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Everything posted by KDawg

  1. There’s the corner route again that we can’t cover. I haven’t been upset much with this team at all this season. I can feel it welling inside of me. Poorly coached, poorly played today. Season is over with. If we don’t see Howell next week I’m not sure I watch. Over this show.
  2. Most of the top contenders are quarterbacked by guys they drafted or gave the first real starting chance to in the League. There’s a reason for that.
  3. Former Eagle QBs all play the same here. I see very little difference in the McNabb/Wentz QB play for this team. Retreads aren’t going to help us long term. I don’t want to trade assets and big cap for a guy. If we’re going to trade let’s get ourselves a real solid rookie to build this team around. Im pretty against Carr. But not because I don’t think we’d be better with him. We would. But I just don’t know the viability to build a contender year in and year out.
  4. If we lose here I’m cool with Rivera kicked to the FO. He’s a good man, well respected and loves the team and his players. But we need a new coaching staff. Though if Snyder is still here it’s probably best to keep him because we’ll be resetting as soon as he’s gone anyways.
  5. We can’t cover a corner route for ****, by the way. They keep going to it and we can’t cover it.
  6. That’s about it, folks. Team has no pulse. Score isn’t insurmountable but this team is playing uninspired.
  7. It’s just not fun watching this team. And the worst part is that even if we somehow win we are going to be in a situation where it’s basically a must win against Dallas next week.
  8. Our OL stinks. But that was clearly cover zero across the board. Need to catch and throw.
  9. We have to see him. He needs reps in a game that counts to help determine the QB situation for next season. He played behind an absolutely horrendous OL in college. He’ll survive.
  10. The Browns have 8 passing yards. Couldn’t happen to a nicer guy. Serves them right.
  11. They should take the 3. 0-0 essentially at half. Obviously the TD is better but if they don’t convert it’s back breaking after a 12 minute drive.
  12. The key to winning with Wentz: don’t let him throw more than 20 times and have 18 of those 20 be playaction intermediate or deeper passes. And you still need to buckle up for the turnover experience.
  13. Yeah. Real bad move not having him active. We don’t have a quarterback out of Wentz and Heinicke. Had some hope for Wentz but it’s clear he stinks. And at least I respect Heinicke and like the guy from a personality standpoint and effort standpoint. Not sure there is anything redeemable about Wentz. Guy is bad bad. If we don’t see Howell soon we’re in a hell of a predicament going into the off-season. Almost making it necessary to trade up in the draft.
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