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Everything posted by Samuels

  1. Flip is a bum he rode the starters way to long. And Blatche is getting raped by Brand without a fight what a complete waste of space.
  2. It sounds like your more concerned with more wins now instead of building a annual playoff contender built for the long haul. Wasting our top 3 pick and cap space on Gay is beyond terrible. No worries though because Ted would never do it and plans to build thru the draft. Lets face it we will suck for a bit just like the Caps did and probably won't turn the corner until Flip is gone.
  3. Anthoney Davis will be a gamechanger. He is a bigtime athletic 4 that plays defense like a madman, hustles can handle the ball and has a good jumpshot. If you trade the # 1 pick in this draft your nuts unless its Dwight Howard. I'd rather have Davis,MKG, Drummond, Barnes, Sullinger and probably Lamb and Robinson plus cap space flexibility then trade that pick and our cap space for Gay. That would be the dumbest thing we could do at this point.
  4. x2 not only that but Gay is overpaid. If you have a top 3 pick in this draft then you better be getting a young all star if you decide to trade it. This is the deepest draft in awhile with talent.
  5. Seraphin is a space eating banger that will develop with time he has had some good moments. Drafting him was like drafting a high school player. He just will never be a offensive threat much like Vessely other then dunks. I actually wish they would give Jan more burn he is'nt gonna force shots,plays within the flow of the game,hustles and understands how to play team basketball, he will only get better. I think he can develop into that perfect glue type of player that we need. I can't stand Crawford or Blatche anymore. Crawford for some reason just really bothers me he is a 1 on 1 gunner that just chucks shots. Half the time he looks like he is playing on the AND 1 tour bus. I know he has been playing alittle better but he forces some ridiculus shots outside of the offense.
  6. LOL, you know thats right he is probably pissed behind the scenes.
  7. Only 2 turnovers that might be the best overall offensive game as a pro for Wall.
  8. He still went thru a draining cut to get to 187.5 and was forced to rehydrate by doctors he probably stopped sweating completely. That cut is gonna take a huge toll on Johnson.
  9. I want a vet coach with proven playoff expercience and a pick&roll heavy offense. The problem with Wall is he does'nt have that scorers mentality and his jumper sucks. The jumper won't get better if he don't keep shooting it, which he refuses to do very often. He wants to be a pass first Pg and floor leader but then he turns the ball over way to much. He is stuck in between what he needs to be and has defintely regressed from last season. I've never seen a guy miss as many layups as he has this season. I think Sloan or JVG can straighten out this ship I really do.
  10. realgm.com has a awesome trade kicker as well. Not sure how many of you are users over there I don't post much but been a member for years. Its a good basketball forum.
  11. I think alot of our offensive problems will be fixed with time. We need shooters no doubt but Flips system is built to get guys open jump shots and thats not the strenght of this team. I'd be willing to bet this team would look drastically different and alot better offensively and defensively if a vet pick&roll coach were hired like Sloan or JVG. Nick Young needs to be force fed the ball at this point running off screens even if he is alittle off. You have guys like Crawford and Blatche that are just chuckers. Crawford brings the ball up and decides to go 1 on 1 and Flip lets him its ridiculus. Crawford in my opinion in that 4th quarter stretch blew any chance we had at winning. REALITY check young fella your not MJ and never will be.
  12. This is ridiculus I hope they fight and its a double KO. So Manny is gonna make more money fighting someone else in june or whenever then just fighting Floyd on may 5th? These 2 are like a damn soap opera full of BS.
  13. I will be honest i've only seen 2 of his games this year but he was just a defensive monster in both. I just watched his youtube video though from nbadraft.net from his junior and senior years of high school and he can really shoot was draining 3 pointers off the dribble. I had no idea that kid can shoot like that he is a no brainer #1 pick. watch the video http://nbadraft.net/players/anthony-davis
  14. x2 Chad Ford said every front office guy he has spoken to said Davis is a lock for the #1 pick. This team is in no position to start drafting need over BPA anyway, we suck.
  15. I'd take Davis without hesitation he alters the game defensively. He can play PF and I would'nt pass him up unless the offer blew me away but its doubtful we win the lottery anyway. I read the other day that scouts were saying he was better then Dwight at 18 years old. Alot of people are giving him the KG comparison but better on defense. I can see the Camby comparison but he is blocking shots at a record pace for a true freshman this kid will make a huge impact defensively.
  16. Davis is the #1 pick for sure it don't matter what team gets it. He is gonna be a dominant bigman and alot of people think he is better then Dwight Howard was at his age. He was actually a guard who had a huge growth spurt. He can handle the ball for a big but I have'nt seen enough of Kentucky to see if he is sticking the Jumper. But either way defensively he is a monster. Drummond just seems like a lazy plodder to me. MKG would be my pick if we end up #2 overall. We could defintely use Harrison Barnes shooting and he is a good all around player. Sullinger is the type of post player we need much like Cousins. Sully will beat you up physically on the block and rebounds. Defensively he is a grounded player who plays position defense which might be good to let McGee get backside blocks. He was stroking jumpers and even hit a long 3 the other night. Alot of people don't want Barnes or Sully because there not athletic freaks so everyone assumes they have no potential to get better. I personally like guys that are fundamentally sound and know how to play. I think Singleton will be the starting 3 he is to good defensively and the energy he brings this team needs. He has hit a few 3's this year and that should continue to improve.
  17. I think Wall needs a structured system from a vet coach preferably Jerry Sloan or even JVG. They will teach him to play with poise and learn to be patient running the pick&roll. Right now in my opinion he has regressed. I don't care if he averages 8 ast if he turns it over 4-5 times every game and the TO's are a trend even at Kentucky, thats worrisome. Tonight he played tough defense at the end on Korver and he can be a elite defender but he is lazy on defense normally throughout the game. This team as a whole just don't play hard. If we get the # 1 pick and pair up JAVale with Davis that would be a physically imposing defensive front line they would have a block party but this team needs shooting in the worst way.
  18. And called him a punk lol
  19. Wow, what a joke boxing has become.
  20. I hate Mayweather with a passion but he beats Manny easily. Floyd has incredible defense and will counter Manny all night beating him easily i've been saying that from the get go. But i'd love nothing more then to see Manny KO him its just not gonna happen. As much as I hate Floyd the guy is damn good and nobody will beat him unless he keeps fighting into old age.
  21. I still think wrestlers control where these fights take place. Cain never shot on JDS he stood right in front of him. GSP controls every fight. Sonnen will control Anderson. Brock will take down Allistair because he will shoot quickly. I'd rather be a elite wrestler then a other discipline they dictate where the fight takes place.
  22. I dunno BJ's boxing was fine until he started gasping for air he was very slow and plodding after that. Nick just forces a fast pace on you and for BJ that was a nightmare. Nick throws punches at a ridiculus rate but his boxing is'nt technical at all.
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