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Redskins, The Reason I became a Boys Fan...


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Here is my story......

Not that you asked, but I thought it might shed some light as to why I detest the Redskins so much.

It all happened back in the early 80's. The Redskins were good-very good, might have even won the super bowl this year, might have been 83, not sure. Don't crucify me on the details, i was only 9 years old.

Anyway, it was a Monday night game. My brother, being the biggest Redskins fan you ever want to meet, had decorated the T.V. and surrounding area with ALL of his Redskins paraphanalia for my Dad(Giants Fan) and Me(don't think i really watched football until this day) to admire. Anyway, I didn't have school the next day so I was allowed to stay up for the enitire game.

Before the game, My brother tried to recruit me to be a Redskins fan so we could double team my dad, but I didn't want to be a pompous *** like my brother and said, "No Way, I bet the Cowboys win this game!" Keep in mind that i was 9 and didn't know jack about football.(I must have reached the age of reason though because I sided with a Great team :) ) Well, the Redskins were big favorites and I knew it would be a long night for me. Especially when the Redskins jumped all over the Cowboys early and my brother would WAIL "Hail To The Redskins" after every score. Well, they Ran the score up like 31-00 if memory serves.

That was also a lot of wailing!

This game was also during the Hay day of the "Fun Bunch" and the "Smurfs". One particular incident during this game that cemented my allegiance with the cowboys forever was after one particular score. The Smurfs gathered in the end zone to do the Group High Five in the end zone for like the 3rd or 4th time. Only problem was, Michael Downs and Everson Walls wanted no part of it. They stood in the middle of the Wr's and didn't let them get the high five off. My brother was beside himself and my dad and I were laughing our asses off!!!!!.

To make a long story short, Danny White led them to a come from behind victory in that game that still has my brother reeling. That fateful night sealed my allegiance to the Dallas Cowboys until the end.

*not all of this post is fact, most of it is off memory. If scores are not accurate, don't crucify me, the gist is what is important.

Just thought you guys would like to know how the Redskins played a part in my allegiance.

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It was 83....opening game at RFK, Skins were coming off winning the Super Bowl the year before. Skins led 23-3 at halftime and lost 31-30. They lost once more in the regular season, also a one point loss on MNF (48-47 to Green Bay).

I think you confused the celebration blockage though. IIRC, that actually occured later that year when the Skins returned to Dallas and beat the Cowboys 31-10 in a week 15 game that had homefiled advantage throughout the playoffs on the line. It may not hae been pretty, but they got that high five off!

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OK Ryskins,

That makes sense to me, I am probably running both games together then in my memory.

I have always tried to think back to when I first became a Cowboys fan and that year was definitely it. Again, I was young and didn't know anything about football.

Thanks for the Correction.

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Well, when I read the title of this post, I thought it was the autobiography of Richard Simmons!

But it looks to me like maybe you became a Cowboys fan because your brother was a jerk?

It's not to late to repent, though. When you come to your senses, we'll be here.

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That is kind of ironic. That was the game that made me first dislike the Cowboys. Honestly, I thought those players were such bad sports when they did that. The fun bunch high fives were a great expression of fun. Really no different than what happens in hockey after every single score in the NHL. In the NhL, the play completely stops and everyone hugs and high fives etc. You rarely see opponents trying to initiate a fight because the other team is happy that they cleanly scored. That was my impression at fourteen anyway and I'll stick with it today. I like when teams celebrate a touchdown or a sack even more than individual dances. I like the unity it talks about. Especially, when that unity extends to the fans. I remember being synced with those high five fun bunchers. It allowed me to celebrate with the team and in a way feel more a part of them. Sorry for the sentimentality.

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It's clear you became a Cowboy fan out of some adolescent rebellion. It's like a teen-ager doing drugs to show his oppressive family he's grown up. It's time to put away the foolish impulses of a child and trade up. Perhaps you will become the next Tom, Giants Fan, who aches to come over from the darkness and into the blinding and yet clearly seen and warm light of Redskin adoration. Welcome young man.

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That was the game when a Rookie Darryl Green caught Tony Dorsett from behind, heck he came from half a field away to catch him. I don't understand how anyone could have watched that play and not become a skins fan.

One of my good friends hated the skins, he was at that game and had bet on the Cowboys, but Green made a believer of him that night and he has rooted for the Burgandy and Gold ever since.

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Ken that was like some gay after-school special.

I don`t want your sorry @ss every cheering for my Skins.

You want to Hear my story,

My parents had season tickets, I went to my first game in my mothers womb.

Now go find some Cowcrack board.

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Originally posted by RySkins

It was 83....opening game at RFK, Skins were coming off winning the Super Bowl the year before. Skins led 23-3 at halftime and lost 31-30. They lost once more in the regular season, also a one point loss on MNF (48-47 to Green Bay).

I think you confused the celebration blockage though. IIRC, that actually occured later that year when the Skins returned to Dallas and beat the Cowboys 31-10 in a week 15 game that had homefiled advantage throughout the playoffs on the line. It may not hae been pretty, but they got that high five off!

Ryskin, that is correct. The Redskins got their revenge in the 2nd game at Dallas, and smacked the Cowboys around in the infamouse, "No Danny, No" game in which Danny White foolishly tried to go for it on 4th and 1 when Tom LAndry merely wanted him to try to draw the Redskins offsides. Ah, golden memories!

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Wow, what a surprise this post was. I was expecting something that began with "Well, it all started when I became an altar boy at...."

Anyway, look at it this way. No matter what indignity you've suffered as a child that has brought you to the rubbish pile of NFL fandom, redemption is just around the corner. You can always change your ways. Go to your local sports store and buy a jersey from a REAL team...the Skins. If you can't handle a real team then I'm sure they at least sell Giants jerseys. But for God's sake man pull yourself up out of the muck!!!!

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