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Everything posted by Nerm

  1. My apologies Hersh, but what is dead may never die. I will prove that by quoting my own post. I just read that the battle of Winterfell originally was going to contain a scene where a pack of 50 direwolves/wolves swarmed and took out the Night King's undead dragon. But D&D decided to go another direction. I can see it in my mind, and it is beautiful. 😥
  2. Well, I know nothing about NBA basketball, but I do know that SAS is never wrong when he makes a prediction with confidence.
  3. It is strange, I listen to a lot of sports radio, so I am aware of some of the storylines, like arguments of where Lebron ranks all time, and Curry hitting 3 point shots like no one has ever seen before. But I really can't find enough interest to follow the games unless it is a game seven. Even then, I follow an ESPN game cast, rather than the actual game. This game interested me enough due to the Warriors being vulnerable due to their injuries.
  4. To give you an idea, the last game I watched was the year Karl Malone was playing for the Lakers. I feel old writing that sentence.
  5. I have not watched basketball in years, but I am following this game online. It is so strange to me that Leonard scored all but three of his team's points in the 1st quarter, then gets blanked in the 2nd. Also, after taking more than a decade off from the NBA, I have to say that the game is so different now. It seems like half the shots are 3 point attempts.
  6. I was sad to hear that Kit Harrington to get treatment for anxiety issues after filming. Apparently the role of Jon Snow was his first role on film/tv. He started getting more overwhelmed as the story focused Jon in recent years. A lot of self doubt (just like his character). I can see a lot of parallels with Jon Snow's discomfort with becoming a leader. "I don't want this! I never wanted any of this!" I really hope he is able to separate the complaints about how the final seasons went and his performance in the role. I think he did a great job with the character.
  7. I think I'm on the second season of Kim's Convenience. I will also give a shout out to @Chew for that recommendation. I am enjoying it. My favorite character has to be Jung's supervisor at the car rental agency. She is so funny.
  8. Feel free to discuss anything you like about it. I probably will not check Mad Men out in the next couple months. I have quite a few other shows that I will catch up on over the Summer, before I add a long series. I'm not worried about spoilers from series that wrapped up a long time ago. Reading an article about how disappointed fans were about the Sopranos final episode was one of the things that prompted me to watch the show last year. I still loved it.
  9. One of the things I find most interesting about the Expanse is that it shows some aspects of space travel that most sci fi shows ignore. Things like gravity being dependent on acceleration or deceleration. Having to turn the ship around half way through a trip so you can brake until you actually stop at your destination. They don't have magical gravity generators, light speed engines, or "Inertial dampeners" that conveniently explain away laws of physics.
  10. With all of the glowing reviews of Madmen, I may have to try watching it. I think I watched the first episode (or at least part of it) several years ago. From what I remember, it seemed like a bunch of guys in suits having boring conversations. Is it a series that takes a while to get interesting, or does it hook you in the first few episodes?
  11. I disagree. I don't know of anyone who would say it is ok to kill thousands of civilians after a battle has ended, just because the rest of the world had not also surrendered. Who else was supposed to surrender at that point? She wasn't even at war with anyone else.
  12. I agree the scenarios are very different. In WW2, at least Japan was shown the devistating effect of the bomb, and given a chance to surrender. Then after they refused, one bomb was dropped and they were asked to surrender again before the final bomb was dropped. No one would debate whether it was appropriate to drop the bombs at the end of WW2 if Japan had already surrendered. That would be pure evil.
  13. The citizens of King's landing were not collateral damage in a battle. They were the victims of probably the worst atrocity ever committed in their world (I'm guessing, as I don't know the history of Westeros). Once the surrender happened, Danny decided to commit mass murder on a scale that was horrific. She became far more evil than Cersei at that point. She had to be stopped. Jon did the right thing.
  14. I'm ok with the ending overall. I like that Jon didn't take the throne, and did not get killed. The punishment for him is great "Don't send me to the briar patch... I mean wall". I also think he has enough connections in high places that he could get a pardon once the unsullied are gone. The only thing that would have been better for Jon would have been if Tormund had made a comment like "Have I ever introduced you to Ygritte's twin sister?" right as the screen fades to black at the end of the episode.
  15. I have been ok with this season except for the last episode. However, there are parts of the previous episodes that I would have been bothered a lot more by if I had known how things would turn out. For example, I expected there to be an interesting reveal of what Bran was "actually" doing during the NK battle... I expected Jamie was going to Kings Landing to kill Cersie, I thought maybe we didn't see the Stark discussion of Jon's heritage because they were discussing plans that would lead to a cool twist... I thought that Jon sending Tormund and Ghost away might have been a trick of some kind. Now that I know none of this stuff happened, I really dislike those parts of the previous episodes. The last episode was very disappointing for me. It had the same effect that the movies Alien 3 had. Aliens was one of my favorite movies of all time. Then, Alien 3 was so horrible that it actually took away the enjoyment I have when watching Aliens. After all, it is hard to get excited about Ripley, Newt, and Hicks to escape once you know the will all be dead (Newt and Hicks dead before the opening credits in Alien 3). The only thing the escape in Aliens did was get more people killed. So, while I have not been as down on this season as many have been, I think there will be more that bothers me if I rewatch the season in the future. Still my favorite show ever. Hope I like the final episode.
  16. There is a part of me that wonders if GOT did a reverse Glenn/dumpster scene with Arya at the end of the last episode. By that, I mean that they made it look like Arya lived, but she actually died. There was a scene when Danny blew open the front gate and destroyed the Golden Company where they show this white horse turned into a twisted mess. Then they show a majestic white horse appear out of nowhere to pick up Arya so she can ride away. The scene had a dream like quality, reminded me of the visions from gladiator when the main guy died at the end. Plus there are a few religions that mention a white horse appearing to take you to the afterlife when you die. It would be the worst twist ever. Which I think is possible for these writers.
  17. I have really enjoyed the first few episodes of "Dead to Me". It is a Netflix show that was just released. It has Christina Applegate as a mom trying to cope with having her husband killed in a hit and run. So far, it has had a lot of good comedy, and a bunch of interesting dramatic twists. I will probably binge the rest of it this weekend.
  18. I have to say, that last episode had my favorite line in the series so far. "Wich one of you cowards **** my pants?" -Tormund Giantsbane
  19. I agree about her bringing some stress on herself. She is impulsive. At this point, I think Jorah would have been the only one able to talk her out of going to King's Landing. I think she feels her grasp on being queen is more uncertain than it has been for many years. I'm guessing she thinks that she will lose her claim on the throne to Jon if there is any extended pause in her progress towards the throne.
  20. In two episodes she lost her most trusted protector (Jorah), her best friend (Missandi), and a dragon. On top of that, she lost most of her army and found out that her claim to the throne is not legitimate. It has been a stressful few weeks for her.
  21. Here is another thought I had. I agree with @Momma There Goes That Man That it seems odd they didn't show the conversation following the R+L=J reveal amongst "The Last Starks" siblings. It is possible that Jon made it clear that his loyalty is to the Stark family. Then they decide together what should be done next...
  22. I am probably just delusional, but I think this can be redeemed. I think Ghost may make another appearance. Same with Tormund and the gang. I'm a sucker for trying to guess for cool twists to save the day. Maybe Jon finally learned that he has to lie sometimes. Those goodbyes could have been an act. Or, Ghost and the Tormund gang could decide Jon needs their help. Of course, take these guesses with a grain of salt... I'm a guy still holding out hope that Nymeria will make an epic surprise visit to save the day. How many episodes left?
  23. The last couple nights I watched some reaction compilation videos on YouTube showing people's reaction to the Arya/NK scene... Including reactions at a crowded bar. I have to say, I appreciate the episode more after watching how people reacted to it. Reminds me of reactions to plays like the Minneapolis Miracle. So far, Arya may be the favorite to win GOT series MVP.
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