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Ki-Jana signs with Pack


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Sounds like a pretty good situation for both him and the Pack. He doesn't have to take the pounding of being a #1 back while (probably) being a pretty effective change of pace/backup.

Though I too wished we had been able to resign him, I hope he does well there. He seemed like a class guy who worked his butt off to get back in the game.

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Still waiting for terms to be announced..... But if the signing is for $1 million or less, the Skins will regret letting K-J go. He's the real deal, with the only question being his durability. Still young, with a long potential future. We could be groaning about this for years.

If Stephen Davis gets a new deal and stays with the Skins, the end result will be that we drafted Betts in the second round rather than get a "freebie" K-J as our 3rd down back. My money says K-J has more upside than Betts, and he wouldn't have cost us a #2 pick.

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We interupt this program for an update.

Packers | Carter Agrees to Terms - 15:02 PT: ESPN.com's Len Pasquarelli reports the Green Bay Packers have agreed to terms with free agent RB Ki-Jana Carter (Redskins) on a one-year deal worth $650,000. The deal also includes an incentives package that could earn Carter another $25,000.

Now back to our regularly scheduled thread

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Originally posted by Park City Skins

Packers | Carter Agrees to Terms - 15:02 PT: ESPN.com's Len Pasquarelli reports the Green Bay Packers have agreed to terms with free agent RB Ki-Jana Carter (Redskins) on a one-year deal worth $650,000. The deal also includes an incentives package that could earn Carter another $25,000.

:puke: :puke: :puke: :puke: :puke:

I'm drenched in puke.

I can't believe the Skins let this guy go when they could have got him at the vet minimum of $650K, which would count only $450K against the cap.

:puke: :puke: :puke: :puke: :puke:

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Another case of the grass is greener on the other field? Seems a lot of our free agents in recent years have believed that their free agent worth was worth more than the Redskins offered only to eventually for about the same or less. Wonder if that will happen with Marco too?

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It is gut wrenching to think we let him go and yet we drafted that RB (betts). Man he BETTER be good, cause KJ was on the move!

Carter had me thinking he wanted the world. What we also don't know is, did KJ's agent ask for so much more from the Skins, because of Snyder's deep pockets???

Also, why didn't his agent go public for that amount that the Pac signed him for, so the Skins could have seen up front, with the fans that that's what he wanted???

Is it Spurrier or Mendes (with Cerrato's whisper) that let KJ go. Or was it a lockerroom statement that was overheard. Who knows, but he should be everything for Green Bay, that we had hoped he would be. I don't like the way some of the stuff is being handled in Dan's lap - not Spurrier's or Lewis'.

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How could we let him go that cheap to another team? I could see if he wanted to be a #1 back somewhere and took the same money to get out of Davis's shadow. But he will not be the starter there. So what gives. There has to be something we don't know about. Does anyone think we would be better off if we had a GM? Would it make a difference in this case and regarding resigning Coleman??

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If you remember, we talked to KC and he rebufed us. Football is a business, hiring/firing decisions are based on value. Betts was drafted, in part, to decrease KC's value to us. Betts will cost significantly less than KC (probaly around 40%), Betts can be 30% less productive than KC and still create more value for the organization.

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Originally posted by OPM

If you remember, we talked to KC and he rebufed us. Football is a business, hiring/firing decisions are based on value. Betts was drafted, in part, to decrease KC's value to us. Betts will cost significantly less than KC (probaly around 40%), Betts can be 30% less productive than KC and still create more value for the organization.

This is dubious math. The K-J signing at $650K costs only $450K against the cap. I doubt we get Betts for much less than $450K per year, and he could cost more -- and Betts also requires a multi-year contract with probable signing bonus, which makes him costly if he's a bust.

K-J is probably worth $2 million a year if healthy, and nearly zero if injured (one assumes an injury would occur after some productive games). At a cap cost of $450K, he's a pure bargain, and he doesn't cost a #2 draft choice as Betts does.

The Skins blew it. This is the first big dumb move by the team this off-season. I don't care if K-J was asking for big money early on. The team has a responsibility to stay in touch with the player and determine if his salary demands have dropped. Even after the Betts drafting, there was enough room on the roster for K-J.

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Ki-Jana has neither the receiving skills that Spurrier would like to have in a back nor was he much of a pass blocker. He'd be solid in a run-oriented offense like Marty Ball but would be limited-- and possibly a liability-- in the Fun-N-Gun. I think we all enjoyed seeing him perform last year after all the adversity he faced, but there really is no place for him on this year's squad. He would have only taken carries away from younger players like Betts that need the reps.

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Agreed Buddha. And with B. Johnson apparently looking pretty sharp during the offseason here, Ki Jana's time had come and gone. sigh. ASF, I'm not sure about the man being worth 2 million a year, especially when "if healthy" is used in the same sentence. Maybe if he has an even better year this year, he could up his price. I wish him well.

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I don't understand where statements like, "I can't believe we let him go" come from.

Carter was a Free Agent. We didn't cut him, we didn't let him go.

We offered him a contract, he declined.

He thought he was worth more and tried to find a better deal somewhere else. He obviously didn't find a better deal in Green Bay than he would have gotten here.

We can't sit on our hands and wait for Free Agents to decide to come back and sign with us. We offer them a contract. If it's the best we have to offer them and they don't take it then we move on. We can't help if they then try to save face by signing somewhere else.

We gave Carter a shot last year, something no other team was willing to do. He played well and instead of signing with us for the vet minimum he went to Green Bay. Bye! Have fun freezing your *** off sitting behind Green.

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It also appeared obvious that Carter would not "reward" DC for giving him a chance last year. He simply made the best of his opportunity, then went on the free agent market to find the most money and enviroment. I think what he realized was that his performance last year, coupled with his injury history, was not enough to get the big starter contract. He signed with Green Bay because he believes they have the best opportunity to make a run at the Super Bowl. Hopefully, we'll see them in January.

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Another typical Penn State running back, a bust. The Skins gave this guy a chance when no other team was interested. He did very well in his limited time. Anyone out there that thinks Carter is a #1 back is crazy. He wouldn't last half a season. He is too brittle. So how does Carter repay the Skins for giving him a chance to resurrect his career? He signs for the vet minimum with Green Bay. It just goes to show you how stupid some of these players can be. I mean, Green Bay???? Who in their right mind would want to play up in that icebox? Carter has to be really stupid if he thinks for one minute he can step into a starting role for the Pack. He'll never hold up in that weather, mark my word. Good luck KiJana, your going to need it!

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Thank you jonjeff.

Some of you guys behave like we cut Barry Sanders.

This guy was completely out of football last year and the system known as marty ball aka chicken sh!t made him look like filet mignon with his limited touches.

This guy could not take the carries of a S Davis, get real.

Unless you expect Danny to overpay for a guy with a career not worth talking about I dont get it.

We dont need a GM to let us know some players need a reality check on their value to the skins and the league.

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KiJana Carter ran for 300 yards last year in a limited role.

He ended up waiting 3.5 months to sign for the same money as a backup running back as he would have in DC.

This was nothing less than a miscalculation by Carter and his agent. Starting dollars weren't going to be there for a guy that hadn' t proven he could carry a starting load.

On the positive side for him, he can sit on a good team and hope he gets a shot if Ahman Green stubs a toe, but overall his position in terms of seeing playing time haven't improved at all.

Both Carter and Coleman were nice players to have. But they weren't going to break this team one way or the other. Coleman's best days are behind him and what has been termed an even up swap of DE's by Jacksonville and Washington wasn't really that at all.

Wynn is 27 and healthy. Coleman is 32 and coming off a subpar season where injuries were a concern.

Carter has never completed a 16 game schedule and is 28, already middle age for a running back.

The Redskins made the correct decision on both players :)

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What Buddja said:

KiJana does not fit SS's system, nor does he fit a backup role to Davis. KiJana does not run within the Redskins present format.

We shall see what transpires at the RB pos:cool:

Now, if only we can shore up the interior OL:doh:

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