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McCune interview on redskins.com

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Originally posted by Kevin B.

Seems humble by the ah shucks stuff but I would have to agree that he's not what I expected.

Doesn't exactly SEEM like the intelligent guy in the middle everyone has been clammoring for.

Well we don't need him to do much public speaking - I think that's Lavar's LB spot. As long as he's got FOOTBALL smarts, he'll do nicely.

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wow some people are just so stupid u think he sucks cuz he sounds bad in an interview wow thats the dumbest thing that i have ever heard in my life. u dont have to be a good speaker in order to knock someone out on the field.

so dumb, he will start by week 9

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And some people need to realize the guy grew up in Alabama. The guy's from the friggin South. You guys are confusing his accent with "smarts". The whole "and, uhmm" thing is part of the dialect.

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Originally posted by TK-IV II I

And some people need to realize the guy grew up in Alabama. The guy's from the friggin South. You guys are confusing his accent with "smarts". The whole "and, uhmm" thing is part of the dialect.


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Well folks, I watched and heard the clip and IMHO he a refreshing breath of fresh air and muscles combined, compared to the likes of TO and all the other "love thyself" types.

I hope this young man stays with us for a long time.

And yea, I like the "Govenator" too :D

The Elder One

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Originally posted by herrmag

Well, let's hope that speech does not equate to football smarts. During the interview played on 980, both Campbell and Rodgers said "you know" about 1,000 times each.

Well I guess that's better than "you know what I'm sayin" :D

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oh Lord, i thought you guys where over reacting but he does sound like a bit of a dunce.. you would excuse him for being country but this is rediculous. with all of the Ahhh's and Umms, please he needs to be banned from the media, this is embarrassing.. but he's still a beast.:doh:

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well the "ahhhhs, and uhmmm"' are really verbal crutches, similar to folks that say like all the time, you know like when you like, and like do this and like, etc.. not so much a "southern dialect"

He may not be a great public speaker or a man of many words, but so long as he is a good character guy, with a great work ethic and attitude..and has football smarts and bust chops who cares.

straight from North Carolina Michael Jordan wasn't that smooth as far as the press was concerened either..but later in life that man became one of the most polished, smooth, charismatic speakers that could handle any question or press person. Some may have it early on and that is a good thing, but others get better with it and learn it over time.

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Originally posted by BruinSkin

I'm sorry did you guys want him to take the MCATS or do you want him to play MLB? Get over it.

Dexter Manley was illiterate, but he was a hell of a football player.

Exactly...I hope he sees the the field regulary.Mans going to be a beast.:point2sky

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Originally posted by TK-IV II I

And some people need to realize the guy grew up in Alabama. The guy's from the friggin South. You guys are confusing his accent with "smarts". The whole "and, uhmm" thing is part of the dialect.

.....that what they kept telling you down there in Roanoke? It is OK TK....we still love you...

Seriously - I'd rather have a guy w/ uhhmmmms and pauses in speech than have a guy that is hangin' in Miami or is so c0ck-sure speaking "Neighborhood English" that I don't understand a word he says. You know....Gangsta NFL......I like McCune's background. I just hope he has all synapses firing.

Granted - I'm one of the whitest people you've ever met....but good lord cut me a little break......I get so lost sometimes. You kids gotta translate that stuff for us old, white curmudgeons. Holler!......oops I mean Holla!

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