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Originally posted by cfujskins

Man, I just wish the Eagles Fans would take a page out of Andy Reid's book here.

Other teams fans would need to as well... You think the Skins fans respected the Eagles? Half of them on here had said they had the Skins ahead of them.
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Originally posted by bubba9497

if Westbrook is such a rushing weapon why doesn't the eagle run the ball more?


1. It doens't fit Andy's offense.

2. Keeping the guy fresh for the playoffs. We all remember what happened to our offense when he got injured last year.

Seriously, why would Andy change an offense that averages 30 points a game to get one of his most valuable players, who has had durability problems in the past, the ball MORE when it doesn't even fit into the confines of the offense?

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El Capitan-

You need to stick with what you have- a better overall team. You have all the fuel you need in that concept. To call out Portis is just silly. You know the guy is awesome and I think the fact that you are playing us this week has clouded your judgement. The Redskins have a BAD offense this season so even their best offensive weapon is naturally going to suffer from that. Nobody here would dispute that Philly is THE team in the NFC but spewing silly smack like this is ........ well, silly.

Also- When trolling, you might be most effective in doing it one of two other ways:

1. Waiting until you HAVE a Super Bowl victory under you belt, OR

2. Visiting the message board of a team that, like YOU, has NO Super Bowl victories at all.

(Ouch, zing, zowie. I believe you have some parting gifts backstage.)

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Originally posted by El Capitan

It's an expression by Buddy Ryan. If you average less than 4 YPC you suck. That simple also, I can get 1,000 yards behind the Denver offensive line. (See Mike Anderson, Olandis Gary, and Ruben Droughns)

Just for the record, Portis is averaging 4.0 with a non existent passing game for much of the season, a makeshift OLine, new system, and 8-9 men in the box for most every game. He's already over 1000 yds without Denver's system. Tomlinson is averaging 3.8 so he sucks right?

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Originally posted by cfujskins

*screeching brakes sound*:stop: :stop: WOAH! First of all, Portis already HAS over 1000 yards. Next, He is in a completely new system and He is still showing that he has all-pro talent. Its pretty hard to run free when you have had NO passing game all season long until recently.

Oh, I get it, lets just judge talent on YPC. Thats right cause all these guys are WAY better than Ladanian Tomlinson(who is averaging UNDER 4 YPC):rolleyes:

Don't pay any attention to him, he is just an eagles troll.


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I thought that was a pretty nice thing to say about our boyz...only...wait he is probably BSing, he said nice things about the Pack before this fat slob ran the score up last week...so he could be trying to butter the skins up...with Reid anything is possible...you just never know what he will say...or how many restaurants he will put out of business here in the DC area...he is just so damn erratic.

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Originally posted by Westbrook36

And more total yards than Portis on 100 less touches.

ONE HUNDRED!!! :doh:

Uhhh, you DO know that if you add in receiving back's receiving yards, much less one that is a VITAL part of an explosive passing game, to his rushing yard and then compare that total to the yards of a 25-30 carry running back, you are going to get a lopsided figure, DON'T you?

Gotta try harder than that my man.....

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Originally posted by Westbrook36

Ok, he has 26 more receptions compared to Portis having 125 more carries yet he has MORE YARDAGE.

I honestly don't see how you can spin simple facts. :laugh:

Portis is great but he's not the TOTAL WEAPON in Gibbs offense that Westbrook is in Philly's offense.

It's not spin. The word RUNNING is in the title running back. The word RECEIVER is in the title wide receiver. Nothing is that impressive about a back that catches a ton of passes, especially with somebody like Owens opening up the field for him.

If you're going to argue that Portis is not a total weapon since he doesn't catch, you certainly can't say that Westbrook is a total weapon, since he really can't run the ball.

If I had to choose what my running back was better at, I'd go out on a limb and choose running the ball. That's more important from that position.

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Originally posted by Westbrook36

He can't really run the ball? Hmmm, he's on pace for a 1000 yard season, WITH all those receptions and yards.....and oh yeah, TDs.

The 1000 yard mark in a season is not the benchmark for good year by a running. THis might have been the case 10 years ago, but now even average runners are hitting 1000 yards. I think you have to set the bar at AT LEAST 1300 yards. 1000 yards equates to about 63 yards a game. Not that good if you ask me.

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Ok, Westbrook is average. The passing game is what makes him great. Let's forget that the scoring average goes from 30 ppg to 13 ppg when he's not in the lineup.

Serious, boys, I'm willing to give Portis credit. You mocking probably THE ULTIMATE WEAPON at the RB position not named Ladanaian Tomlinson, in the entire NFL, is a bad showing for your knowledge of the game.

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Originally posted by Westbrook36

Ok, Westbrook is average. The passing game is what makes him great. Let's forget that the scoring average goes from 30 ppg to 13 ppg when he's not in the lineup.

Serious, boys, I'm willing to give Portis credit. You mocking probably THE ULTIMATE WEAPON at the RB position not named Ladanaian Tomlinson, in the entire NFL, is a bad showing for your knowledge of the game.

I don't think that anyone here is doubting that he is a good athlete. He obviously brings another dimension to your team when in the lineup. However to be the "ultimate weapon" like you say he is, he has to excel in both running AND receiving. IMO, there are only two guys that in league that are in this category (Priest and LT).

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Simple logic dictates that when your offense is predicated on the pass, and the pass is effective, the running game will be less of a defensive focal point and therefor be easier to execute.

Westbrook is not the main weapon. He benefits from TO drawing double and triple coverage. So does Todd Pinkston, so does (to a way lesser degree :laugh: ) Freddie Mitchell. Didn't the long snapper at one point catch a TD pass?

Portis, on the other hand, is the main weapon. He faces 8-9 men in the box due to a ineffective passing game on a regular basis. He is the focal point of the defense.

It's really simple logic.

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Sheesh, he does excell at running the ball. He averages close to 5 yards per carry. Andy Reid knows how important he is to the offense so he doesn't needlessly give him tons of carries.

That's what Dorsey Levens is for. Oh yeah, another RB averaging more yards per carry then Portis. :D

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