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Everything posted by Nerm

  1. I have been watching Banshee, a show from Cinemax a few years ago that is now on Amazon Prime. I liked the first season, there are some brutal fight scenes. There are some aspects of the show that make me roll my eyes, like how every beautiful woman on the show has sex with the main character within minutes of meeting him... With some women even showing up to kill him, then deciding to have sex with him instead. Overall, the show has been good. Several interesting characters, particularly the bad guys.
  2. Nothing would surprise me, as far as who comes out on top. I do think that both teams passing games will be less prolific than they were last week. I also feel like both teams should expect better defense than they showed in week 1. If I had to guess, I would say Dallas 20 - Washington 13. I really see Allen being out as a big advantage for Dallas, as I think he is a real difference maker. I wouldn't spot Zeke that kind of production. I don't have a great feel for the secondary. My favorite LB from Dallas is LVE, he has the tools to be great.
  3. Makes a lot of sense, but I'm not sure most fans would get the reference. I like it though.
  4. Well, if you ask Jerry, I think he would have some vague, but colorful quote that would not clearly address the question. Something like, we are in a tight spot, but, that's when you gotta dig deep. Like Mookie Wilson says,
  5. Off topic (my apologies) but I used to play D&D in the mid 80s. This past week, I was asking my wife and 2 daughters if they wanted to play. Apparently, D&D has had a resurgence since Stranger Things. So, I downloaded the free "Basic Rules" from the website, to get a refresher on what I would need to do as a dungeon master to run the game. After reading about 50 pages, I am thinking there is no way I could do it competently. The basic rules were more complex than most of the textbooks that I read in graduate school. So, I told my family that we shouldn't play. It is probably for the best though. People said I was a dork for playing way back then. I would hate to see my kids become social rejects for not just playing D&D, but playing it with their parents. I suspect there is no defense for that among their pre teen peers.
  6. Anyone have thoughts about the old HBO show True Blood? I have loved HBO several HBO shows, but I have not watched that one, even though the genre is one that I would typically like.
  7. Louis CK has a great bit about pot becoming too powerful. "I'm taking huge hits... because I had no idea they had been working on this like it was the cure for cancer... and at one point I realize that I need to get out of here, because the air is touching my arm weirdly, and they can tell, they totally know that I'm not handling the way air is touching my arm right now." I am always surprised when people say that marijuana helps them with anxiety. I have heard so many hilarious stories about people becoming irrationally anxious when smoking pot.
  8. The Vikings look like they are going to cut Laquon Treadwell, who I think was drafted one pick before or one pick after Doctson. They are shopping him, but he will probably be cut. If the Skins know Doctson is not going to make the team, maybe they could swap WR busts to see if a change of scenery helps him at all.
  9. The proposal for ammunition tax, in response to a mass murder, always reminds me of this sign.
  10. I really do try to stay out of politics, but I'm going to put my 2 cents in about proposals to increase taxes on ammunition as a way of reducing gun violence. If we use the phrase "common sense" gun legislation, I ask: Which of the following people will NOT be discouraged from using guns because of the cost of ammunition? A. Hunters B. People that like to shoot targets at gun ranges C. People who want to commit mass murder (usually knowing they will die in the process)
  11. I am proud to say, that I was alive to see Fonzi actually jump the shark on Happy Days when it first aired. In retrospect, it is like my parents telling me about sitting around the TV to watch the moon landing. Of course, that Happy Days episode occurred at a time where if you didn't see the program as it was aired, you would assume that you would never see it in your life. These are the horror stories that I tell my children about what I had to face during childhood.
  12. I agree about some of the characters making choices that did not make a lot of sense. I had mixed feelings about the last episode, but I am definitely looking forward to the next season. As a side note, I thought the episode descriptions on Amazon Prime were hilarious:. This episode might...MIGHT... Contain a homicidal infant. You are going to have to watch to find out!
  13. I bet there is an app for that sound. I should look into it. LOL Honestly, I live in South Dakota. Home invasion/home burglary is very rare here. People just assume that a homeowner is going to be armed, unless you know the person isn't.
  14. I like to shoot, but I never really wanted a gun in the house. I do have some BB guns that look awesome, but I don't like the idea of having guns that could kill someone. When I was a teenager, I had a friend that was playing with a pistol that he thought was unloaded. It wasn't, and it went off accidentally. Neither of us was hit, but we both sat there for a minute in shock after it went off trying to figure out if one of us had been shot. It left an impression on me. Also, my wife tells me a story about her sneaking back into her house after she snuck out on a date with me in high school. After quietly closing the door behind her while sneaking back into her house, she turned to find her father, looking nervous, pointing a shotgun at her ready to shoot. I would rather regret not having a gun, as opposed to regretting making a mistake with one. Personally.
  15. I really loved "The Boys" on Amazon Prime. The genre was really interesting to me. It had some of the aspects of why I was really bugged by a movie like Batman vs Superman. Like, ok one of these people can move faster than the other can even perceive, and can throw a punch or use eye lasers that would rip the other person apart before they even knew they were in a fight... But we are supposed to accept that the fight could go either way...
  16. I think I would love shooting a gun like the M-60 with a long belt of ammo. The Uzi got old quick, 3 seconds of shooting followed by 3 minutes of loading. As for home protection, I am more of an aluminum bat guy, though I don't know how that would go in a narrow hallway. May need to get one of those tiny wooden replica bats about 10 inches long.
  17. I dont involve myself in political or policy debates, so don't take this as a position on gun control one way or the other. But, I was able to go to a gun range and shoot an automatic weapon for the first time in my life this past year. I shot an Uzi with a few 20 shot clips on auto and semi-auto. The only situation I have ever thought about wanting a gun for self protection is imagining what I would do if a zombie apocalypse broke out, so I don't think much about this stuff. However, I did walk away from the experience thinking that there is no way I would want an automatic weapon over a semi-auto if I had to protect myself. Those clips are gone in less than 3 seconds on auto, and you can't hit crap after the 1st shot... At least with the Uzi.
  18. As a Cowboys fan, I have to say, I'm pretty frustrated with Zeke's decision to hold out. Two years left on his rookie contract, having missed almost half of a season due to suspension in his second year, having an owner who defended you vigorously enough to get fined two million dollars, and you decide to hold out? He is the heart of the team's offense, but I don't think I would reward him with an extension if I was Jerry. I think Dallas should focus on getting their QB and WR signed, and send the message that they only negotiate extensions for players that are fulfilling their current contracts. Also, I have been a proponent of taking a RB early if you think they are special. Guys like Zeke and Saquan are worth high first round picks, in my opinion. However, if running backs start holding out after three years, the extra year of control you get by using a 1st becomes useless. It is getting harder to argue that RB makes sense in the 1st.
  19. I still frequently listen to his bit about aunt Bunny and uncle Gus at the cookout from Delirious. "I know a mother ****ing Bigfoot when I see one Gus!"
  20. Thanks for the reply. I am leaning towards Milwaukee, as they look like the most interesting team that is less than a 10 hour drive for me. I hope that game makes sense for me when the schedule comes out. I will be willing to spend extra for good seats. It will probably be a once in a lifetime thing, so I don't want to leave thinking my view of the game sucked. I may also consider flying to Phoenix, as I have family I could stay with there. I also have family in LA, but I assume "good seats" would be prohibitively expensive for Laker home games.
  21. So, I stopped watching NBA basketball about 15 years ago. I really loved the Lakers in the 80s, though I started to lose interest in regular season games in the 90s... Then I lost interest in the playoffs too. But, I started to get interested again during the finals this year. I have followed the offseason, and I am starting to get interested again. I have never been to an NBA game live, and I think I'm going to try to go to one this year. I have always regretted that I never went to see Jordan play. So, if I do go to a game this year... I think I should try to see Lebron. I have a few basic questions about trying to do that. 1. Does every team play at least one game in ever city? Like will the Lakers play at least one game in Chicago, Minnesota, Denver... Etc? I live in South Dakota, and I would prefer to avoid the expense of plane tickets. 2. When does the regular season schedule come out? 3. Does it make more sense to buy tickets way early, or can good seats be available a couple weeks before the game? 4. I hear a lot about load management. I want to avoid going to games where stars are more likely to sit out. In general, do players sit out more in non-conference games, away vs home, around the all star game vs the last weeks of the season. Any advice on picking games where the stars are less likely to sit out?
  22. Honestly, if I was going to get into the hot take buisness, I would start on YouTube. Try to come up with a humorous way to present some hot takes, and then try to get a following by linking the videos on various social media platforms. I actually think there is potential for Stephen Colbert type character (exaggerated Conservative pundit), but in the sports arena. The hot take guys are so over the top now, I think the humor would write itself.
  23. The Lakers are such a unique franchise. It is amazing to think about how successful they have been prior to these past 5-6 years. Before that, they had won a conference championship something like 30 times in their 60 some years as a franchise. It is hard to fathom one franchise winning their conference as much as all the other teams in their conference combined. This past 5 years looked like the first chance for a generation of players to grow up watching the Lakers thinking "these guys always suck". But, if they do pull off the super team championship, that could change in a hurry. Also, LA is naturally going to be appealing to young millionaires.
  24. I agree it would have been awesome. The scene could have been epic visually. But also, the symbolism of the Starks' sigil animal killing the Targeryen sigil animal could have been used as an additional stressor for Danny that fueled her paranoia.
  25. Well, on the bright side, we were able to see Jon become suicidal, stand up to the dragon, and yell at him defiantly before the dragon was destroyed. I'm surprised Jon didn't try that again after Danny was killed and Drogon looked pissed. Worked last time!
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