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Frozen Tuna


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Come on people! Where's your sense of adventure?

I say hell yes, eat the tuna. Thaw that bad boy out and dive in.

But first, dial 911 on your cell phone and keep the "Send" button unobstructed and in clear view. Just in case.

For our entertainment, since it is the dog days of the offseason, you could set up a video camera and record the whole thing. That way, in the spirit of the latest Star Wars movie, we could watch your transformation from the lovable dfitzo53, into the evil "Barf Ator."

You'll be famous!!

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I wouldnt risk it. But there are a few things to consider.

If it was vaccuum sealed, it wont hurt you. Probably wont taste very good, but it wont make you sick.

And for other tuna lovers out there. A bit of advice. If you are buying tuna, you will get a better piece of meat if you buy the vacuum sealed and frozen piece rather than the "fresh" piece in the deli case.

Tuna boats have processing plants on them that take the fresh caught tuna and package and freeze it while at sea. The stuff that's "fresh" is either a day or two old, OR was frozen whole and thawed then cut on land.

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Originally posted by Kilmer17

And for other tuna lovers out there. A bit of advice. If you are buying tuna, you will get a better piece of meat if you buy the vacuum sealed and frozen piece rather than the "fresh" piece in the deli case.

This is true. Unless you've worked in a sushi bar for several years. Then you can eyeball for quality. And getting good fish fresh well...

...it's delicious ;)

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I should not offer my advice to this subject as I have been known to eat food out of the trash and off the floor.....but, what I would do is take it out of the freezer, drop in on the floor, throw it in the trash, take it out.....and cook it up :laugh:

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