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Everything posted by Nerm

  1. I have mixed feelings about Aria pulling off that move. Her getting past the white walkers did seem pretty easy. On the other hand, the white walkers were not really body guards. None of them even flinched when Theon charged the NK. They let the NK take him out, just like it looked like he was going to do to Aria. Also, I don't think it was a coincidence that the Mormont girl was killed after being grabbed and held up like the NK was doing to Aria at the end. Those two girls have a lot of similarities, so the scene was set up to look like Aria was going to die. Im OK with the ending, but I personally would have found it to be a more fulfilling if Aria had given her life killing the NK (in the way the Mormont girl went out). Switch those two fight scenes around, and it would be epic. I'm not disappointed by the episode at all, but I do feel like there were more compelling endings available.
  2. I liked the episode overall. But I do think it would have been more impactful if a major character had died distracting the NK while Aria went in for the kill. one possibility: the Hound overcomes his fire phobia and uses Berrick's flaming sword to engage the NK while Aria makes her move.
  3. I was thinking Rick Grimes. He has some experience in killing dead people.
  4. I think it is obvious who will get the throne, Tormand's speech last week was foreshadowing the next King... Robin Arryn!!! Remember the little 10 year old freak that was still breastfeeding. Well, m theory is that after his mom was thrown out the moon door, he sent the nights of the vale north of the wall to get a female giant. Robin has been doing nothing but sucking giant breastmilk for several years. He is going to walk into Kings Landing, toss the Mountain aside with one hand, and take his throne. It is so obvious if you look at all the clues.
  5. I really wish some HBO guy in Europe would screw up again and play the episode early like last year. After waiting more than a year, it is odd that the seven days between episode two and three seems like WAY too much time.
  6. I agree. Her acting in that scene was perfect. The most emotional scene for me in a long time, and she didn't even have to say a word. The looks that she and Pod gave each other... It seemed like I could follow the back and forth conversation they were having... But they didn't actually have any dialogue.
  7. I read a theory last night about what may happen at Winterfell. It makes so much sense that I very much expect it to happen.
  8. My primary demand is that Nymeria comes out of nowhere, with a huge pack of wolves, just when it looks like Arya is hopelessly surrounded by a massive number of the NK's army.
  9. I don't know if the dead can use bows, but if they can, the Giants have bows big enough to take down a dragon.
  10. A few of the things I am interested in are: 1. If Jon will even want anyone to know he is a Targeryen? I think that hurts him more than it helps him both with the Northerners and with Danny's armies. The Dothraki and Unsullied are not fighting for her because of the Targeryen bloodline. The Northern people don't seem to think the bloodline means a Targeryen should be their leader, and the info may make them more skeptical of Jon. I would keep the whole thing quiet if I was him. The one way I can think of revealing the info in a way that would change public opinion may be if Danny ordered a dragon to burn Jon and the dragon refused or it did not harm him. 2. How does Jamie not get killed next episode? He killed Danny's father and tried to kill her as well. The Starks have no reason to stand up for him. Tyrion will stick up for him, but I don't know if that holds much weight with others. It seems like Bran, of all people, will have to make a case for him to live.
  11. Man, I can empathize with that. I rewatched the episodes with my wife after I was few seasons in. I was super excited to see her reaction to the red wedding episode. Then, right when the stabbing began (which blew my mind when I first watched it), she pauses the show and says she wants to go have a smoke. I was like WTF? Did you see that girl getting stabbed in the belly? On a side note, your wording about feeling like you could die of a heart attack while watching the show hits home for me. The night I watched the Nights Watch episode with Jon Snow... I actually did have a heart attack. That is no joke, it was my second heart attack (one the year prior). My wife swears that she thinks it was because I was so pissed about what happened on the episode. To tell the truth, I don't remember anything else about that night, or the following several days... But when I woke in the hospital,I did remember watching that. Now that is the kind of entertainment that I am willing to pay monthly fees to watch.
  12. Maybe, there is a trend towards the good guys killing the bad guys in recent seasons. One thing I could not forgive is if the Hound and the Mountain fought, and the Mountain won. Unless maybe Aryia(sp?) then killed the Mountain.
  13. I'm also four episodes in. The episode with the three robots was my favorite so far. Very funny. I really liked three of the four that I have seen so far.
  14. I would explain why I think that is a very naive way to look at the act of cold readings... which is a centuries old practice. But I have learned the hard way, through conversations with my wife, that it will just make people angry with me. So, I will say you might be right, and I may be wrong. The most bizarre aspect of my discussions with my wife is that she does not believe there is an afterlife... but if I tell her that it is bull**** that the guy is talking to someone who is in the afterlife, she gets mad at me and explains why there is no other way he could have known that stuff. If I point this contradiction out to her, she gets very, very mad at me.
  15. Never seen the bachelor, but I disagree that it is the worst. My wife watches Hollywood Medium... That is the WORST. The dude pretends that he has never heard of the D list celebs that he gives readings to. Then he proves his psychic abilities by telling them things about themselves that you can find on their Wikipedia and Facebook pages. The "celebrities" show their shock and amazement. Finally, the Hollywood Medium tells them some dead family member is happy in the afterlife and wants them to know how much they love them. Celeb then cries and tells the medium how greatful they are to know their dead relative is at peace.
  16. I was wondering the same thing. I don't know anything about the dude, but when I see the Titans offense, It doesn't seem like there is a lot to get excited about. On the other hand, maybe they would be epic with Rodgers running the show.
  17. I'm doing some contracting for a company that contracts for treatment services in the Bureau of Prisons. I called the company to see if I should still be providing treatment to people during the shutdown. The company didn't know, and they told me the person who could answer that will not be able to tell me until the shutdown ends. I'm continuing to provide mental health services at this point. If I don't get paid, I'll live, these guys need someone to give a damn about them. But, I have to say, I will think twice about ever working with the federal prison system again... Regardless of why this shutdown happened.
  18. I have my own bias as a Cowboys fan... But does it seem odd that people make the case that the NFL is trying to help Dallas win... but they don't call as many penalties on the Cowboys opponents as they do against the Cowboys. Cowboys opponents also get more yards and first downs from penalties than the Cowboys do. The Saints just lost to the Cowboys in a close game. The only touchdown they had was on a drive that was aided by FOUR penalties against the Cowboys finished off with a TD that could have been called back due to offensive pass interference. Do do you think Cowboys fans are thinking the NFL has their back when it comes to the refs? The refs are very inconsistent, and miss a lot of calls, but they are not calling games to help one team over another.
  19. I looked a little further into the stats. In the last 7 games, a Cowboys opponent has been flagged more than Dallas in only one game. The Jags had one more penalty in their 40-7 loss to Dallas. I think every thing would have to go right for Dallas to win that game. Strip sacks, fumbled punt returns, massive time of possession advantage. I would even add blocked punts, except the Saints don't punt every game.
  20. It seems odd to me how the NFL went about setting this up. In the previous Redskins-Cowboys game, one of the major national storylines was how much the refs robbed Dallas (usually prefaced with the comment "I hate the Cowboys, but..." Then, when Dallas plays Philly, the Eagles don't get called for a single penalty all game. In the days leading up to thanksgiving, there is a yahoo sports article about how strange it is that no Cowboys opponent has been called for offensive holding since the first half of their second game of the season. Then in the Thanksgiving game the most "egregious" missed call (helmet to helmet) occurs when the Cowboys already have a win probability of over 99%. The NFL doesn't seem to be very good at timing their calls to help Dallas lead the division.
  21. If you step back to see the forest through the trees, the leading WR for the Skins is Harris with 291 yards. That places him at #105 for receiving yards this year in the NFL (including RBs and TEs). He is #68 if you only count WRs. Something has to change in DC with the WR situation.
  22. If it makes anyone feel better, the Skins are going to have the better WRs and TEs this weekend. Also, Alex Smith has more passing yards than Dak does, even though Dak has played one more game. You guys look like the greatest show on turf compared to the Cowboys passing attack.
  23. I just watched two old HBO series that I heard good things about but had never seen. I finished The Wire, and I'm on the last season of Sopranos. I enjoyed them both a lot. Interesting characters, good drama, and understated humor. I would recommend them to those who enjoy crime dramas.
  24. Now that you mention it, my wife tells me I'm having false memories anytime I bring up things she has said in previous arguments with me. Maybe I have a problem...
  25. I disengaged from this discussion a few days back, but I was reading some of the issues regarding memory research, and I thought I would add my 2 cents again, as my training in clinical psychology (like Dr. Ford's) may be of interest to others. With the issue of repressed memories, there is a high likelihood that any memory was forgotten/repressed for a significant length of time is going to be completely inaccurate. I have not seen any reports suggesting that Dr. Ford's memories were repressed or forgotten. From what I can tell, she states that she did not discuss them with others, not that she had forgotten them. This is a big difference when it comes to deciding if such memories are likely to relate to something that actually occurred. Having said that, we all have false and distorted memories. Our brains do not work like video recorders. We remember things by recreating events in our minds, not by replaying the recording of what happened. As time goes by, the details can change. I have worked with Veteran's that have traumatic combat memories of one soldier helping to evacuate another soldier... only to find out later that those two soldiers were not in the field at the same time. The soldier basically told me "I cant shake the memory of when Mr X helped me carry Mr Y out of the field... but then I talked to Mr X... and he said that Mr. Y had been evacuated and sent back home before X joined our unit. Why do I keep having nightmares about this?" I was actually able to identify one of my own false memories. I'm a Cowboys fan, and I clearly remember my excitement when it became clear that Dallas was going to beat the 49ers in the 1992 NFC championship game. Aikman drops back, hits Alvin Harper on a slant late in the 4th qtr. The announcer says "Harper is breaking away!" I jump up yelling and screaming in excitement!!! Only problem is... I was watching the TV in South Dakota. The audio that I vividly remember is from the Cowboys radio crew in Texas. I didn't actually hear that until much later. But I do remember it clear as day. It is my favorite football memory of all time... and it is incorrect. None of this is to cast doubt on Dr. Ford or to suggest BK did not assault her. Just trying to point out that memories for either of them can be distorted over time.
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