectly healthy? If he does, what does Alabama think/say? They may not give a ****, I don’t know. I’ve never had a player go to a big D1. But the colleges I talk to wouldn’t think highly of the move. Now, the NFL is different. That’s not lost on me. I just don’t like the way it looks from a teammate/coach perspective. But I’d get it. Tough to pass on millions just to make your teammates happy. Slippery slope.
  15. They are making money in college now to play. And it’s not about the college. It’s about their teammates. As I said, I don’t mind them doing what they feel they need to. I certainly won’t chastise them. But let’s not pretend like they are ultra competitive guys who bleed the sport. They may love it. They may enjoy playing it. But if you play with your team all year and you’re in an actual Bowl game that means something… bailing on your teammates is the antithesis of being a competitor. I can see skipping the Carcare.com United Airlines Bowl. But nothing around 12/31 and onward.
  16. Disagree. Opting out shows that you are about you and not the team. Some of these guys have been the ones in the off-season preaching family and team and then they go and sit out before a bowl game. Can I fault them? No. Do I think they are bad people? No. Would I do it? I’d like to say no, but the idea of millions of dollars coming my way might make me make the same decision… But it is a lack of competitiveness. They don’t care about the Bowl game and competing. They care about he money. And that’s fine. Just own it.
  17. Keim said, “we’re playing doo pass rushers” in that first tweet. And I felt that.
  18. Well this is an issue, because he isn’t very good on designed roll outs, either. So what pass plays do you call with him? Just play action?
  19. The issue with Wentz coming back (in this hypothetical he plays well the rest of the way and gives us a competitive playoff game/run) is the $26M tag.
  20. There needs to be a thread that connects. Colors, history around the stadium/headquarters, etc. having said that…. There is a line where it’s too much. The constant hog references COMBINED with the ST stuff, COMBINED with the other stuff, COMBINED with them messing it up time and time again is a bit much. I actually think the mascot is the first time I’ve said, “oh come on… why go back to that? We are from removed from that.”
  21. Eh. It’s always good to get the pulse of the team prior to making decisions that big time affect them and can upset chemistry. I think it’s smart to do that. Give them some ownership. My hope is he laid out reasons for why he thinks the change is best and wanted their feedback and they provided it.
  22. I think that makes him a sixth man. The amount of games he plays vs. doesn’t is not very good.
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