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Everything posted by Burgold

  1. Surprised with a double digit lead with a minute left non of the deep reserves got any burn.
  2. I think that's a pretty good bet. Not sure if it's a wise play, but I think they would put their chips there. Certainly at the moment no one is talking about replacing either Randy or Ernie.
  3. And THAT is why you pay Romo the big bucks. Not sure why Jerry pays him the big bucks, but that is why you pay Romo the big bucks.
  4. I guess the really big difference is that Smith wins while Wall is unable to lead his team forward in a game where a super talent can have far greater impact. Based on w-l he's a bum.
  5. I wonder if this team is the NBA equivalent of the Kansas City Chiefs.... pretty talented, but perenial losers. If so, the answer is as simple as finding their Andy Reid. You could make the case at this point that Wall is Alex Smith, a disappointing overall number one who can't get it done.
  6. I expect bugs and problems when trying to implement something this huge. But I also think that the impetus should be to fix and improve versus abolish and destroy. After all, if your child on the first day of kindergarten can't master calculus you don't shoot him in the back of the head, right?
  7. Got to admit though I think we are in trouble next week. Still, he really is good at choking
  8. I suppose they felt they had to do this, but a guy who hasn't made an all star game, doesn't post elite numbers, and has had a very significant injury doesn't merit a max contract. They're paying for potential. Hopefully, it works out.
  9. Didn't see any of it, but I don't really get why it should be so sloppy. Are these still supposed to be the top 10% basketball players in the world? Hasn't every player on the court been playing bball since grade school and most of them been in these farm programs their whole life? Maybe it's because the players aren't used to each other, but they played high school and college ball, right? They should be very good even if not NBA caliber. I watch the NCAA sometimes even division II and it looks like a game. Shouldn't these guys be able to at least do that? I mean at the worst it should function like a second rate all star game, right?
  10. I realize it's preseason and that's the time to experiment, but why do the wiz insist in playing people out of position?
  11. Saw This is the End. Goofy overall fun flick. A little nuts, but a good popcorn laugher.
  12. Strange though... is this really the team you want to keep in tact?
  13. I hope not because that will mean that Beal'a a bum. Is 5 million a year really back up money in the nba? I really need to figure out how to engineer a late life growth spurt.
  14. Talent follows the piggy bank. How many all stars are lining up to play for Popovich or even a constantly good/great Spurs team? If money is equal they may look to something else... city life, climate, tax laws, winning cast, but money seems to be the number one driver.
  15. Why could we not be in contention for one of the better coaches or prospects? Snyder was always able to lure a big name even with terrible records and a ghastly organization. Is basketball very different?
  16. Crazy to be a week away with this much uncertainty about who's going number 1. Even moreso, when the mental wrestling seems to be over too injured guys.
  17. It's a perception of toughness. Len disappeared in a number of games and seemed to be able to pushed around by guys who were inferior in size. The lousy guard play didn't help, but he should have had more efforts that were dominant. Right now, Len is so much more about potential than production and for some that's scary esp. if you add in the injury.
  18. I remember that with Vinny. Vinny would say, Yeah, I know our o-line was decimated by injuries last year, but their a year older and all coming off major surgeries... what's the liklihood it could happen again? Draft o-line... pfah! Not til the seventh round, baby!
  19. Yeah, I will say that Tom Baker is still my favorite "Who" but that's cause I grew up with him. I think I saw the first season/two seasons of Michael Smith and I liked the red head (his companion) much better than him just in terms of acting. Smith seemed to be really going for the idea that it was a kid's series and playing down to the children while Tenant seemed a much richer character. Again, I'm behind in the series and they aren't showing them anymore on rabbit ear tv (for a while they were on in the morning on 26-2) so I don't know how he evolved. I was annoyed when they got rid of the red head though!
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