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VERY sad observation: Puts Redskins in a LOWLY, UGLY, cast


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Yal can say what you want with these silly comparisons. Yal pourin some nasty kool-aid that I aint about to drink.

If you look back just one year further then we are easily removed from that group as we were one FG kick away from the NFC championship game (thanks a lot Dan Turk).

But even if you want to ignore that year, look at the number of wins we've had compared to these other teams:


4+6+2+8+7 = 27


9+2+3+5+6 = 25


3+7+5+4+5 = 24


8+8+7+5+5 = 33

We've got a 6, 8, and 9 win advantage over these tems. At least we've been in contention some of these years. Teams like Arizona and Detroit have plain sucked lately. You're talking about us being among these teams as if you can't remember the years of Norv where we'd start off as teh best team in the league and end up just missing the playoffs. Would you rather have that? If we were doing that, would we be any better? I don't really think so. At least now we have a better draft position and can draft the likes of a Sean Taylor.

In this league, there is one winner and 31 losers. so if you don't go all the way, then you've lost that year. So don't give me all these mumbo jumbo statistics that say that one team is more losing than the other.

I mean, when you look at the SB chart of previous years, does that chart say that Dallas was 1-15 in 1990? or that Minnesota was 15-1 in 1999? NO!! It says that Washington beat Denver in 1987's SB. All the rest is just an ego booster to the other teams. The fact that my Redskins faithfuls are falling into this is really making me sad about the state of the game.

REMEMBER: THERE'S NO SECOND PLACE TROPHY (unless you consider having your name listed as the loser a trophy). So over the past few years, we've got just as many SB victories as the Eagles, Cowboys and Giants.

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As much as I despise the Eagles and would love for them to fall in the playoffs, part of me really wouldn't mind them finally winning a Lombardi so a good number of people around here won't have the "empty trophy case" argument to throw around anymore.

One thing that Gibbs did do correctly was take off the Super Bowl rings before the season started. Folks, the memories were great, and we'll always have them, but right now, nobody cares.

Lets concentrate on what it'll take to get the Skins competitive for the playoffs in 2005 rather than how great we were in the 1980s.

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10 of last 12 years we WERE NOT in contention headed into the final week of the season. That's just a fact. Maybe we found ways to win a few more than the other bumbling organizations, but in the end, we DO belong in that group.

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Originally posted by Rejuvenated Canadian Hog

If you can't be positive, optimistic, and hopeful for "next year", then why in the world are people wasting their time watching the sport? There are thousands of other enjoyable and less painful hobbies and activities to pursue in life other than watching football.

Be thankful for the fact that Joe Gibbs is here. Be thankful for the fact that we have won 3 Super Bowls and that our franchise at least has something to hang their hat on........be especially thankful if you were around to experience one or all of the Super Bowl wins for that matter.

There is a time and place for everything, and for everyone. Our number will be called soon.

Some people don't seem to get that fans are able to voice their frustrations. I highly doubt you've stayed 100% positive through the past 5 years, RCH?

We do suck.

And the most frustrating thing is we go out and get all these big names. We have a ton of talent, yet we can't win 8 games. I'd be more...accepting?...if we had a team with no talent and a 20 million dollar payroll or something.

But we have the highest payroll in the league, and i think that makes it more frustrating for us.

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Originally posted by Om

Not all "next year's" are created equal.

Hopefully, once the immediate frustration of the regular season is over, and we can all sit back and watch professionals continue to methodically attack the problem areas, that will slowly become clear, even to the those wedged deepest into the dark corners of gridiron depression.

Walk towards the light, my friends. Or at least look in its direction. Let logic and reason cool the fires of your angst. Oh, a few will surely call you a "homer" or polyanna or worse, but who cares? You'll live longer than them.

And you'll also be the one laughing best ... :)


Relax, the adults are running the show now. Yes, they too will make some mistakes - Brunnel - but they have already done far greater good than a few personnel mishaps - Barrow. It would be really nice if we could unload those 2 for some picks............unlikely I know.

We would probably need a GM for that :doh:

Joe Gibbs + Ron Wolf = Super Bowls! Many, Many Super Bowls!

Hey, one can dream, can't one?

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Another number to add to Blakman's math: 8. That's the number of games we were behind the Eagles this year, which doesn't even include last Monday night's game in which Philadelphia pretty much blew off. We have to overcome that gap just to procure a home playoff game at FedEx.

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That is sad. No way around it.

However, to truly be the Cards or Bengals, you have to be perennial last place finishers in your division. Believe it or not, we haven't finished last in the division since 1995.

Of course, that may change this year. :doh:

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I don't think it's a matter of "being with the Redskins" or not. If any of us were ship-jumpers, we would have bailed out a long time ago. But voicing that you have little hope does not mean you don't care.

I do NOT care one bit what we do this off-season. I really don't. We can lose any of our FA's and sign whoever and draft whoever. I don't care. Because IMO, none of it will ever matter until we see the results on the field. Gibbs and co. can do whatever they want to do-- I'll keep tabs of course, but I won't praise or criticize any moves-- it won't mean squat to me until sometime in early September.

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kleese, sorry, I don't buy it. Been watching your see-saw psyche for a couple years now. :)

You'll be back postin' happy thoughts within a month or two, as FA heats up and the draft approaches, and you join us in watching Joe Gibbs & Co. continue the rebuilding process I KNOW you know is well under way despite losing in the last second to Dallas a few days ago.

Admit it. :)

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I have to believe that we'll be a playoff team eventually and a winning franchise again.

If not....what's the point? If I can't believe that they can win again I'd have to give up football b/c I just can't pick a new team.

No team could replace what I have had as a fan with the Redskins even with the bad times.

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Well.... I'm just sayin' we suck. Read into it what you will, but you can't argue with success and you can't argue with failure. All you guys can make yourselves feel better by calling angry fans "ship-jumpers" and beating your chests with pride, but you can't change the numbers and you can't stop denying that you're supporting a team that cares more about the money than the wins. It's blatantly evident in the front office and it's WAY obvious on the roster.

I'm just not a "yes" man and I do NOT meet repeated disappointment with repeated blind-faith.

Joe Gibbs will have to get ALOT tougher with this squad of modern-day millionaires or nothing is going to change.

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Let me clarify-- when I say "I don't care," what I mean is that I don't have an opinion on specific moves we may or may not make. Clearly, we've had mis-leading off-seasons in the past, and I honestly don't know what I want them to do anymore.

They can do whatever the want. They can draft a guard, center, WR, or DL in the first round, and that's fine with me. They can trade up, trade down, sign Smoot, not sign Smoot-- whatever. I DO trust that Gibbs will do everything in his power to make the team better, but I until I see it on the field, I want buy into any of it. At the same time, I won't panic if we don't sign certain guys--- I'll withold ALL judgement until the games begin.

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I understand your frustration.

I try to find humor in it (somehow) and try to remind myself that Gibbs didn't make the playoffs his first year as a HC in 1981.

Hey, at least the Skins have a trophy case full of Lombardis... Many teams don't even have that to fall back on:doh:

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Originally posted by Om

Not all "next year's" are created equal.

glad you're still optimistic, but for now I have very low expectations...hell, I'll be plesantly surprised if we can put together 4 good quarters of football together against dallas, which I've been angrily waiting for these past several years...Until we start beating dallas again, I will believe none of the talk that comes out of redskins park...

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I thing a second year under Gibbs is going to be better a lot better than a second year under Spurrier, thus will get better next year and I think we are going to be a play offs team, I'm sure Gibbs has learned a lot out of this season and is going to take us to the next level. we all should hope and expect for that because there is nothing else to do but been hopefull and supportive as a good die heart fun that's wath a I thing is going to happen

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Ummm... 4 pages into this thread and no mention that the author of this BS forgot to mention that Cleveland is also in that group who hasn't been to the playoffs over that timespan. :rolleyes:

Anyway, Henry hit it right on the head. We haven't finished in last place since '95 ... so there is no way in hell am I going to lump us in that group yet. And with our current coaching regime, there is no reason to at this point either.

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Originally posted by Om

You wrote this just minutes after the final game?


You are a pessimistic indigenous person indeed.

watch enough losses to the cowgirls, and put up with enough abuse from their crackwagon fans, and soon enough you end up hating life and despising humanity (or, maybe it's just me) anyways, I see NO reason to ever get my hopes up again to have them completely pissed on

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Originally posted by Indigenous_persons

watch enough losses to the cowgirls, and put up with enough abuse from their crackwagon fans, and soon enough you end up hating life and despising humanity (or, maybe it's just me) anyways, I see NO reason to ever get my hopes up again to have them completely pissed on

Yeah, you're right. The world would be a much better place if everyone just walked away from a challenge. :)

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