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Everything posted by Burgold

  1. Impressed and surprised by this win. Saw them down with 2:30 to go in the second overtime and thought that would be really tough to overcome especially since they were the team that had folded in the fourth.
  2. May be lack of sleep. I know some people who get like that when they are perpetually tired.
  3. Bah humbug But this thread should be Wizardly... I just thought it an interesting question especially considering how much the majority of you wanted to run out both Ernie and Randy just last year.
  4. So, what do we think of Randy Whitman as a coach today? I remember for a while (years) people wanted to ride him out on the rails. Is he good, is it the talent, is it both or other variables? More, is it something we need to keep in mind when assessing Jay Gruden?
  5. Watching it on gamecast which doesn't really tell you much, but it feels like they broke the Nuggets' will. Obliterated them. And Denver is a .500 team not a bunch of bums
  6. Who knows... maybe they are going for that top lottery pick and this is their strategy.
  7. I think the question we should be asking ourselves is whether at this point we are judging the house that Bruce built or the foundation Bruce is building. I honestly am not sure he should get a ground zero mulligan after Shanahan. He may not have had his hand on the tiller, but he was definitely on deck for three years with Mike. I'd like to believe I see a team that is getting better. The Giants' game was a combo of lots of crucial injuries (down your number one NT, QB, CB, and for a time LT), short week, stupid, bad playcalling, stupid, and refs. Refs are definitely last, but they have played a part in the last two losses, especially the one against the Eagles where Philly would not have had a single scoring drive if the refs didn't extend it. Part of that is stupid play on the 'skins part, but part of it is also sinister especially when you look at some of the most glaring and ridiculous calls on one side coupled with the refusal to call much worse personal fouls or PI's on the other.
  8. Hmm... John Wall might make a good DB. Nice hands, good quicks. He might need some moonlighting money. Have him be our new nickleback
  9. Do they have better options at QB? You almost never hear of a fifth year QB anyway, but there must be a reason he's starting other than seniority?
  10. If just 6% percent of likely US Voters think Congress is doing a good job, why do Repubs trust politicians over scientists on climate change?
  11. I say Nene and Webster for Durant. Sure, it won't happen, but might as well put out a ridiculous flier. Nene is still very good when he plays and you need a big salary.
  12. Anecdotal evidence is dangerous, I agree. For instance, it has been beautiful in DC over the last week. Temps in the 70's and low 80's. That doesn't mean that I can pocket all my concerns or patterns about what geologists and other scientists have noted using longitudinal data.
  13. Again, that may hold true for the election, but what about the primaries or even before that. The candidate represents you. If they don't and you stay silent then you are giving them Your stam P of approval.
  14. Where we should be is... Climate change is real. Now, what part of that is him a driven and more importantly, what part can we mitigate?
  15. It's also essentially false. Professors aren't beholden to generate certain conclusions because of things like tenure. Besides, they aren't professors if agw, but profs of geology, meteorology, etc. If all the theories were debunked their jobs would exist. Now, you can argue fairly that grant money may be providing pressure, but pressure towards what end?
  16. Seems a convenient way to be dismissive and ignore the subjects. I don't know that it's a reasonable position. Look at the gun control threads where it's 15:1 in favor of gun rights. Deal with the issue not the platitude.
  17. There is a fair point in this except that it misses something very, very basic. The reason it is called a representative form of government is because we are supposed to vote for people to represent us and stand for us. That means when we say Republicans or Democrats... usually we're not talking about every single person who votes that way, but we are referencing the elected ones who we have chosen to be our surogates. The guys who stand for us. And that is fair. In primaries, town halls, and elections a majority of voters said... this guy best mirrors my beliefs about what I want. Therefore, if I point to the craziness of a Republican.... let's say one that has served ten terms (in other words, has been chosen as the best champion for his people's wants and needs for 20 plus years) and think that he or she is an examplar of Republicans. Well, you had ten opportunities to choose someone else and didn't. Clearly, this guy is you. It's a you broke it you bought it kind of deal. You can't keep electing these people and then claim no ownership of what they do. You can't look at TV or poll after poll of groups who claim to the voice of your group refuting climate change, evolution, and vaccination and say... it isn't fair to lump me in with them. It is fair because that's how you've voted and that's how you failed to raise your voice to dispute those who rise to represent you. If they aren't you then do something about it. If they are you then be proud of it or at least accept it. If people are being fed "BS" then produce the truth to counter it. Show us the conservative groups fighting for more science grants, pro climate change folks, etc. Because if the only Republicans who stand up only say one thing... then it is fair to categorize them as unified on that topic.
  18. It's not education. It's shortsightedness, self interest, and willful malice.
  19. Who knows? Maybe they did. I'd be surprised if no query was made to Lebron's people. Just because we weren't talked about doesn't mean that no effort was made. Grunfeld probably offered him a MLE and said he would start behind Ariza if he signed.
  20. Sure, just a very efficient team, that works really well together. Jazz often were amongst the winningest teams. So were the spurs. Duncan at this point in his career is probably a lesser player than Malone in his prime.
  21. Thing is, and I follow football much more closely than professonal Bball. Lebron seems to become Robin and not Batman in the Finals. Someone else needs to be the hero. As for Michael, Pippin was perhaps a Robin, but he probably was in reality Alfred or Commissioner Gordon and Kerr, Rodman, etc. were one dimensional players. Lebron is probably more physically talented than Jordan, but he's no Jordan. Could you imagine Jordan losing to the Utah Jazz with Stockton and Malone. That's what just happened.
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