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Everything posted by Renegade7

  1. Makes me wonder how many posters have their password saved for logins, not first time seeing this happen.
  2. Agreed, LeBron came out west with his "formula" and ain't winning nothing but humble pie. Where's the fast forward button, I'm ready.
  3. As was everyone that said Clippers were out of contention like a day or two ago. @stevemcqueen1 looks like you finally got that parity you was looking for, at least for now. I may watch more then just wizards games now in regular season, i usually don't watch anyone else until playoffs, but damn, its about to be heavy weight fights every other night coming up. As on: more I think about, KL saved the Lakers from themselves. Now they still have the money to fill out rest of the roster versus being super top heavy and out of it if any of the big three get hurt. NBA should seriously consider finding ways to get their marquee west coast matchups in a reasonable timeslot, don't start every Clippers Lakers game at 10 like a bunch of dumbasses.
  4. Watched Fifth Element with Bae, glad I finally found someone that likes it as much as I do, weird how many haters there are on that movie.
  5. Real life Space Jam... I agree with y'all on Zions weight, it could destroy his knees before he gets his shooting form right. It's a recipe for bust.
  6. Once upon a time he went into a temple and was flipping tables because they were treating it like a flea market, so I imagine a lot of people would be in for rude awakening.
  7. MCU has built up so much goodwill people still say stuff like you gotta stay for the end credits, its worth it. Huh? That Nick Fury thing frustrates me, Wikipedia just saved me the headache. I'd hate to see them screw it up, slow down and make good movies, please don't try to keep up with what you were doing, it was historic, now its unnecessary.
  8. Sounds like it sucked but people don't want to admit it because how much they like Tom Holland as Peter Parker. Thanks for the review, Netflix for me if Disney allows it.
  9. Does that mean Toronto broke Leonard's request for no leaks?
  10. I'm not, Bulls drafted Coby White to be their starting PG of the future, it doesnt make sense for him to go there and think he has a chance to start. How is that cap flexibility going to help us if players dont want to come here? We waited for Sato, watched him become a serviceable player, and now hes gone, there really isnt much positive I can take from that.
  11. Saw this on BR from Miami Hearld, thoughts?: http://www.miamiherald.com/sports/spt-columns-blogs/barry-jackson/article231882358.html Can Miami actually do that? I feel like I understand nothing about the way the NBA cap works if they can.
  12. Given we dont know what Wall we're getting back, if he can stay healthy, and our overall lack of talent while Sato can play multiple positions, yes I'd bring him back for 3 years, $30 million.
  13. Steve is right, that contract is too toxic to expect it to better trading him then keeping him. Hes still going to be a pass first pg, that'll make us look better then we are versus complete and total chaos on offense until get someone better. My concern is either IT will suck and we let him go or he does great and we cant keep him, sure fire way to sinking straight to bottom of the ocean is not having a pg.
  14. If it's so obvious, you pretty much are saying it out loud. Ticket sales are already bad for this team, we're typically bottom half of the league even when we are good. Something like this from the Atlanta GM would be perfectly fine with me, encouraging, but who'd be the one to say it?: It's hard to say the plan is obvious when they haven't clarified if they are going to still bring someone else in or stick with Shep. It's not obvious he even has the go ahead for a franchise altering trade like Beal, last I checked they wanted to give him max and still find a way to stay under the luxury tax, but then get rid of Sato that would've been a big part of trying to be competitive. The actions they are taking only make sense to me if they are going to trade Beal, which this point I support because we are going to suck anyway at this rate even if hes here, hed jus be wasted.
  15. "For next season" is not the rebuild this team needs. And not clarifying what's going on with the front office makes me question whatever their plan actually is. As a fan the plan looks like trying to get out the luxury tax, I want to hear why they let Sato go if they were planning for a quick turnaround.
  16. Damn this team is going to be bad. I'd like to hear the plan, jus come out and admit it's a rebuild or something so I can better deal with it. This isnt even purgatory anymore, this is hell.
  17. Lol, it's not that bad...or not worse then what we doing. That sounds more like Howard, cant even be mad about it anymore, he came as advertised.
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