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Everything posted by Burgold

  1. Who knows? Maybe they did. I'd be surprised if no query was made to Lebron's people. Just because we weren't talked about doesn't mean that no effort was made. Grunfeld probably offered him a MLE and said he would start behind Ariza if he signed.
  2. Sure, just a very efficient team, that works really well together. Jazz often were amongst the winningest teams. So were the spurs. Duncan at this point in his career is probably a lesser player than Malone in his prime.
  3. Thing is, and I follow football much more closely than professonal Bball. Lebron seems to become Robin and not Batman in the Finals. Someone else needs to be the hero. As for Michael, Pippin was perhaps a Robin, but he probably was in reality Alfred or Commissioner Gordon and Kerr, Rodman, etc. were one dimensional players. Lebron is probably more physically talented than Jordan, but he's no Jordan. Could you imagine Jordan losing to the Utah Jazz with Stockton and Malone. That's what just happened.
  4. Question is, if you can get Lebron as Cleveland do you even want him or do you have no choice. Clearly, he jilted and screwed you before, but just as clearly, even with an All Star team he was only good enough to win it all sometimes. Would a Cleveland team without Wade and Bush be a contender with Lebron or would they be exactly where they were before. As good as he is Lebron isn't Michael. He can't will his team to the championship. He can get them there, but then he needs to be Robin for them to win.
  5. Nah, the problem with Knight Rider is that too many of us own KITT these days. Our cars have computers in them. We have cruise control, GPS, it can tell us where the best place to go is. Sure, we look turbo boost and armour, but the wonder of KITT is gone. With Start Trek, we do have communicators. Hell our smart phones are better than what Kirk used. We've even developed tricorders. The magic of exploration and alien encounters though... that's still there. Laser battles (or phasers if you must) and Warp drives still tickle the imagination. Sure, we've sent an unmanned probe beyond the solar system, but that adds to it... there's a lot of possibility still out there if you get smart writers.
  6. Gonna? They've been rising at multitudes faster than income for years, possibly decades now. Part of the reason that health reform was wanted was because the process was so broken.
  7. Looking at Indy's win makes me feel better about the Wiz's loss. Not sure if that's logical, but I kind of want the team that beat DC to be the better team.
  8. Lady Gaga's move vindicated Good to see she has so much pull with the NBA.
  9. Embarassing. only kept up wiht the score, but to choke away an almost twenty point lead is terrible. Not ready for prime time.
  10. At the gym they had ESPN on. I don't get cable at home so I rarely watch. What a difference in the Sports Center coverage between game one and two. Every five minutes vs every half hour or so.
  11. Horse before the cart, people. Let's hope the Wiz don't let this live go to their head. Indiana is not a gimme.
  12. And to think... Nene with his bad knees got an extra day of rest so he can be fresher for the rest of the series.
  13. Nene let himself get taken out of a game. You can't do that in a series where the refs seem to be pulling very strongly for the other team. There's little chance that Washington will get the benefit of the doubt since the league is already trying to weight things Chicago's way. As a leader and savvy vet he should know this. On the other hand, with his bad knee getting an extra day off may be really good for him
  14. Next game is possibly more important. Wiz made their statement now the Bulls will try to make theirs. Focus will be key.
  15. Glad to hear. I remember getting an appendectomy during Gibbs I. I was such a fan that I came out of anesthesia just as the Redskins Cowboy game started. Watched it all the way through. After we won, I collapsed and slept ten hours straight. Hope it's nothing serious.
  16. Wonder how far their collapse could go? Cold they fall out of the playoffs?
  17. What bothers me with the Wizards is that there have been a few games where the Wiz have had a lock on a win in the last five minutes or have been anhilated, but they still play with a relatively short bench. Why not give some garbage minutes to the deep bench. Why not let Singleton or Porter play at a point where they can't really do harm, but might grow or learn?
  18. Whatever happened to good hokey titles like Wizards master Magic. All the headlines I'm seeing are so boring.
  19. No, but what if he's Ben Wallace? Got to admit the Wizard's scrap heap has become really, really productive elsewhere.
  20. Mitch Richmond Part II? Old and small for young and big? Well, it worked out last time
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