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About LadySkinsFan

  • Birthday 09/21/1951

Profile Information

  • Birthdate
    September 21, 1951
  • Washington Football Team Fan Since
    Since 1962
  • Favorite Washington Football Team Player
    Art Monk
  • Not a Washington Football Team Fan? Tell us YOUR team:
    I support the Commanders.
  • Location
    Cedar Park TX
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  1. I made some cheese biskets today, using a store mix like Bisquick. They were pretty easy to make. Will have them for breakfast with scrambled eggs.
  2. The 60 court cases where the plaintiffs didn't submit any cooberative evidence in any case to support the allegation of election/voter fraud.
  3. I live in Cedar Park, which the local government is Blue. My Congressperson is as Red as can be and votes Trump/Republican party every time. That's disgusting.
  4. Nope, not a home owner now, just retired person. My daughter made a life here and it would be hard for her to move.
  5. It looks good although I'm not a fan of kale, I use spinach. Next time I buy frozen spinach, buying leaf spinach instead of cut. Tomorrow is grocery and meds day. I'm also making some pickled beets and eggs, made hard eggs tonight, cooling in the fridge overnight. I'm going to put some pickling spice in a fabric bag when I heat up and beets and liquid with some apple cider vinegar.
  6. Last fall I was getting blood tests almost every month if not every other week until April, platelet problem. My regular six month check was the end of May. I get them every six months. These tests caught a bunch of stuff last year into this year. I'm good until end of November. I don't remember getting blood tests for my daughter when she was a kid. They only you want to check is for diabetes type 1 in kids. Or something else that symptoms pop up.
  7. I'm interested in learning what you eventually find out. I worked at a Sears once and they were internally investigating another employee for major thefts on one of the departments. I never found out how he did it, I did see his arrest outside of the store. This was around 1974 so no cameras or software. I understand that it took a lot of time.
  8. Is there someway to monitor the cameras to notify you via web that someone is in the storage place that someone is there when they shouldn't be? Is there a central parts desk where repair persons have to ask a person for the part or do they go get it themselves? If they go get it themselves, can they pick up a part without logging it while logging the part needed for repair? Trying to think of ways to get parts out of the building.
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