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RUMOR: FOXSports, Giants get Pierce


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It doesn't say anywhere that they got Bell, too. If they DO get both, then it's obvious they're going 3-4.

ACTUALLY, now that I think about it, they could play Pierce at OLB. Alot of places have him listed and scouted as an outside backer, so maybe the Giants do too.

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If it happens oh well.....I like Antonio.....but to be honest, I think Greg Williams has alot to do with his success, and I wouldn't be suprised if he struggled in a system that is not suited to his talents.

Fact is Greg Williams has a very fast defensive unit......not an overpowering one......but one built on aggresiveness and speed. The fact is if Pierce goes to a defense that expects him to be an overpowering MLB......he is going to get his clock cleaned.

Similar situation to when Trotter was here and the defense (if you call it that we actually had a defense the second year) wasn't geared towards his strenghts and/or he wasn't used properly......thus causing him to struggle......hell look what he did when he went back to Philly.

Fact is, at this point I think Greg Williams will can take one of our reserves into that position and get near the same results that we got out of Pierce........yeah I would like him to stay, but if he is gone, I will wish him well and not lose sleep over it.

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Well, Congrats on your payday, Pierce. That offer totally dwarfs our initial one ($2 million). The vaGiants finally get out of a little cap trouble and get some money in thier hands and what do they do? They overpay and blow it. I shall not lie, they are getting one hell of a player. As much as I hate to say this, Karma's a b*tch and it came back to get us (Barrow anyone??). Gracias amigo. Hasta la vista, ese.

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It really dissapoints me that SOME of you can't give pftalk any credit.

It's really what football fans like us needed. An independent source, with inside info from agents, players, and FO's.

And by the way, did they "steal" the Moss trade from some other source, even though they had it in writing days before anyone else. They even said it was to the Raiders after Jerry Porter signed, since they thought that would kill the deal. And they ended being dead on. With the terms of the whole deal.

Now, I will admit that agents could very easily be using pftalk right now to drive prices up on players.

But give Florio some credit, he leaves ESPN to report inependently and from what I can tell, for no pay, and does more than not admit when he's wrong about a story.

I felt the same way before, but in past few months, he has been right on. I remember him breaking the Jerry Rice trade nearly a week before it happened.

I hope right now he is being used by agents, but I won't say he is a hack.

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Originally posted by bhayesp

It really dissapoints me that SOME of you can't give pftalk any credit.

It's really what football fans like us needed. An independent source, with inside info from agents, players, and FO's.

And by the way, did they "steal" the Moss trade from some other source, even though they had it in writing days before anyone else. They even said it was to the Raiders after Jerry Porter signed, since they thought that would kill the deal. And they ended being dead on. With the terms of the whole deal.

Now, I will admit that agents could very easily be using pftalk right now to drive prices up on players.

But give Florio some credit, he leaves ESPN to report inependently and from what I can tell, for no pay, and does more than not admit when he's wrong about a story.

I felt the same way before, but in past few months, he has been right on. I remember him breaking the Jerry Rice trade nearly a week before it happened.

I hope right now he is being used by agents, but I won't say he is a hack.

Aight, man. I think we get how you feel about PFT.

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Originally posted by bhayesp

It really dissapoints me that SOME of you can't give pftalk any credit.

It's really what football fans like us needed. An independent source, with inside info from agents, players, and FO's.

And by the way, did they "steal" the Moss trade from some other source, even though they had it in writing days before anyone else. They even said it was to the Raiders after Jerry Porter signed, since they thought that would kill the deal. And they ended being dead on. With the terms of the whole deal.

Now, I will admit that agents could very easily be using pftalk right now to drive prices up on players.

But give Florio some credit, he leaves ESPN to report inependently and from what I can tell, for no pay, and does more than not admit when he's wrong about a story.

I felt the same way before, but in past few months, he has been right on. I remember him breaking the Jerry Rice trade nearly a week before it happened.

I hope right now he is being used by agents, but I won't say he is a hack.

Dude... seriously...

you're starting to creep us out. We get it. You like him. Enough.

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Sorry, to be a dead horse. Just sucks to post something than see people summarily discount it with closed eyes.

I've been coming to these boards for well over a year, but only recently decided to post when I felt strongly enough that I was responding to something close minded or that wasn't factual. I guess I should get used to it, if I'm going to post.

Obviously, I'm a little more than upset to see Pierce stick it to us. Especially, since I live in NY and room with the most ignorant Giants fan.

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Originally posted by bhayesp

It really dissapoints me that SOME of you can't give pftalk any credit.

It's really what football fans like us needed. An independent source, with inside info from agents, players, and FO's.

What's up with this PFT tip riding? You that dude's wife or something?

That site is a straight up joke. Always has been, always will be. They make clowns like Lenny the Hut look like Seymour Hersch.

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