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Everything posted by PokerPacker

  1. Looks like J.J. Trek: The TV Show. Complete with those awful Klingon designs. Guess I should have expected that, but I keep forgetting that Alex Kurtzman is producing it. Seen nothing in that trailer to give me any reason to believe it'll be anything other than his usual tripe.
  2. Try one of those nice roof-mounted antennae. Edit: replied before seeing you not wanting to rig a roof antenna. Suck it up, cupcake.
  3. Graphene seems to be the wonder-material of the century. When will we start to see it realize its potential?
  4. yeah. And it's not like an SSL cert even costs any money anymore with Let's Encrypt offering a completely free Certificate Authority service.
  5. wow, I didn't notice this. Apparently I have notifications blocked. That means your login credentials are being passed in the clear? Time to break wireshark out on some fools
  6. Jason Segel. It's not a must-see, but it is a Duplass written/directed movie and you can probably feel his touch. I remember it being more dramatic than the previews let on.
  7. Sounds like a very Mark Duplass movie. He had another one called Your Sister's Sister which I think would be along the same lines.
  8. I think The Ladies' Man would agree https://www.youtube.com/v/OtHFsndc1uE?start=159&end=164
  9. Saw Lego Batman last night. Just a bunch of fun through and through. It's one of those movies that honestly is fun for the whole family. And they did a great job digging through Batman's history to bring a little bit of everything into it. When Joker was listing off villain after villain he'd gotten to join him, I was begging for a particularly obscure one to be included, but he wasn't. But then cut to the next scene and there he was! Add me to the group. Seems most horror movies anymore (or was it always that way) are about the gore and the cheap jump-scares and the like rather than building up of tension and going after your mind. I think it's really neat when they can make you question what's real, or perhaps what's moral. When I saw the trailer for it, my immediate thought was "oh, another foreign IP getting the generic Hollywood treatment." Looks like my impression was spot-on. Honestly, I get the problem with whitewashing as a general trend, but considering the subject matter of the movie and how the artwork representing the character in the animation doesn't scream "Japanese", I really don't have a problem with a Caucasian woman playing the lead role. That said, I probably wouldn't have cast Scarlet Johansson; I think I'd have preferred a fresher face. Maybe use the money saved to buy a script that doesn't sound like a Robocop ripoff.
  10. You've also got the girl on the left picking her nose at the end.
  11. Is he the one that was in Rogue One? 'Cause I definitely recognized him as "that guy from Four Lions" when I saw it.
  12. That was a movie that defied expectations. The previews for it set it up to be a ridiculous comedy, but I was surprised at how serious it could be at points. And then there's points where you've got crows wearing tiny little bomb vests.
  13. Huh, so there actually are people who are scared of their own shadow.
  14. It's like watching the Blues Brothers except with bikes.
  15. I'm waiting for more benchmarks to come out, but it looks like they may have a hit on their hands. Between the Ryzen and Vega, AMD might be making quite the comeback in both CPU and GPU.
  16. Happy and angry can go together very well. That moment when your revenge is about to be exacted.
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