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My X-mas present to 1 lucky extremer

Walking Deadman

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Merry Christmas!

for this weeks game vs the Eagles I am offering my 2 tickets in my section (sec 404 row 27) to 1 extremer.

I want to go to the game but I don't get off of work in time to get to the game w/o missing most of it.

So one of YOU can go in my presence:

Here's the deal:

The goal of this is to find a Redskins fan on this site that has little or has yet to experience the Redskins live, have a great time (hopefully with a win) and report back to this site.

I'm looking for:

1. A extremer that IS and only IS a Redskins fan (sorry Eagles fans you're not eligible)

2. An extremer that makes regular posts to this site--

3. An extremer that has only been to a few games or never been to a live one.

4. An extremer who will help FedEx get loud on Sunday and root for their team.

After the game (Monday) you need to start a thread talking about the game.

That's it- I will mail the winner (by 1st class mail) the two tickets and I'm not responsible if they get lost in the mail.

Just post a reply on this thread that you're interested.

I'll PM the winner to get your info.

Good luck.

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I have never been to a live game, I am 18 and in college (extremely cheap so I can't buy tickets, might could afford the gas.) I try to make informative posts. I have been a redskin fan since i was little after the 91 super bowl and Darrel Green is my fav player all time. I was voted most school spirit in high school so I'm pretty loud ;) Well if you choose me that'd be really cool, but I won't get my hopes up.

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Hey...I went to one Skins game at RFK the last year they played in it. Darrell Green had a pick for a TD and the Skins beat the Giants - I had the time of my life.

I go to O's games all the time and I'm so frustrated with those fans, who refuse to stand for anyting (except when they play the YMCA, of course). I'd love to be in an environment where the crowd shows an interest for a change.

You can't go wrong, whomever you choose.

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Originally posted by goskins

I should have an answer by tonight.

Keep checking this thread, I want to mail the tickets tommorrow to make sure the winner gets the tickets.

You'd better watch out, you'd better not cry, you'd better not pout I'm telling you why....

Goskins is watching the boards...

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let me clear my throat

ive been to one game this season and unfortunately some jacka$$ drugged my drink and i blacked out for the next 4 hours and was forced to miss all my classes the next day. and it was on my birthday!

so yea i have been to two skins games in my life so i know someone else is more deserving ijust wanted to throw my name out there just in case ;):D good luck everybody and this is really nice of you go skins!

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I've been to like 2 or 3.. 2 of them being 27-0 dallas and the Green Bay game this year..

My brother probably would take me if i got the tickets (;)) He goes by Parlett316 here or the Tony Banks fan whichever you know him by

Either way Cool thing to do man!

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very cool thing to do , i would love to go as well i have never been to a game yet =( but i wouldnt be able to go even if i had tickets , i have a 2 year old girl and a 4 year old boy who i spend my weekends with , and we DO watch much football ! but id rather watch the game with my friends and my 2 small ones until they get older and can go with me to the games ~

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