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this is a 50/50 Poll


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Originally posted by Monkart

Will Gardner be cut June 1 or will we still try to get something for him.

But Gardner already left the team to go play for the Broncos' D-line. :confused:

Sorry, just messin with ya, since they deleted your duplicate thread where I picked on your spelling of Garner. ;)

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Nobody wants to trade for him. He has good talent, so if he does blow up it's a contract year for him. No one wants to give up a draft pick then possible pay big money to some guy who has an earned nickname "50/50". Just cut him June 1st and save some dough for the future.

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Originally posted by danbee

We have to try to get some kind of compensation for a former first round pick. Even if its just a 4th or 5th round pick.

Considering we got a 5th round pick for a complete bust like Heath Shuler, yea, I'd hope we could get at least a 4th for Rod

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Originally posted by bulldog

it may be easier to trade Gardner for a player.

how about Josh Reed from the Bills? He is slated to be their #3 receiver in 2005 and has been a mild bust so far.

a change of scenery for both might be ideal.

I like that idea. Trade one mild bust for another. A wash for both teams, with a possible upside.

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Why would anyone trade anything for him? We pretty much have to cut him for salary cap purposes and he's in the final year of his contract. He refuses to sign an extension so no team is going to want to part with much for a one year deal.

We MIGHT get a 6th or 7th round pick if we are very lucky.

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Keep him. No reason not to at this point, all we could really get is a pick next year and I don't have a problem risking a potential low 5th-rounder to see if RG can give us some production.

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Originally posted by Mickalino

But Gardner already left the team to go play for the Broncos' D-line. :confused:

Sorry, just messin with ya, since they deleted your duplicate thread where I picked on your spelling of Garner. ;)

No problem ! but you picked two guy who haven't even played 20% of the time last year. Charlie Garner 3 games, and Darrell Gardner 0 games. I'm glad they deleted the other thread I tried to delete it myself but was not allowed to. :cool:

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Originally posted by bulldog

it may be easier to trade Gardner for a player.

how about Josh Reed from the Bills? He is slated to be their #3 receiver in 2005 and has been a mild bust so far.

a change of scenery for both might be ideal.

that sounds like you guys are losing out, Reed struggled to hang on to the 3rd receiver spot, truthfully I see more potential in Gardner.

Then again, losing out in a trade beats cutting him for no compensation.

I like the idea of keeping Gardner around for his final year. Cutting him post-June 1 will actually split his bonus for the final year between 05 and 06, thus bringing liabilities into the following season. Keeping him leaves a clean slate for 06. Then again i dont know exactly how screwed up your cap is right now.

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Originally posted by danbee

We have to try to get some kind of compensation for a former first round pick. Even if its just a 4th or 5th round pick.

i think if we could've gotten a 4th or 5th, he'd be gone already. teams know this guy will be cut, so why trade for him?

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Sorry Rod...But you just been fired!

June 1st will be here soon enough, and you won't be.

As everyone gave me a hard time because I thought Rod would turn into the superstar, a true #1 reciever.

and then he'd drop the ball...and drop another...and drop another...and drop another...do you see a pattern emerging.

Rod's got a heck of arm, but he's slow, runs lazy routes, and can't catch the ball. It really was sad watching him deteriorate.


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