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Everything posted by Burgold

  1. That's why I wanted true universal health care and not to have it run through private insurance companies. Insurance Companies are grifters. Now, I don't mind us being taxed for uhc, but what I'm worried about is that we might be getting the worst of both worlds. We'll see.
  2. So, does this mean TRob or MKG is off the table? Not knowing much I was kind of hoping for TRobinson.
  3. I think there was a short period a few years ago where the Caps were certainly two and might have even been number one. Though historically, I think what you said is true. I'd also say that in my lifetime there was a good chunk of time where the order was Redskins, (Hoyas/Gary Terps) Wizards/Bullets, Caps, Orioles... Nats may be able to make really strong headway soon.
  4. I don't know if you consider him a "star" or not, but Wall has been on several bottom 2 teams.
  5. The word "potential" always scared me when it is tied to low motor guys. How many guys suddenly get motivated after they get paid their millions that were unmotivated when trying to get that first big contract. Did a hundred million finaly make Haynesworth realize his potential? Did the big contract motivate Blatche to be the best he could be and stop partying?
  6. DC has been a basketball town in the way it embraces college bball more than football or other sports. Again, that probably has more to do with success. Georgetown, Maryland, even George Mason in recent years, have all been pretty good basketball schools, but except for an odd blip on the radar with the Fridge, football has been absent. Then again, Virginia Tech has been pretty consistantly good, but the DC area has never really embraced Tech the way it has some other "local" teams.
  7. Random Draft thought. This is a good year not to get the number one. Davis can't really shoot. Seems to me he's a rich man's Jan Veesely. Great defensive, hustling player... but a liability away from the basket.
  8. The Wizards were the ones who coined the Lottery slogan You can't win if you don't play
  9. Wonder if Grunfeld et al. are waiting to see what their draft position is hoping that a good draw good help lure a better coach?
  10. As someone who likes the Wiz, but rarely watches them (supremely casual fan) I have to ask... how much is their late season resurgance addition by subtraction? How much of an anchor was Young, McGee, and Blatche? Is the difference really that profound?
  11. Did Charlotte really look better than the Wiz did during the good Gil years? but I think your overall point stands. This team has very little to beat their chest about and for them to look down on any franchise is a bit silly.
  12. Pretty incredible that two years after blowing up the team (getting rid of Arenas, Jameson, and Butler) they needed to blow the team up again, (getting rid of Young and McGee and needing to get rid of Blatche and Lewis).
  13. I sometimes wonder about that.... would the Wizards who became Pistons and the core of their championship teams have become great if they'd stayed here? I think the complaints we have about Nick Young are very similar to the ones I heard about Rip Hamilton. I don't watch enough NBA to know if that comparison is fair. I also remember hearing tons of maturity complaints about Rasheed... although may be more Blatche than McGee. Regardless, would those three have matured into great players in Washington and similarly led us or was there something missing that they could only get elsewhere?
  14. From reports, it seems to be breaking him. He's gotten spooked by the spectre of the fan's ire. Once that happens, it is really tough for an athlete to recover. More than anyone and for that reason alone he needed a new setting.
  15. An incredible number of offensive fouls being called on the Wiz based on the play by play in the fourth quarter... for someone watching what's going on?
  16. Ernie got off to a pretty good start, but his drafting has been pretty bad and his trades were worse. He probably didn't much choice, but to give Arenas a Max deal, but giving Gil a 100 million dollar deal when he had that type of injury and hadn't recovered from it and apparently never did... he never regained his speed or explosiveness was a bad decision. The free agents he brought in to compliment the big three were not good choices. I think it's fair to tip our hats to the Ernies for giving Wiz fans a brighter spot in their history, but in the end, Grunfiel failed for many of the same reasons that Cerrato did. Poor drafting. Poor free agent aquisitions and terrible trades.
  17. I remember a few years back creating a thread comparing Vinny Cerrato to Ernie Grunfield and was told I was a complete idiot and that the NBA and NFL were too different to compare anyway. I think this was around the time they traded the fifth pick. Seems like the sentiment is turning. Today, I'm reading more people coming to the conclusion that Grunfield is like Cerrato in many ways. I think personel decisions are a huge part of where we are today.
  18. So, you'd rather watch the Wiz play games in the 80's/low 90's accidentally? Short term this team could realy use a boot to arse disciplinarian.
  19. Who'd have thought between the Wiz, the Caps, and the "skins that the Redskins would have the most coaching stability?
  20. Could be a sophmore slump aggravated by a short pre-season which is bound to impact a very young team more than a vet team. By the way, on a Redskins note... some were advocating that the Redskins in their rebuild get rid of all their good players and any vet over 30. The Wizards are a prime example of why that is not a good idea. Although I guess if we did we could have walked to Luck...
  21. Don't understand the regression of Crawford. Admittedly, I'm a pretty casual fan, but I kept hearing his name last year and how he was lighting it up. Why is he such a helpless flop of a player this year?
  22. Sympathy Texas is burning My heart goes to its people football is second Life as a Cowboyfan The wind snaps a branch Its green leaves flutter and fall leaving a dry husk
  23. I honestly think they should just have a normal draft based on the inverse record of the teams. No one could tank a season that wasn't played.
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